Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Revive Our Hearts & Renew Our Spirits

Sunday will mark the beginning of revival for our church. The Sunday evening service (May 17th) will begin 6pm. Services being held Monday-Wednesday will begin at 7pm immediately following supper at 6pm. Sunday night will be "Youth Night". Mike Terrwilliger will the guest speaker and the Youth Praise Band from St. George Baptist Church will lead the worship. Please be in prayer that God will revive our hearts and renew our spirits! There will a ham luncheon/youth auction Sunday morning, May 17th.

Our church will be hosting a Memorial Day service on Sunday evening beginning at 6pm. This worship service is dedicated to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. No one ever said that freedom was free. It comes at a price! The evening will begin with a program, followed with food, fun and festivities. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Don't forget to bring your favorite cook-out side dish or dessert and invite someone to join you for an evening of Christian fellowship!

We have so much to be thankful for!

I hope everyone's week is going well. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)
Please come and bring your favorite cook-out side item or dessert and don't forget to invite a friend.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Yes, here we are the day before Mother's Day. I want to send a special mother's day wish out to all the mom's who may be reading this blog. Please know you are a treasured friend. One who has stood by and given your unconditional support and love, even when we didn't deserve it. You nursed when we were sick, wounded and when we felt like there wasn't a friend to be found. Although, I must say I have been truly blessed with a family who loves me, friends who have been there for me through thick and thin and a job that helps keep the bills paid. (although, I am still trying to figure out how to get the mail man to bring checks to my mail box instead of bills). :-)

Remember to take the time, not only on mother's day but every day, to let mom know how much she means to you. She is a gift from God! *Reminder: Muffins for Moms will be held in the fellowship hall at 8am Sunday morning.*

We have several things taking place in and around our church this month. They are as follows:

The XYZ will have their monthly meeting on Friday, May 15th beginning at 6:30. They will be going on a bus tour of North, learning of the history of our town. This should be a treat for all who attend. We all might learn a little something. A meal will be provided and our mayor will be directing the tour.

The children will be traveling to Lexington for a picnic from 11am to 3pm. Parents: if you have a child interested in participating, please see our Minister of Students.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 17th in the fellowship hall. Breakfast will be served at 8am. Children's sermon will take place during the morning worship hour.

The youth will be having a ham luncheon on Sunday, May 17th as well as a youth auction. Come out and show your support for our youth!

We will kick off our spring revival on Sunday, May 17th as well. Sunday night's service will be lead by our youth and is scheduled to begin at 7pm. Evening services for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will begin at 7pm in the sanctuary with meals being provided at 6pm in the fellowship hall. Our guest speaker for the week is Rev. Shane Stutzman from Northside Baptist Church in Orangeburg. Please be in prayer for our revival.

The deadline for our church newsletter is Wed., May 20th.

The youth will have a scavenger hunt on Sat., May 23rd from 5-9pm.

Sunday, May 24th will be the final day for balances due (if any) for summer camp. If you have any questions about this event, please see our Minister of Students.

There will be special service on Sunday, May 31st. This year's graduates will be honored for their hard work and accomplishments. I can remember my graduation day like it was yesterday. It marks the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. Congratulations to all the graduates for a job well done!

I believe that covers everything for now. If I have left anything out, please feel free to email me at nricha4903@hotmail.com. Take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)