Friday, December 30, 2011

A New Year is Upon Us

Greetings everyone! Hope the holidays have been good to you and Santa brought you everything you wanted. It's hard to believe that 2011 will soon draw to a close and a new year will begin. Some believe that the world will end in 2012. We all need to keep in mind that Jesus will return and no one (not even the Mayans) know when His return will take place. It is all merely speculation. Regardless of when anyone thinks His return might be, it is best for us to always be prepared for His return. What a glorious day that will be!

I wanted to take a moment to update you on some things that will be taking place in our church at the start of the new year.

What better way to start off a new year than by celebrating it with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ! The first Sunday of the new year holds observing the Lord's Supper as well as the first Children's Church for 2012 (Explore) for children ages kindergarten to 6th grade. There will be no evening services. The youth will have a New Year's celebration Sunday, Jan. 1st.

Good News Club will restart on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd.

There will be a Deacon's meeting at 7:45am on Sunday, Jan. 8th. There will also be a Youth Committee meeting at 4pm.

Long Range planning committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 10th at 7pm.

XYZ club will have their first meeting of 2012 on Friday, Jan. 13th. at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

The children will be heading out for a skating trip on Saturday, Jan. 14th. Please see our Minister of Students for more information.

There will be a Children's Committee meeting on Sunday, Jan. 15th at 4pm.

Ryan, our Minister of Students, will be attending a conference Thursday, Jan. 26th-Sat., Jan. 28th. Please be in prayer for him and those who will be attending the conference with him that God will speak to them in a mighty and powerful way.

SummerSalt is right around the corner! It will be held the week of June 26th-29th. The cost for this retreat is $220.00. Registration/deposit turn in is Dec. 28th-Feb. 9th. Deposit amount is $50.00. If you need further information, please see our Minister of Students.

I truly hope everyone will have a happy new year! God's peace and blessings to all!

In Christ,

Tina :-)