Tuesday, August 10, 2004


We had another exciting day of worship and praise in the Lord's House last Sunday. Though attendance was a bit down, only 80 in Sunday School, the 'spirit' was there for us as we shared in Sunday School and Worship.
GYM OPEN: please remember that the gym will be open each Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM for basketball [ages 14 and up, including adults.]

PRE-SCHOOL WORSHIP SERVICES: We are planning to start a Preschool Worship Service for our little ones soon. John Mew, our Children's Director, is asking that all who are interested in helping with this new project come to a covered dish luncheon immediately following the services Sunday, Aug 22. Please bring covered dishes, share them with others, and discuss the beginning of this class. Let John know, 247-2711, if you can come.

NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS FOR 6th to 8th graders, starting on September 5th. John Mew will be the lead teacher.
We have started several new Sunday School classes during the past church year, and all seem to be doing very well. Our appreciation to Sarah Wannamaker for her leadership in the Sunday School ministry.

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