Monday, September 27, 2004


Do you know anyone who might be interested in being a bi-vocational music minister, about 20 hours each week, to work in an exciting church with great music potential. We have recently lost our music director due to health problems and really do need someone to take her place. North FBC is a small town First Baptist church, with about 375 members and budget of about $230,000 and room for growth. We are looking for someone who lives close enough to commute back and forth on Wed. and Sundays for the worship services, working about twenty hours or less each week. With adults and youth and choir practice, etc. Someone in the midlands area of SC would be ideal. We have advertized in the Courier and on-line and with the local state colleges and universities, but so far only have had two replies. Perhaps you know of someone you think would be a suitable candidate. Please join with us in prayer that the Lord will send the right person to meet our music needs.

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