Friday, October 15, 2004


Wow, was it cool this AM when I came to the church. Sweater time, and does it feel good? You bet it does. Sure is nice for a change. Of course, we all know that all this is temporary, because in SC, our weather never stays the same for long.
Several things on my mind today, especially the Sunday activities here at our church. First of all, we are having the monthly Men and Boys Breakfast at 8:00 AM, with Rev. Dr. Kimmett Lott, pastor of nearby Providence Baptist Church as our guest speaker. We try to encourage our men and boys to attend regularly, and have different speakers and programs. It is always good to enjoy the fellowship around the breakfast table.
Sunday afternoon, we are hosting the annual Blood Drive for the American Red Cross. Sign-ups have been very slow this year, but we are praying for a good turnout to provide the needed blood for the Red Cross. I would that folks would turn out to give their blood as well as they did Thursday at the Health Center to get the influenza shot. What a crowd, old and young, lined up to receive the injection. I was one of the several hundred that were lined up at 9 AM. And, was very grateful to be able to get it. The wife and I are both in the elderly category, somewhat past 65 years, so we qualifed, but I am afraid that many will not be able to get the protection they need for this flu season. Please pray for those who may wind up with the flu.
OCTOBER FESTIVAL TIME: We are busy getting ready for the Fall Festival this year, which will be held on Sunday night, October 31st, in the Youth Building. John Mew, our Minister of Students and Children has proposed a great program, with lots of food, fun and games. I trust that all our church family, as well as friends in the community, will come and share with us. More details later.
I wanted to thank all those who worked out the moving and setting up of my new office in the church. For sometime I was in with Joan, our ministry assistant, and it was a bit crowded. I know Joan was glad to see me move down the hallway and around the corner to office space of my own. I share this room with the Sunday School and Discipleship Training general officers on Sunday, but during the week, it is all mine alone! So once I get it arranged as I would like it, I will be very happy. Doesn't take much to make an old preacher happy!!
So long for now, I pray for the readers of these ramblings, and trust that you will feel that someone is praying for you..

Monday, October 11, 2004


WHAT A GREAT DAY! The week is starting off in a great show of fall colors and falling leaves. It is difficult to believe that the year is going so fast, and that it is the fall in all its glory. Cooler temperatures early in the morning, bright sunshine showing all the details of the landscape, and a touch of nostalgia to an old timer like me! Growing up in Shelby, NC, I remember how great it was to be a young lad in the fall of the year. Football practice, games on Friday nights,leaving school in the afternoon and walking home with the cool air blowing in my face. And then there was the county fair. We lived for the fair, and got so excited that the night before we couldn't sleep. What a thrill to go to the fair. And all the fall activities at the churches, Halloween festivals, Homecomings, Youth trips, and all the emphasis on the weeks leading up to Christmas. Of course, I am talking about sixty years ago for me, back in the days before young people had all the DisneyLands and Six Flags and such to attend. Now the young person has seen it all, and then some, but for the youngster in the early forties, it was an exciting time to be alive, even though the Second World War was starting and gaining speed over all the world. It is difficult to explain to our young couples and teens today, but in spite of the war, those days really were the best days of our lives.
I spoke to a group of children in church yesterday, and told them that in a few short years from now, they would be saying that the early days of the 21st Century would be the best days of their lives! Especially if they give these days to the Lord and begin now to live for Him.
Back to the present, we had a great day for the Lord on Sunday. We had 99 in Sunday School, and a larger number for the morning worship hour. We celebrated the Lord's Supper, and remembered Jesus as we confessed our sins and failures, and asked Him to use us in a special way in the days to come. Our pastor closed out the day with an in-depth look in Revelation. In the afternoon, Mz. Carolyn and I traveled to nearby Fellowship Baptist Church, where our son, Donnie is pastor, as that church celebrated Homecoming with Dinner on the Grounds. It was good to see all our friends there, and to see our children, granddaughters, and our great grands. There is nothing finer than to fellowship with a group of Christian brothers and sisters.
Lots of things going on at FBC, we are hosting a Red Cross blood drive next Sunday. We also have our monthly Men and Boys breakfast, wtih Rev. Kimmett Lott, pastor of Providence Baptist Church as our guest speaker. More later, God Loves YOU...

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Don't know about you, but I had a great day last Sunday. My youngest son, David, is pastor of the Double Branch Baptist Church in Orangeburg. David was invited to return to a former church in Cross Anchor, SC to preach in the 200th Anniversary, and he asked me to fill in for him in the AM service. We had a great time and the church was filled to overflowing. David is building a great work there, and this makes Daddy very proud. I have preached there several times, and led the Adult Vacation Bible School in the summer. It is a real joy for a pastor/teacher to go to different churches and share the Word of God.
Our pastor, Bro. Larry Shull, added the topping in his evening sermon from Revelation. Do you believe that we are in the last days of God's earthly plan. Signs are on every hand. How exciting it is to see prophecies fulfilled right before our eyes. Come Quickly, Lord Jesus!
Sent most of you a special note today about the Red Cross Blood Drive, which we are hosting on Sunday, October 17 from 1-6 PM. Sign up sheets in the vestibule, or you may call us in the church office, 247-2711 and we will schedule you. We can take two donors per hour. If you drop in, I am sure that you can be worked in. Please pray about this, even if you cannot give, pray that others will be led to give. In my confinement in the hospital with five operations on my knee, I received 5 units of blood, and I appreciate those who gave for me. I needed it..
As I write these notes from time to time, most of the time with my laptop on my lap, I try to picture the faces of those who are on my email list. I want to personally direct these thoughts to you, because are always in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my heart. I pray that our Father will continue to bless you in countless ways.

Time to stop for now, but remember your church and Christian brethren in your prayers.