Friday, October 15, 2004


Wow, was it cool this AM when I came to the church. Sweater time, and does it feel good? You bet it does. Sure is nice for a change. Of course, we all know that all this is temporary, because in SC, our weather never stays the same for long.
Several things on my mind today, especially the Sunday activities here at our church. First of all, we are having the monthly Men and Boys Breakfast at 8:00 AM, with Rev. Dr. Kimmett Lott, pastor of nearby Providence Baptist Church as our guest speaker. We try to encourage our men and boys to attend regularly, and have different speakers and programs. It is always good to enjoy the fellowship around the breakfast table.
Sunday afternoon, we are hosting the annual Blood Drive for the American Red Cross. Sign-ups have been very slow this year, but we are praying for a good turnout to provide the needed blood for the Red Cross. I would that folks would turn out to give their blood as well as they did Thursday at the Health Center to get the influenza shot. What a crowd, old and young, lined up to receive the injection. I was one of the several hundred that were lined up at 9 AM. And, was very grateful to be able to get it. The wife and I are both in the elderly category, somewhat past 65 years, so we qualifed, but I am afraid that many will not be able to get the protection they need for this flu season. Please pray for those who may wind up with the flu.
OCTOBER FESTIVAL TIME: We are busy getting ready for the Fall Festival this year, which will be held on Sunday night, October 31st, in the Youth Building. John Mew, our Minister of Students and Children has proposed a great program, with lots of food, fun and games. I trust that all our church family, as well as friends in the community, will come and share with us. More details later.
I wanted to thank all those who worked out the moving and setting up of my new office in the church. For sometime I was in with Joan, our ministry assistant, and it was a bit crowded. I know Joan was glad to see me move down the hallway and around the corner to office space of my own. I share this room with the Sunday School and Discipleship Training general officers on Sunday, but during the week, it is all mine alone! So once I get it arranged as I would like it, I will be very happy. Doesn't take much to make an old preacher happy!!
So long for now, I pray for the readers of these ramblings, and trust that you will feel that someone is praying for you..

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