Wednesday, December 15, 2004


There is a movement across the land to remove Christmas from the Christmas season! Did you ever notice in the newspapers that Merry Christmas is seldom mentioned, but Happy Holidays and some such is replacing it? A few years ago, we all complained that XMas was leaving Christ out of Christmas, but what is our society doing now, but changing totally the Christmas season. No longer do we have Christmas trees, Christmas joy, Christmas presents, Christmas programs; no, now we have rules and regulations that limit the Christ in Christmas, and we Christians are supposed to calmly agree because after all, it might offend someone if we say Merry Christmas to them. Well, let's make a promise to say Merry Christmas as often as we can during this Christmas Season, when we celebrate the birth of Christ our Savior, and enjoy Christmas activities, parties, dinners, programs, presents, and all normal expressions of Christmas! So here I say: MERRY CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS! We thank God for CHRISTmas!!
We are still in the process of seeking a minister of music and youth, and have several good resumes which our personnel committee is evaluating. Of course, we are dealing with them one at a time, and will have as a guest in January a young man from Kentucky who will come and share with the committee and the church family. He will arrive on January 7 and spend the weekend with us. His name is Stephen W. Sims, and he is coming from Bardstown, KY. So please pray for our church as we seek God's man for our church. Stephen is single, and a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is experienced in music and youth/children ministries.
Our schedule for this week includes the monthly men and boys breakfast on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 8:00 AM. Rev. Benjamin Smoak, the co-pastor of Calvary Baptist Church will be the guest speaker. All our men and boys are urged to attend.
On Sunday night, our Adult Choir will present the Christmas Music Program to the church family and friends. Program will start at 7:00 PM.
And, next Wednesday night, Dec. 22, at 7:00 PM, we will have our Christmas Covered Dish Supper for the church family and friends. Church families are urged to bring well filled covered dishes which we might share around the tables. Christmas is a time of good eats, and diets go by the board. We can always start back on our diet after the first of January, 2005, can't we? That's about it for this time, don't forget to do at least two things:

1. Say Merry Christmas as often as you can.
2. Always pray in the name of Jesus.

Love you all, IN Christ.... drr

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