Thursday, February 03, 2005


My dear church family, and friends of the church that are interested in what is going on in the lovely little town of North, SC, and of what might be happening in the First Baptist Church. All things are well, and the biggest difficulty the past weekend was the icy cold weather, and today, the rain is falling. A good day to stay home and enjoy the warmth and comforts of life.
Church services on Sunday were great, but lots of folks couldn't make it due to the ice and cold. I did have a good group in the Sunday Morning Seminary Class, and also had 16 in the Discipleship Training Class on Sunday evening, for which I am very grateful. In both classes we just discuss the Bible verses, and have a good time listening to others ideas and opinions. Very informal. I do appreciate the fellowship I have enjoyed as I have tried to teach the Word of God to different groups in the church. And even though Bro. Larry, our pastor, and I do not confer on sermons or lessons, it seems as if what I teach in classes, he confirms in sermon, and vice-versa. I do really believe the Lord has something exciting coming along for not only this church, but for all churches who believe in, and teach, the precious Word of God.
Our Faith Cometh By Hearing Bible listening program is about to get off the ground. The tapes of the New Testament are in the hands of the committed, and starting on Valentine's Day, we will be listening to the New Testament for 28 minutes each day. One of our ladies who drives 30 minutes to and 30 minutes back from work plans on doubling up her listening pleasure, which I promised her would bless her very much. This is a private commitment between the listener and the Lord.
Our search for a minister of music and youth has slowed down. I have several letters out to prospects, but have not had any reply from them yet. I have sent them complete information regarding the position, and the salary and benefits compensation plan, and should be hearing from someone soon. Continue to pray is my request for you, and let me know if you hear of someone who can do the combined job of Music leader and Youth/Children minister.
So for now, let me sign off by using two terms used by ham radio operators when they finish a contact, such as 73, which means best regards, and 88's, which means love and kisses. And, of course, my favorite term is "God loves you, and so do I."

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