Thursday, March 17, 2005


Good morning dear readers, church members and friends,
I trust that the Lord is blessing you in every way these days, and that you are being faithful to Him and to His church each week.

We are still in the hunt for a minister of music and youth for our church, and are having a difficult time of it. We have received a number of applications, but none has worked out. I think that some of the resumes are old, because when we contact the applicant, they have already taken a new position with another church. But, we are keeping on, and trust that you will be much in prayer for FBC North in the staff search. We are also looking for a summer intern for our children and youth, someone to come and lead them for the two months of summer activities.

We have been busy these past few weeks working on the new church directory. Now we are in the process of getting all out snapshots organized and ready for the publisher. I believe that we will have a great directory with lots of pictures, with each family picture included, and the roster of names and addresses. And, since the directory will be loose leaf, we can add additional pages as the days go by to keep it current.

I am still trying to figure out this blogging business! I have downloaded a new program which will allow me to include photos in these pages, but am not exactly sure yet how to use it. So, one of these days, we will possibly have a picture of the church and of some of the members who don't mind being on the WWW. The new photo program is Picasso, and I recommend it highly for the novice like me. It seems to be user friendly, and I have installed it on all my computers and now here on this computer in my office. With a good color printer and photo quality paper, I have been able to print great pictures. The editing features are easy to use.

Another new program I am trying is the Opera web browser. I really do like it, it is faster in Internet Explorer, smaller in size, and has lots of neat features. It is a free download, and will, I think, replace IE on my computers. The free version has some limited amounts of ads, but the purchased one is clean. It also will block all popups very effectively. Try it at and see what you think. You can always remove it.

Our church activities include the monthly Men and Boys breakfast next Sunday morning, March 20th at 8:00AM. Rev. Ashton Feagin, pastor of the nearby North PH church will be our guest speaker.

We are looking forward to Easter Sunday, March 27th, and will have the annual Sunrise Service here at our church at 7:00 AM that morning, followed by breakfast, and then Sunday School at 9:00 AM, and the worship service at 10:00 AM. There will be NO EVENING SERVICES ON EASTER SUNDAY so that families may enjoy the afternoon and evening together.

Our commitment to Listening Through the New Testament ends on Easter Sunday, with the final tape of Revelation. We have had 45 persons who have agreed to do this, and all reports are that they have all been very blessed. Soon we will do this for the Old Testament tapes.

Guess that is about all for the moment, please remember us here at the church office in your prayers each day. We all have been having some physical difficulties for which we need your prayerful intervention.

God bless you all,
Bro. Don

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