Friday, July 01, 2005


WOW! Is it really the weekend of July 4th already? What happened to the spring? Now we are here in the hot summer days and anxiously looking ahead to the cooler days of fall. Are we ever satisfied with the weather?

Well, we finished VBS with a good turnout, and now we are looking into the summer activities for our youth and children, and a continuing program for our church family. As I mentioned in the last post, we are in the process of interviewing a prospective minister of music, and are praying that the Lord will send us the right person soon.

We have been having some great discussions in both the Sunday Morning Seminary class which I lead during the Sunday School hour, and also in the Adult Discipleship Training Class which we have on Sunday nights at 6:00PM. Both classes are discussion type programs, and we really teach one another. We have covered all areas such as other denominational beliefs, what we believe as Southern Baptists, the end time prophecies, the rapture, Spiritual Warfare, and on and on. We are especially interested now in the creation account in the Bible, as opposed to the worldly view of evolution. I have been praying that the Lord will lead some of our church members who are not coming to Sunday School of Discipleship Training to come in and join with us, and perhaps we will see some new folks coming in from time to time.

We are living in exciting days! There seems to me to be a sense of impending activity in the spiritual realm, an excitement that the day of the Lord is drawing closer and closer. We can study the Scriptures and make a pretty good case that the Lord is coming soon. I am waiting for the rapture of the church with great anticipation. Looking for that "Blessed Hope." How about you? Are you Ready??

The proof copy of the Church Pictorial Directory is in, and I am asking several of our church family to come, take a look at it, and help correct the inevitable errors and typos that are there. Come by the church office and either Joan or I will show you the book and let you eyeball it. As soon as we finish the corrections and mail it back, the finished directory will be sent to us.I believe that it will be a real treasure and keepsake for our church members, and a historical document as well. The directory is in a loose-leaf notebook format, and we will be adding pages from time to time in order to keep it fairly current.

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