Hello everyone. I trust that everyone is having a wonderfully blessed week. My week has been going by quite well. I reconnected with an old friend yesterday and we had lunch today. It was certainly good to visit with her. God brings people into our lives for various reasons and He has certainly blessed me with some awesome friends. I don't know what I would do without them. What makes it even better is rekindling those old friendships. For them, I am truly thankful!
As for the activities in and around our church, I think you will find there is something for everyone.
Youth Community Service day is Saturday, March 4th. Our youth will be in town collecting donations for Hurricane Katrina victims. Items they will be collecting are sweatshirts, blankets, canned food, teddy bears, and hygiene products. We are so fortunate to have been spared from such an ordeal, and as Christians we need to reach out to those that are need. We must share some of that glorious feeling that we get from knowing Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Please keep our youth in your prayers that this endeavor will be a success!
Also the Youth & Children's committees will be meeting this Sunday, March 5th. Children's committee will meet at 3:30 and youth committee will meet at 4pm. Our youth and children's leader is doing a fabulous job and continuously needs our prayers. Tis not an easy job when dealing with young people and it takes a special person to fill that need. Keep up the good work!
It has also been brought to my attention that the XYZ will be meeting on Friday, March 10th. If you are involved in the XYZ or know of someone who enjoy this time of fellowship, please let them know. They are asking those who are planning on attending to bring a covered dish with them for everyone to enjoy!
Don't forget about the Gardening sessions that are being held the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month at 2pm. All sessions are free and open to the public!
First Place begins Monday, March 6th from 6:30 to 8pm. In these sessions, you will learn how scripture, exercise and healthy eating habits will help make you a new creature! Please be sure to sign up in the vestibule of the church.
Men, don't forget about Men's prayer group every Friday. Depending on the weather, each prayer time will either be held in the prayer garden inside the church. Prayer group time is at 7am.
Choir practice is every Sunday immediately following the evening worship service. Would love to have those of you who wish to participate join us in praising the Lord in song!
Remember that the times for evening services will soon be changing. I will keep you informed as to when the change occurs.
I believe that about covers all I have for now. Be sure to get outside some this week and enjoy this beautiful weather we have been blessed with. It certainly is giving me a good case of spring fever. Spring and fall are my favorite times of year. I like the summer too, but with spring and fall the weather is just right! Not too hot and not too cold.
I will close for now, but until next time, keep on pressing toward the kingdom of God.
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Also, let's remember those in who are in need in our prayers. We never know when we might be the one in need!
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Thursday, March 02, 2006