Sunday, April 30, 2006

Morning Revival Service

Good afternoon. For those that weren't able to be in the morning revival service, I hope we will see you there tonight. You missed a wonderful service. This morning's message was on "The Lostness of Man". Man indeed is lost. We can be saved and still be lost. As Christians, it is important for us to strive each and every day to be the person that God wants us to be. It is a hard task if we try to do it alone. But if we look to God for His wisdom and grace, it will make the journey so much easier and the load that much lighter. I don't profess to be perfect by any means. I certainly have a long way to go myself. I know I am a sinner and I am thankful that I have a risen Saviour who loves me.

I encourage you to join us this evening. Come and bring a friend. The evening service starts at 6pm tonight. Services Monday-Wednesday will begain at 7pm. There will be a meal on Wednesday night at 6pm in the fellowship hall. Let's strive to make this a revival we will remember for a long time to come.

If you are in the choir, please meet in the choir room at 5:50 tonight.

I hope to see you there!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Revive Us Again!

Good Saturday morning to each of you. I hope you had a blessed week. Our church is getting ready for our spring revival starting tomorrow morning. Our guest speaker will be the pastor from Congaree Baptist Church. We are looking forward to having him come and speak to us. I encourage each of us to try and be there as many nights as we can. Come and bring a friend. The services will be 11am Sun., 6pm Sun. evening and Monday-Wednesday at 7pm. There will be a supper on Wed. night at 6pm. We are sure to blessed!

Don't forget: the youth are having a car wash at Best Auto Sales this morning. It will run until 1pm. So come on out and bring your car and let the youth spiff it up in time for revival tomorrow! Our young people mean so much to us and we need to encourage them in every positive way we can. Come on out and show your support!

Youth and Children's committee meetings will be held Sunday, May 7th. The children's committee will meet at 4:00 and the youth committee will meet at 4:30.

Children will have gym time next Saturday, May 6th from 2-5pm. Remember to mark it on your calendar! If you know of a young person(s) that are in need of a church home, encourage them to come and join us and allow God to speak to them through us.

This is also the time of year to remember our mother's and all they have done for us. Not only is Mother's Day next month, but it will also be a time to recognize our graduates. Graduation is a big stepping stone in a person's life. I remember when I graduated from both high school and college. I was excited and nervous at the same time. It brings on new and challenging experiences. So let's remember not only our graduates, but the proud and loving mother's of each and everyone of them and what they all mean to us!

Things will certainly pick up even more with summer right around the corner. Let's be much in prayer for all of the upcoming activities and that God will touch us as only He can. We also need to remember the nominating committee as they prepare to search for willing folks to fill positions on various committees.

I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. Also, choir members don't forget.....our faithful choir director has asked that we attend revival services as many nights as we can so we can be fill the choir loft. If you are wishing to join the choir, we would love to have you! Choir practice is at 7pm immediately following the evening worship service. Come and make a joyful noise. There's always room for more!!

Take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Upcoming Events

Happy Sunday morning to each of you! Hope you are having a good weekend. We have lots of upcoming activities to look forward to in our church. You'll want to be sure to be there!!

First off, the youth will be having a car wash Saturday, April 29th at Best Auto Sales from 9am-1pm. Come out and help support our youth!

Revival services will begin Sunday, April 30th with a service at 11am and one at 6pm. Monday through Wednesday services will begin at 7pm. If you know of someone who is looking for a church to call home, invite them to attend our revival services. It is sure to be a blessing!

Vacation Bible School is on it's way. Our ever faithful VBS director is looking for willing volunteers to help teach, etc. If you are interested, please contact her as soon as possible!

Remember to keep our nominating committee in your prayers. They will begin their search for people willing to serve on various committees. Allow God to speak to you and find the right place to serve Him in our church. Every position is important and there is a place for everyone! It is never an easy job to find the right person(s) for the job, but when we are working for God's glory the task will become easy!

I must say that the church was quite beautiful last Sunday with all the Easter lilies. Now, I am not trying to be biased by any means, but I feel that we indeed have been blessed with the beautiful sanctuary that we have. I feel it is even more beautiful when the Easter lilies and poinsettas adorn it. Absolutely wonderful!!

Men: don't forget Prayer garden on Friday at 7am. I encourage you to come and join this group if you haven't already. You will be blessed!

That's about all I have for now. Take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Blessings

Happy Easter to each of you. I hope you had a blessed day today with friends and family. Tis a wonderful time to reflect and remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. We have so much to be thankful for. I know I am blessed many times over with the wonderful church family of which I am proud to be a part of, the loving family I have at home as well as the terrific friends God has so graciously placed in my life. I don't know where I would be without any one of them. Most of all I don't know where I would be without the annointing love of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that He gave His life for our sins that we might live in Heaven with Him for all eternity.

This morning's service was indeed a blessing. It was good to look out and see many of our church family in attendance today as well as those who were visiting. I find myself often wishing I could be in the choir and sitting in the congregation to get the full effect of everything. One thing is for sure, if you ever think you are missing out on something by not being in one place or another rather than where you are, you are truly missing out on a grand experience just being where God puts you in the first place! I love being a part of our choir and encourage those that might be contemplating to come and join us as well. You surely will be blessed.

Will post more later on the upcoming events around our church. For now, enjoy the rest of your Easter Sunday and God bless!

My love to each of you!

Tina :-)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday!

Good Friday to each of you. I hope you had a terrific week. Easter is almost here. In 2 days we will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior!! Amen! In light of that, please remember to come and be a part of the Community Easter Sunrise Service being held this Sunday (April 16th) at North Pentecostal Holiness Church at 7am. Breakfast will immediately follow in the NPHC Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited to attend! Come and bring a friend or two! Our beloved pastor will be the guest speaker.

Our activities for Easter morning will be as follows: Sunday School at 9am and Worship at 10am. The adult choir has a special song for this glorious morning. You don't want to miss any of the acitivites that will be taking place on this special day. There will be no evening services.

The children will be having an Easter egg hunt Saturday, April 15th from 2-5pm. All children are invited to attend.

Our youth will be working very hard on Saturday, April 29th at a car wash they will be having at Best Auto Sales from 9am-1pm. Come on out and help support our young people!!

Remember First Place on Monday evenings. Weigh-in is at 6:30 and sessions begin at 7pm.

Revival services will begin Sunday, April 30th with a morning service at 11am and an evening service at 6pm. Services Monday-Wednesday will begin at 7pm. Everyone is invited.

I hope each of you will have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Hope to see you Sunday at our Easter services. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! :-)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Glory to God!!

Hello to everyone. I hope you are having a good week so far (even though it has just begun). I wanted to take a minute to give you a quick update on some things that will be happening this week and in the coming weeks.

First and foremost, if you missed last night's performance of "Behold the Darkness" by the adult choir, I wish you had been there. I don't say that because I am in the choir, it truly was a grand experience. We need to remember and remind others of what Christ did for us all so many years ago. Our Sunday School class has been watching "The Passion of the Christ" and everything that we have been talking about in that class as well as last night's performance are leading up to the miraculous resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

In other news, there will be an Easter egg hunt this Saturday, April 15th for ALL children from 2-5pm. If you would like to donate eggs and snacks, they will be greatly appreciated!

The youth will be having a car wash at Best Auto Sales on Sat., April 29th from 9am-1pm. Be sure to stop by and put our youth to work!

The Easter sunrise service will be at North Pentecostal Holiness Church Sun., April 16th at 7am. Breakfast will be immediately after the service in the NPHC fellowship hall. Our beloved pastor will be speaking. Sunday morning services at our church will begin with Sunday School at 9am and worship at 10am. There will be no evening services. Be sure to mark your calendars!

The church office will be closed Friday, April 14th in observance of Good Friday.

Remember that Gardening sessions have been suspended until further notice.

Revival services will begin Sunday, April 30th at 11am and 6pm. Monday-Wednesday services will begin at 7pm. Come and bring a friend!

Next month, the ladies of the church have been invited to attend the Men's breakfast Sunday, May 21st at 8am. There will be a guest speaker from the North United Methodist church! Will be an exciting time for both men and ladies! Make plans to be in attendance that day!!

As always let's remember those who are sick or bereaved, etc. When there is nothing else you can physically do for someone, you can certainly always pray for them!

I hope you each have a blessed week and will see you on Sunday. The adult choir has a special song planned for this grand day. You don't want to miss it!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Happy Wednesday!

Hello! Hope everyone is having a great week. I have a few updates on some things happening in our church.

First and foremost, I am sad to announce that the Gardening sessions have been suspended until further notice. The leader of this class is not able to continue sessions at this time due to health reasons. Please keep him in your prayers. God has blessed him with the ability to share his knowledge of gardening and I hope he will be able to resume the sessions soon.

Youth: remember the gym will be open Sat., April 8th from 7-10pm. Come on out and bring a friend!

There will be an Easter egg hunt on Sat., April 15th for all children from 2-5pm. It is sure to be a fun time! Donations of eggs and snacks will be greatly appreciated.

Don't forget to place your order for Easter lilies. The cost is $12.00. Please place your order form in the offertory plate. The last day to submit orders will be Sun., April 10th. Make sure to include the name of the person(s) placing the order as well as the name(s) of the person(s) the flower(s) are in honor/memory of. Flowers will be placed in the church prior to Easter Sunday and can be taken home following the Easter Sunday morning service.

Women On Mission (WOM) will be meeting the third Wednesday of this month at 7pm. All ladies are invited to attend.

Choir: If you are a member of the choir, please remember that there will be 2 special practices this weekend in order to prepare for the program Sunday night (April 9th). Practice starts on Sat., April 8th at 7pm. We will meet in the sanctuary. There will also be a practice Sunday afternoon in the sanctuary at 4pm. The cantata starts at 6pm. Everyone is invited to attend. Bring a friend to hear the story of how Jesus died to save us from our sins. The title for the cantata is "Behold the Darkness". You don't want to miss it!!

Please continue to pray for those in need. God knows our needs before we do and we certainly don't know when we will be the person in need of prayer.

That about covers all I have for now. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.

What a mighty God we serve!!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

News! News! News!

Good evening to all of you! I trust that you each had a wonderful Sunday. The weather certainly has been beautiful the past few days. I am so glad to see the sun shining and hear the birds singing. We have so much to be thankful for!

I just wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some recent events in our church. A special conference was called tonight to discuss whether to change the times back to their regular times on Sunday evenings (Discipleship Training @ 6pm and Worship @ 7pm). The vote was unanimous. The times will stay the way they are now (DT @ 5pm; worship @ 6pm and choir practice @ 7pm). Please make note of these so you won't miss any of the services, etc. that take place on Sunday nights!

In other news, we are looking forward to the cantata the adult choir has been working on. I encourage you to come out and bring a friend or two. We will be taking a somber look at the journey to the cross. It still amazes me how God can love us so much to send his Son to die on the cross for us (what bountiful love he has for each of us to have suffered and died the way he did)! The cantata will take place Sunday, April 9th at 6pm. (**Note: if you are in the choir, please make note to be at practice Sat., April 8th at 7pm and again on Sun., April 9th at 4pm. Attire will be all black (long-sleeve shirts and pants or black dresses) for the presentation!). Make plans to be in attendance!!

We are also preparing for our spring revival. Services will begin Sunday, April 30th and will end Tues., May 2nd. The pastor from Conagree Baptist Church will be our guest speaker! Hope to see you there!

Gardening Sessions: The session for Mon., April 3rd has been cancelled. The leader of the sessions is not feeling well and will not be able to conduct the session as planned. I pray that he will be feeling better soon!

There will be an XYZ meeting Friday, April 7th @ 7pm. I understand this group always has a lot of fun! Make plans to join them if you are interested in being part of a fun, God-loving group! They'd love to see you there!!

The gym will be open for the youth on Sat., April 8th from 7-10pm.

There will be an Easter egg hunt Sat., April 15th for all children from 2-5pm. Donations of eggs, snacks, etc. will be greatly appreciated!

Also, don't forget about First Place on Monday evenings. Weigh-in is at 6:30 and the sessions start at 7pm. All are invited to attend.

I would just like to say a special thank you to all who make our church run smooth! It takes everyone doing his/her part in God's kingdom for things to get done. There are so many people doing little things that make it all happen. Without them, it just wouldn't be the same! Thank you again and God bless!

I hope each of you will have a wonderful week. Remember to keep our military, those in positions of leadership, sick, bereaved, etc. in your prayers. We truly never know when we will be the person in need. Take care and bye for now!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)