Hello! Hope everyone is having a great week. I have a few updates on some things happening in our church.
First and foremost, I am sad to announce that the Gardening sessions have been suspended until further notice. The leader of this class is not able to continue sessions at this time due to health reasons. Please keep him in your prayers. God has blessed him with the ability to share his knowledge of gardening and I hope he will be able to resume the sessions soon.
Youth: remember the gym will be open Sat., April 8th from 7-10pm. Come on out and bring a friend!
There will be an Easter egg hunt on Sat., April 15th for all children from 2-5pm. It is sure to be a fun time! Donations of eggs and snacks will be greatly appreciated.
Don't forget to place your order for Easter lilies. The cost is $12.00. Please place your order form in the offertory plate. The last day to submit orders will be Sun., April 10th. Make sure to include the name of the person(s) placing the order as well as the name(s) of the person(s) the flower(s) are in honor/memory of. Flowers will be placed in the church prior to Easter Sunday and can be taken home following the Easter Sunday morning service.
Women On Mission (WOM) will be meeting the third Wednesday of this month at 7pm. All ladies are invited to attend.
Choir: If you are a member of the choir, please remember that there will be 2 special practices this weekend in order to prepare for the program Sunday night (April 9th). Practice starts on Sat., April 8th at 7pm. We will meet in the sanctuary. There will also be a practice Sunday afternoon in the sanctuary at 4pm. The cantata starts at 6pm. Everyone is invited to attend. Bring a friend to hear the story of how Jesus died to save us from our sins. The title for the cantata is "Behold the Darkness". You don't want to miss it!!
Please continue to pray for those in need. God knows our needs before we do and we certainly don't know when we will be the person in need of prayer.
That about covers all I have for now. Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.
What a mighty God we serve!!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006