It's not about you. That seems to be the topic as of late. When you ponder that statement and really (and I mean really) begin to think of it in a totally different light, you realize that it is NOT about you. It's about a higher purpose. Something that is bigger than any of us. We all live such consuming lives. It is very easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life. We have to remember, as Christians, to stay focused on the ultimate goal and the rewards to be reaped in the end. We all have a purpose in life.
That brings me to the topic our Sunday School class, the Truthseekers, is currently studying. We are reading 4 chapters each week of "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. I am enjoying the reading and the discussions immensely. The first statement in the book is "It isn't about you." I have heard this statment many times over the past week, and indeed it isn't about me or you. Now, this statement can be taken many, many ways. But the ultimate way for it to be taken goes back to my earlier statement..."It's about a higher purpose and God's intent for our lives." We all have to really look at our lives and ask "are we where God wants us to be" or "are we where we want to be?".
This also brings up some of the things the guest speaker at the Men's breakfast mentioned yesterday morning. I am so glad I went to hear her speak. It really touched me. So much of what she had to say reminded me of things in my life I am currently dealing with. The "busy"ness of life. Are we busy doing the things that God would have us to do, or are we busy doing the things we think we are supposed to be doing and missing out on a greater lesson? Often times we find ourselves too busy to take a few minutes to call that person we have been meaning to call or to go and visit that person(s) we have been meaning to visit for a while now. We have to learn to stop and smell the roses and grasp every opportunity that is put in front of us. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, all we can do is live for today.
I also stepped outside of the box yesterday and went to hear the Mass choir at St. Mark's United Methodist Church perform. I was so blessed by this experience. My neighbor invited me to attend and I am glad I went. They were awesome. I felt that the roof of the church was going to be lifted off of it at any moment. That's how we should be as Christians. Overflowing with love and praise for our Lord Jesus and all that He has done for us. We should spread His love to everyone and have His light shining through us so that we "explode" with love for everyone. The best witness we have is to be an example of Christian love to our fellow man/woman. If they don't see Christ through us in our example, we have failed an important test.
We have to walk the walk and talk the talk.
I encourage each of us to "be all we can be". We are part of a grand family, the family of God. I am glad to be a part of that family and I know you are too!
Here are some happenings in our church this week:
We have several young people who graduated or will be graduating this year. My hat is off to each of you for striving forward and I urge you to keep up the good work! This is but a stepping stone in your life and will be one of many. Grasp it and continue to press on towards the goal God has placed before you! Congratulations and best wishes to each of you! You deserve it!!
Youth worship services began last night at 6:30 in the gym. If you are a young person looking for a church home, we would love to have you join us. If you are already part of our youth group and know of someone who is looking for a church home, I encourage you to invite him or her. Everyone is welcome in God's house!
The $25.00 deposit for AtlantaFest is due next Sunday. Don't forget!!
Children's summer kick-off party is next Saturday, June 3rd from 1-4pm. Flyers were mailed out last week. If you have any questions, please contact our children's and youth leader for more details.
Rising 4th, 5th and 6th graders: if you are looking for an adventure, look no further. Camp at White Oak will be coming soon. A deposit of $25.00 is needed if you would like to attend.
Yesterday was the last day for permission slips and money to be turned in for the "Secret Power" seminar for teen girls. A deposit of $35.00 was needed.
If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events for children or youth, please contact our youth and children's leader. She is happy to assist you!!
God's Kids will be presenting their spring musical. It's entitled "I am a Promise" and will portray a message of obedience. This presentation will be next Sunday, May 28th at 6pm. Come and join us and bring a friend!
Please keep our sick, bereaved, our missionaries, world leaders and troops in your prayers.
I hope each of you will have a blessed week. Take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Monday, May 22, 2006