Good Saturday afternoon to each of you. I hope that your week went well. Tomorrow will be the first day for our new pastor. We will have a pounding and covered dish lunch immediately following the morning service. I encourage each you to come out and enjoy us in this time of food, fellowship and join us in welcoming our new pastor and his family. Hope to see you there!
The youth are preparing for their 30 hour famine on July 29-30. They will start at 6am on the 29th after a trip to IHOP that morning. There will be some events going on that weekend for the church. I will post them here once I have all the details. Please remember to keep all the youth in your prayers as they close in on this coming weekend. This is an important step in their Christian walk and I know they will be blessed.
Secret Power seminar will be held Monday, July 24th through Wednesday, July 26th. Please see our youth and children's leader for more details.
First Place is being held on Monday nights. Weigh-in is at 6:30pm and the meeting starts at 7pm.
Please remember to contact the church office when name(s) need to be added or removed from the church prayer list. Your help is greatly appreciated in keeping this information as current as possible. If no one answers, please leave a message!
Also, let's continue to remember those that are in our military, serving in positions of leadership in our country and those that are in need right here in our own community in our prayers. God does answer prayer!
I hope your Saturday is as wonderful as can be and I hope to see you tomorrow at church!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
P.S. As always, if there is something you would like to have posted on the blog to share with others, please let me know. Am always glad to do so! :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.