Well, it looks like another tropical storm is headed our way. I pray that God will keep us safe and secure. It always strikes me as being funny when weathermen/women give the percentage of rain, etc. To me, it always has a 50/50 chance. I understand the reasoning behind the madness, but it is just funny. We always seem to try and predict what God is going to do, when we would be a lot better off just trusting in Him to do as He promises. People have a tendency to forget that God is in control. Always has been and always will be. When we doubt in His ability, it is almost like saying we doubt what Christ did for us on the cross. Everything happens for a reason according to God's perfect will. We don't have to agree or disagree with it, we just need to accept it. He loves us enough that He sent His son to die on the cross for us and that should simply be enough! He will protect from any storm that comes our way. Regardless if it is the storms of nature or the storms of life!
We have a lot of exciting things taking plan coming up in September. I hope to be back in church this Sunday. Haven't been feeling well and have missed being in God's house with God's people! It certainly feels like something is missing when I am not there.
As for the upcoming activities, first and foremost, The "Season of Prayer" for state missions and the "Janie Chapman Offering" is September 10-17. Our church goal is $2,500.00 and the state goal is $1,790,700.00. Missions is a very important part of God's work and our support is greatly needed in this area. There are many people in the world without God and without our support (through giving, through prayer, etc), we can help our mission workers to do the work God has set them in place to do. Please be prayerful about what God have you to give in this area and give with a willing heart!
The nursery is now open every Sunday night from 5-7pm. It is being kept open by volunteers and anyone wishing to help, your generosity will be greatly appreciated!
There will be a deacon's meeting this Sunday at 8pm. Your attendance is appreciated.
The XYZ will meet on Friday, September 8th. A meal will be provided. Remember to mark the date on your calendar and come and join in the time of food and fellowship.
We also need to remember those that are sick or bereaved in our community as well as other parts of the country/world. Our world leaders also need our continued prayers. We sometimes complain about how difficult our jobs can be, but think of how much they carry each day trying to make the best decision possible. We don't always agree with their tactics, but the one thing we can do is pray for them. Pray that God will grant them the ability to do the thing He would have them to do!
I believe that covers all I have for now. I hope the remainder of your week is wonderfully blessed! Take care and will talk with you later!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006