Look no further. We have lots of activities coming up over the next few weeks to keep you busy! Remember to mark them on your calendar so you don't miss anything.
First of all, we have the Associational Meeting this Thursday, Oct. 26th. The fellowhsip meal begins at 6pm. The Celebration Service begins at 7pm in the sanctuary. If you are on the fellowship committee, we will be setting up tables, etc. on Wednesday immediately following Prayer Meeting. If you are able to help on Thursday, please meet at the fellowship hall at 5:30pm.
The Orangeburg-Calhoun Baptist Association is holding revival this week as well at St. George Baptist Church in Orangeburg. The guest speaker is the pastor of Rock Springs Baptist Church of Easley, SC. Services began tonight and run through Wednesday night (25th) at 7pm each night.
The Fall Festival is next Tuesday night, Oct. 31st from 6:30-8pm. Lots of activities are in store for everyone!
Don't forget to bring your donations of school supplies and canned goods on Wednesday evenings. Speaking of donations, we are starting to prepare for our annual West Virginia Christmas program. Four different options are available. A request has been made to NOT include the $5.00 love gift. If you are helping with the Cold Kits, please place items in a large freezer bag. The deadline for our church is Sunday, November 26th. The different categories are Food Box list, shoe box list (please make sure you label each box with age and gender), adult cold kits and bed clothes. There are many items that are needed. I will be glad to post them all, but will do so in a separate entry.
Ladies: if you are interested in attending the Beth Moore conference coming up in April 2007, please make note that the deadline is Nov. 1st and the cost of the 2 day conference is $55.00. I have heard lots of great things about Mrs. Moore and it promises to be a worthwhile event. I have 2 books that I intend to start reading some time soon (I hope) that have been written by her. Make plans to be in attendance and invite a friend!
Homecoming is right around the corner! Our former pastor and his family will be in attendance that day. He will also be the guest speaker. Bring your best dish and make plans to join us for a wonderful time of worship, food and fellowship!
Our Sunday School class (The Truthseekers) is continuing our study of "Fear No Evil". The book talks about the difference between moral and spiritual suffering. So far, it has been quite interesting. Our pastor is also bringing some thought-provoking messages to us. He started a study this morning on bitterness, depression and anger. This evening he started a 2 week study on "The Value of a Biblical Marriage". I encourage everyone to be in attendance and take part in what the Lord is bringing to us through our pastor.
I believe that's all I have for now. Oh no, I was getting ready to forget.......
Deacons: you are scheduled for a deacon's meeting next Sunday at 8am. It has been moved up one week due to Homecoming on November 5th.
If you are interested in joining the choir, now is the time to do so. We just started rehearsing for the cantata tonight and the music is absolutely beautiful. We would love to have you join us! Practice is at 7pm each Sunday night (except for Homecoming day) immediately following the evening worship service.
Our Discipleship Training class just completed a study tonight on the Ten Commandments. It was a very interesting and enlightening study. If you aren't currently involved in a DT class, I encourage you to join one. We have classes available for everyone. Classes start at 5pm Sunday evenings.
Ok, I think that's got it this time! I hope you have a blessed week! Take care and God bless.
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Sunday, October 22, 2006