Hello and good Monday evening to you! I hope you had a productive day and didn't allow too many things to stress or worry you too much. Our pastor has been bringing some wonderful messages on stress, anxiety, depression and worry. There aren't many people who don't do those things. We can all certainly stand to learn how to not allow those things to control us and interfere with the blessings God has in store for us. I know I worry over things that I have no control over. There is no need to complain or worry. What good will it do? Our Lord and Savior asks that we lay our burdens at the cross. We need to allow Him to work through us and in us. Those things don't allow that blessing to happen. Satan will surely tempt us at every corner, but he can only do what he is allowed to do. We have to remember to put on our armor on every day and ward off those fiery darts he throws our way. We also need to remember that others see our actions in the workplace, in a grocery store, driving down the road.......we never know who is watching and being discouraged from our actions. It is hard not to allow certain things to bother us, but we have to keep in mind that things can only go as far as we allow them. Satan only has as much power as we allow him to have. No other is as strong as the Lord Himself!
We have many things taking place this week and in the weeks to come. The community Thanksgiving Service is Wed., Nov. 22nd. The service begins at 7am and is being held at North FBC this year. Refreshments will be served in the fellowship hall immediately following the service. Choir members have been asked to meet at 6:30 to practice the song for the special that evening. Several folks on the fellowship committee are meeting at the fellowship hall that afternoon to prepare the refreshments. Everyone is invited to attend. The pastor from North United Methodist Church as well as the pastor from North Pentecostal Holiness are scheduled to speak. Come and share in this time of praise and thanksgiving!
Toddler Time was held tonight in the gym from 6:30-8pm. I am not sure if this will be a weekly event. I will post more details on this as I receive them.
The annual North Christmas parade and tree lighting ceremony is being held this Sunday. If you wish to ride on the float and represent North FBC, please meet at the church Sunday afternoon (Nov. 26th) at 3:30pm. The lighting ceremony will be at 5pm. Our Minister of Music will be leading the songs for the evening. There will be no discipeship training due to the tree lighting ceremony. Our evening service will begin immediately following the ceremony and fireworks. We encourage everyone to come out and participate.
The youth will begin delivering Christmas cards. The cost of delivery per card is $0.25. The time frame for this is from Sunday, Nov. 26th until Sunday, Dec. 17th. They always do such a terrific job in delivering the cards. Remember to have your cards ready between the dates mentioned above.
The deadline for the West Virginia Christmas Program is next Sunday (Nov. 26th). There are four different options available. Food box, shoe box list, adult cold kits and bed clothes. Please bring the boxes or items to fill boxes to the fellowship hall. Remember: no clothes this time, at the request of the churches, we will NOT be including the $5.00 love gift. If you are helping with the cold kits, please remember to place items in a large freezer bag. No money in boxes and remember to label each box with age and gender for the shoe boxes. This is always a wonderful form of giving for our church. We have been greatly blessed and that blessing needs to be shared with others!
Also, the deadline for accepting orders for Poinsettias to be placed in honor or memory of is next Sunday (Nov. 26th). The cost is $12.00 per flower. Remember to write down who is placing the flower and the name(s) of the person(s) the flower is being placed in memory or in honor of.
XYZ will be having a get-together Dec. 12th. There is a sign up sheet in the vestibule of the church. Remember to sign up soon so reversations can be made accordingly!
The Children's Choir will be performing their annual Christmas program. It will be held on Sunday evening, Dec. 10th. We always have a tremendous response to the program and invite everyone to attend. The service begins at 6pm.
The Adult Choir will be performing our Christmas cantata Sunday, Dec. 17th during the evening worship hour. Everyone is encourage to attend this event as well.
I think that covers about all I have for now. Many thanks to our former Youth and Children's leader as well. She has done a terrific job with the youth and children. It's not an easy task, I am sure! With her busy schedule with being a full-time Kindergarten teacher as well as studying for her Master's Degree, she has had to relinquish the position of Youth and Children's leader. We appreciate and applaud her for a job well done! May God continue to bless her exceedinly and abundantly!
I hope to see you at the Community Service on Wed. evening. Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.