Thursday, March 01, 2007

My How Time Goes By!!

Hello and good Thursday evening to you! My how time goes by so quickly. It has been 2 weeks since I last posted anything here. I do apologize. I wanted to take a few minutes to mention some activities that will be taking place.

First off, there will be a deacon's meeting this Sunday, March 4th at 8am.

Our pastor will be bringing some very thought provoking sermons over the next few weeks. The morning series is entitled "The Journey to a Missional Church". The purpose of this series is to allow every member of the church to see and understand his or her role in the local church and the universal body of Christ. As we are aware, we know how important all the parts of our body are. Without certain parts, we wouldn't be able to do the things we do. This also applies to those that make up the church. For without each person doing the work he or she is designed to do, it makes reaching the goal a lot harder.

The evening series will be entitled "What is a Baptist?" This series will explore baptism and who runs the church. While it takes many parts to get the work done, we must remember that God is in control and is the head of the church. If God is not in His rightful place, His desires for us can not be carried out. We must allow Him to lead us down the path He would have us travel.

Men's breakfast will be Sunday, March 18th at 8am in the fellowship hall. Remember to mark your calendars and bring a friend for a blessed time of food and fellowship.

Daylight savings time is right around the corner. Don't forget to "spring" forward Sat. night (March 10th) before going to bed that evening.

The XYZ will have their gathering/meeting on Friday, March 9th. More details to come!

Women on Mission will be meeting on Wed., March 21st right after Wed. night supper. Meetings are usually held in the choir room in the fellowship hall. All the ladies of the church are invited to attend!

The children have been working on their Easter Cantata entitled "Alive, Alive". The program will be performed by God's Kids and Preschool Praisers. The cantata will be Sunday, March 25 at 6pm. Hope to see you there!

There will be an associational Vacation Bible School training at North FBC Tues, March 20 from 6;30-9pm. Speaking of VBS, it will be held during the week of June 3-7th. Remember to be in prayer about this and make plans to be in attendance!

It's hard to believe that Easter will soon be here! We will have Communion on Palm Sunday, April 1st during the morning service. During the evening worship hour, the adult choir will be performing "The Seven Last Words of Christ". You are in for a treat!

The Annie Armstron Easter offering will begin soon. The goal for this year is $2700.00.

Our Minister of Students is hard at work planning activities for the youth and children. Remember to keep the Student Ministry in your prayers and be supportive of its leader and the young people involved. He (MOS) has several activities planned that he would like to have mentioned.

1) There will be a youth party Sat., March 17th in the gym from 7-10pm. Come out and join in the fun. Remember to wear your green! Refreshments and games will be available. Invite a friend or two!

2) Plans are in the works for a Youth Retreat this year. If all goes well, the youth will be going to Centrifuge at North Greenville College in Greenville, SC. Keep an eye out for more information pertaining to this retreat. A sign up sheet will be available soon. They will be going during one of the following weeks: July 9th-14th or July 16th-21st. If you would like more information, go to and type "Centrifuge" in the search box.

3) Attention students and parents: Listen up during the annoucements during the annoucements for open gym dates!

I believe that covers everything I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)