You can feel it in the air. The subtle changes taking place in the weather. Autumn began last Sunday, Sept. 23rd. With each new day, the changes become more evident. Seasonal changes are somewhat like the changes Christians go through from time to time. The journey takes one to places you never dreamed; whether physically, spiritually or emotionally. God's awesomeness never fails!
With autumn comes a time of reflection and change. Pondering over the things and places traveled during the summer. Autumn and spring become my favorite times of year as I get older. They are a time of awakening and renewal. Spring is a time when things come to life. Autumn is a time when colors change and begin with preparations for the winter. If only we as humans can have the faith and courage that the birds of the air display. They don't worry and run from here to there wondering where their next meal is coming from or where they will sleep for the night. God has provided them with all the resources they need. We should indeed have faith as a mustard seed and believe that our Lord will provide for us, no matter what.
Several of our church family have had some pretty shaking news delivered to them as of late. It is not only through the good times that we praise God, but in those times of trouble we praise His name as well. Our faith shouldn't waiver regardless of our circumstance. It is hard not to let things affect us. A friend and co-worker along with myself and another co-worker were talking this week about hearing God. And how does it seem that some hear Him better than others and they seem to go along in life more satisfied. I listened as the two of them talked. Something urged me to say that maybe the reason why some don't always seem to hear God when He speaks is because we are too busy NOT listening to hear Him. The analogy I used was this: when a teacher is teaching a classroom full of students, those students have different learning abilities. Some learn by seeing. Some learn by hearing. Some learn by doing. Maybe when we aren't hearing, or seeing or doing what God would have us to do, is because we are looking so hard for that "earth-shattering" moment and we are completely missing the whisper, the slight change in the thing or things we are seeing, or we are doing the wrong things at the wrong times. And by not hearing, or seeing or doing the right things; we don't hear when God is speaking to us as only He can.
We need to learn to slow down and listen to the still, small voice that is God's. It is in that calm reassurance that He tells us everything will be ok. I hope I haven't confused anyone with my "rambling". Just a little something I thought I would share.
Here are a few items that will be taking place in and around our church during the month of October.
Tuesday night is craft night. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. I am sure we are in for a treat with all the crafts being made. If you are interested in taking part in the craft making, be sure to write the time down: every Tuesday night from 6:30-8:30pm.
Don't forget about Wednesday night supper (group 4 will be in charge of preparations this week, Oct. 3rd) followed by prayer meeting, Bible study/activities. Supper is served at 6pm. Prayer meeting and the other organizational groups meet at 7pm. Choir practice begins at 7:45pm. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the Wednesday night activities. This Wednesday evening there will be a guest speaker from the SC Baptist Convention who will be sharing information about Disaster Relief.
The XYZ will meet next Friday, Oct. 12th at 6:30pm. A meal will be provided. There will be a guest speaker from the Orangeburg Hospice and will call Bingo. All those planning to attend are being asked to bring a wrapped item for a bingo prize.
The 2007 Season of Prayer for State Missions (Janie Chapman offering) is underway. The state goal is $1,844,421.00. Our church goal is $2,000.00. Allow God to guide you in giving to this cause. Missions work is an important part of bringing others to know Christ. Our missionaries need our help and our prayers.
Attention youth and children: Both groups have several things going on during October. Remember to mark your calendar!
You will be heading to the skating rink on Saturday, October 27th. Please see our Minister of Students for more information on this event.
There will be a Children's Committee Quarterly Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 21st from 12:00pm-2:30-pm.
You will be taking a trip to the State Fair on Friday, Oct. 19th. Please see our Minister of Students for more information on this event. You will be going to see the Christian group, Third Day. I'm sure it will be an outing you will not soon forget!
SNAC (Sunday Nights after Church) will be held on October 21st.
There will be a Youth Committee Quarterly Meeting on Sunday, Oct. 14th from 12:00pm-2:30pm.
Women on Mission are scheduled to meet Wednesday, Oct. 17th. All ladies are invited and encourage to attend.
Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, Oct. 21st at 8am in the fellowship hall. All men are invited and encouraged to attend.
Next Sunday, Oct. 7th there will be deacon's meeting at 8am in the conference room. During the morning worship hour, we will be observing the Lord's supper.
There will be a church-wide clean-up day on Saturday, Oct. 20th beginning at 8am. All those interested in assisting with this task, please contact the church office or the chairman of the Property & Grounds committee.
The annual "Fall Festival" will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 31st. Activities will include a cake walk, "Trunk or Treat" and a pumpkin carving contest. Invite your friends and family to join in on the fun and fellowship!
We have many listed on our prayer list in need of prayer. I am sure there are those that aren't listed who are also in need. Please remember the men and women serving in our Armed Forces in your prayers as well. Many of them will be spending their holidays overseas, away from their friends and family. It will be a difficult time for them and their families. Pray that God will see them return home safely. The media doesn't always depict a pretty picture of what is taking place; but rest assured that some good work is being done.
I hope each of you will have a safe and blessed week. Until next time, take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I hope your week went well. I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on the activities for the coming week.
SNAC (Sunday nights after church) will be held Sunday evening (Sept. 16th) after the evening service.
"See You at the Pole" will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 26th. All youth are encouraged and invited to attend.
The children are taking a trip to Riverbanks Zoo on Saturday, Sept. 22nd. Permission slips are necessary and are available from the Minister of Students.
Attention XYZ members: there will be no XYZ meeting this month. Check back for the next scheduled meeting.
The group for Wednesday night supper for Sept. 19th will be group 2. If you aren't able to assist with preparation and clean up, please have someone substitute for you. If you are interested in becoming part of a group, please notify the church office.
Women on Mission will meet this Wednesday, Sept. 19th immediately following supper. All ladies are encouraged and invited to attend.
Don't forget about choir practice each Wednesday evening at 7:45pm. New members are always welcome as well as those who participated before. Always room for more!!
I believe that covers everything I have for now. If I overlooked something or if you know of something that needs to be mentioned here, please email me and let me know. My email address is
Until next time, take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
SNAC (Sunday nights after church) will be held Sunday evening (Sept. 16th) after the evening service.
"See You at the Pole" will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 26th. All youth are encouraged and invited to attend.
The children are taking a trip to Riverbanks Zoo on Saturday, Sept. 22nd. Permission slips are necessary and are available from the Minister of Students.
Attention XYZ members: there will be no XYZ meeting this month. Check back for the next scheduled meeting.
The group for Wednesday night supper for Sept. 19th will be group 2. If you aren't able to assist with preparation and clean up, please have someone substitute for you. If you are interested in becoming part of a group, please notify the church office.
Women on Mission will meet this Wednesday, Sept. 19th immediately following supper. All ladies are encouraged and invited to attend.
Don't forget about choir practice each Wednesday evening at 7:45pm. New members are always welcome as well as those who participated before. Always room for more!!
I believe that covers everything I have for now. If I overlooked something or if you know of something that needs to be mentioned here, please email me and let me know. My email address is
Until next time, take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Good Saturday evening! Hope this finds everyone doing well. I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some activities taking place in and around our church.
First off, I will have some pictures to post on here very soon of the Labor Day festivities. So be on the lookout for those!
A group traveled to Trinity Presbyterian Church in Orangeburg today for CEF/Good News Club training. I am sure they have been equipped with wonderful things to share with those participating in this activity. There will also be a workshop for CEF/Good News Club on Monday, Sept. 17th from 6:30-8pm.
There will be a church conference tomorrow morning (Sept. 9th) immediately following the morning worship hour. All members are encouraged to attend.
Men's breakfast will be on Sunday, Sept. 16th at 8am in the fellowship hall. All men are invited and encouraged to attend.
Women on Mission will meet Wednesday evening, Sept. 19th. If you know of someone who has been missing out the monthly meetings, invite her to attend with you.
Craft night continues every Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm. All ladies are invited to attend.
Choir practice is being held each Wednesday night after Bible Study. Now's the time to join! The more the merrier!
Youth: "SNAC" is being held on Sunday, Sept. 16th. "See You at The Pole" is being held on Wednesday, Sept. 26th.
Children: You will be taking a trip to the zoo this month! This trip will take place on Saturday, Sept. 22nd. If you have a child or children who would like to attend, please see our Minister of Students for more information!
I hope the school year has gotten off to a good start for everyone. You can tell that fall is in the air. With football games and back to school, comes a slight change in the air in the early morning and early evening hours. Over the years, spring and fall have become my favorite times of year. The mark of change that occurs fills you with a sense of reflection. At least it does for me. As one gets older; feelings, thoughts, ideas change about things. The things that once were so important, don't hold the "power" they once did. We spend so much of our youth wanting to be adults. When we reach adulthood, we look back and wonder where the time went. Instead (myself included), we need to focus on the here and now. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Yesterday is the past. Today is the present. A gift that will not be given to us in the same package tomorrow.
I hope you have a wonderful Saturday evening. Take care and until next time, God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
First off, I will have some pictures to post on here very soon of the Labor Day festivities. So be on the lookout for those!
A group traveled to Trinity Presbyterian Church in Orangeburg today for CEF/Good News Club training. I am sure they have been equipped with wonderful things to share with those participating in this activity. There will also be a workshop for CEF/Good News Club on Monday, Sept. 17th from 6:30-8pm.
There will be a church conference tomorrow morning (Sept. 9th) immediately following the morning worship hour. All members are encouraged to attend.
Men's breakfast will be on Sunday, Sept. 16th at 8am in the fellowship hall. All men are invited and encouraged to attend.
Women on Mission will meet Wednesday evening, Sept. 19th. If you know of someone who has been missing out the monthly meetings, invite her to attend with you.
Craft night continues every Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm. All ladies are invited to attend.
Choir practice is being held each Wednesday night after Bible Study. Now's the time to join! The more the merrier!
Youth: "SNAC" is being held on Sunday, Sept. 16th. "See You at The Pole" is being held on Wednesday, Sept. 26th.
Children: You will be taking a trip to the zoo this month! This trip will take place on Saturday, Sept. 22nd. If you have a child or children who would like to attend, please see our Minister of Students for more information!
I hope the school year has gotten off to a good start for everyone. You can tell that fall is in the air. With football games and back to school, comes a slight change in the air in the early morning and early evening hours. Over the years, spring and fall have become my favorite times of year. The mark of change that occurs fills you with a sense of reflection. At least it does for me. As one gets older; feelings, thoughts, ideas change about things. The things that once were so important, don't hold the "power" they once did. We spend so much of our youth wanting to be adults. When we reach adulthood, we look back and wonder where the time went. Instead (myself included), we need to focus on the here and now. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Yesterday is the past. Today is the present. A gift that will not be given to us in the same package tomorrow.
I hope you have a wonderful Saturday evening. Take care and until next time, God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Saturday, September 01, 2007
FBC Happenings.......
It seems as though September is shaping up to be quite a busy month. With kids going back to school comes the dreaded homework, tests and pop quizzes. The pop quizzes and tests in school are small in comparison to the homework, tests and pop quizzes that God has in store for us. The question is..............are we ready to do the work? He has richly blessed each of us with a talent(s), when we don't allow those talents to flourish, not only do we rob ourselves and those around us, but we rob God. Talents are a blessing and should be used to further God's kingdom. God gives them to us to use for His glory. If they aren't used properly, we may lose them.
Our pastor made a very important observation in the September newsletter. If you haven't read it yet, I encourage you to do so. It speaks to all of us. We are a family. We are friends. We are neighbors. And we are believers. Our actions definitely speak louder than our words. When a non-believer sees us out and about, we should always present the Christian attitude that God would have us present. If we want others to treat us with respect, we must treat them with respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is NOT do unto others as they do unto us. God did not design it to work that way. It is our job as Christians to lift up fellow believers as well as non-believers. I urge each of us to monitor our actions, etc. when coming in contact with others. Are we behaving as God would have us behave; or are we simply going through the motions without thought to our actions? If we think in terms of the other person being God (just a hypothetical), we would behave a bit better than we normally would.
There was a song out a few years ago by Collin Ray. In the song he talked about what if Jesus were the homeless man, a drug addict, a prostitute, etc. in human form, would we extend a Christian hand of fellowship or would we simply look the other way and act as if he or she doesn't exist? I believe that the answer would be "Deny me in front of men and I will deny you in front of My Father". If we turn our backs on a person in need, we could certainly be turning ourselves away from God. When our judgement day arrives, I believe we want to stand in front of our Lord and Savior and hear the words "Well done good and faithful servant".
This month's calendar is packed with all sorts of activities. Don't forget to put your church newsletter on your refrigerator door so you won't miss out on any of the activities that are planned.
There will be a Labor Day celebration tomorrow evening. The event is schedule to begin at 5:30pm. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade ice cream. Other items that are scheduled are games for the children and some hand-clapping music for young and old alike. Invite someone to join you in the fun, food and fellowship.
The church office will be close on Tuesday, Sept. 4th in observance of Labor Day. It will re-open at 8am Wednesday morning.
Women on Mission will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 19th at 7pm (immediately following supper). All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.
Don't forget about choir practice on Wednesday evenings. Practice begins right after supper.
Attention parents: Be on the lookout for all sorts of upcoming events/activities for the youth and children. According to the note from our Minister of Students, the youth will be studying the basics. What that means is the basics of what we believe as Christians. They will be taking an in depth look at those basics and will understand more about the core beliefs our faith is built upon.
Other youth activities are "SNAC" September 16th and "See You at the Pole" on Sept. 26th.
The children will be traveling to the zoo. The trip was postponed due to the hot temperatures in August. The trip is scheduled for Sat., Sept. 22nd. If you haven't received any information regarding this event, please see our MOS and sign your child up now!
I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Labor Day. Don't forget about the fun planned for tomorrow evening. Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Our pastor made a very important observation in the September newsletter. If you haven't read it yet, I encourage you to do so. It speaks to all of us. We are a family. We are friends. We are neighbors. And we are believers. Our actions definitely speak louder than our words. When a non-believer sees us out and about, we should always present the Christian attitude that God would have us present. If we want others to treat us with respect, we must treat them with respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is NOT do unto others as they do unto us. God did not design it to work that way. It is our job as Christians to lift up fellow believers as well as non-believers. I urge each of us to monitor our actions, etc. when coming in contact with others. Are we behaving as God would have us behave; or are we simply going through the motions without thought to our actions? If we think in terms of the other person being God (just a hypothetical), we would behave a bit better than we normally would.
There was a song out a few years ago by Collin Ray. In the song he talked about what if Jesus were the homeless man, a drug addict, a prostitute, etc. in human form, would we extend a Christian hand of fellowship or would we simply look the other way and act as if he or she doesn't exist? I believe that the answer would be "Deny me in front of men and I will deny you in front of My Father". If we turn our backs on a person in need, we could certainly be turning ourselves away from God. When our judgement day arrives, I believe we want to stand in front of our Lord and Savior and hear the words "Well done good and faithful servant".
This month's calendar is packed with all sorts of activities. Don't forget to put your church newsletter on your refrigerator door so you won't miss out on any of the activities that are planned.
There will be a Labor Day celebration tomorrow evening. The event is schedule to begin at 5:30pm. There will be hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade ice cream. Other items that are scheduled are games for the children and some hand-clapping music for young and old alike. Invite someone to join you in the fun, food and fellowship.
The church office will be close on Tuesday, Sept. 4th in observance of Labor Day. It will re-open at 8am Wednesday morning.
Women on Mission will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 19th at 7pm (immediately following supper). All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.
Don't forget about choir practice on Wednesday evenings. Practice begins right after supper.
Attention parents: Be on the lookout for all sorts of upcoming events/activities for the youth and children. According to the note from our Minister of Students, the youth will be studying the basics. What that means is the basics of what we believe as Christians. They will be taking an in depth look at those basics and will understand more about the core beliefs our faith is built upon.
Other youth activities are "SNAC" September 16th and "See You at the Pole" on Sept. 26th.
The children will be traveling to the zoo. The trip was postponed due to the hot temperatures in August. The trip is scheduled for Sat., Sept. 22nd. If you haven't received any information regarding this event, please see our MOS and sign your child up now!
I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Labor Day. Don't forget about the fun planned for tomorrow evening. Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
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