Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I hope your week went well. I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on the activities for the coming week.

SNAC (Sunday nights after church) will be held Sunday evening (Sept. 16th) after the evening service.

"See You at the Pole" will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 26th. All youth are encouraged and invited to attend.

The children are taking a trip to Riverbanks Zoo on Saturday, Sept. 22nd. Permission slips are necessary and are available from the Minister of Students.

Attention XYZ members: there will be no XYZ meeting this month. Check back for the next scheduled meeting.

The group for Wednesday night supper for Sept. 19th will be group 2. If you aren't able to assist with preparation and clean up, please have someone substitute for you. If you are interested in becoming part of a group, please notify the church office.

Women on Mission will meet this Wednesday, Sept. 19th immediately following supper. All ladies are encouraged and invited to attend.

Don't forget about choir practice each Wednesday evening at 7:45pm. New members are always welcome as well as those who participated before. Always room for more!!

I believe that covers everything I have for now. If I overlooked something or if you know of something that needs to be mentioned here, please email me and let me know. My email address is

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)