It's hard to believe that we are in the middle of May and we are fast approaching the middle of 2008. Time goes by so quickly. We must be ready at all times to go to the Promised Land with our Lord and Savior. Don't put off tomorrow what should be done today. Tomorrow may be too late. God wants all of His children to come home with Him when the time comes!
I wanted to take a few minutes to remind you of some things that will be taking place over the next week and a half. There are activities for folks of all ages.
First off, Women on Mission (WOM) will be meeting tomorrow night at 7pm immediately following Wednesday night supper at 6pm. All ladies are invited and encourage to attend.
Sunday, May 25th will be a special day as we prepare to worship and observe Memorial Day. This day is set aside especially to remember those who have given of their lives so that we might have the freedom we have been so graciously blessed with. A time to remember those men and women who didn't have the comforts of home while out on the battle field. The other folks to remember on this special day are the families of those serving in our Armed Forces. Each spouse and the children make a huge sacrifice being married to someone in the military. They must remain steadfast and strong while their spouse is away. Please remember all of these fine men and women who go to places we wouldn't dream of going to and the work they continue to do to provide us the right to worship, free speech and the list goes on and on.
Graduation Sunday will be held on Sunday, June 1st. If you or someone you know is graduating from high school or college this year, please let our Minister of Students know. Graduation is a special time in a young man or woman's life and should be treasured for years to come. It is a very rewarding accomplishment. Many blessings to those graduating this year and may God keep His guiding hand upon you as you journey out to worlds unknown.
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar. There will be classes available for folks of all ages. Invite a friend or family member to join you during this week of fun, fellowship and food. The theme for this year is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth". VBS will be held June 8-12th. If you or someone you know is interested in assisting with VBS this year, I am sure the VBS coordinator will be happy to find a spot for you!
Until next time, take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008