Friday, December 29, 2006

Other Important Activities

I apologize for the oversight..........I meant to mention these items in my last post, but I forgot to do so.

Remember to mark these dates on your calendar. There will be a Deacon's Meeting Sunday, Jan. 7th at 8am. There will also be an XYZ meeting Friday, Jan. 12th (will post more about this when I have more info).

The church office will be closed both Monday & Tuesday, Jan. 1st and 2nd in observance of New Year's Day. If you need to contact the church office, you may call and leave a message or you can give them a call on Wednesday!

Women on Mission will meet Wednesday, January 17th immediately following supper at 6pm. All ladies are invited to attend!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Take care and enjoy the last few days of 2006!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

News & Highlights for January 2007

Yes, it's hard to believe that another year will soon begin. Time stands still for noone. In this new year, we have some exciting things happening in our church. Remember to make note of them so you won't miss out on anything! And as always, invite someone to join you.

First of all the sermons for Sunday morning will be as follows:

Jan. 7th: "Faith: A Theology of the Cross"

Jan. 14th: "Hope: A Theology of the Resurrection"

Jan. 28th: "A Living Stone: Part 1"

Feb. 4th: "A Living Stone: Part 2"

On Sunday evenings the series will further supplement the study for Discipleship Training entitled "Know Fear". It promises to be very worthwhile. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Invite someone you know. We all have fears. Satan plays on those fears. During this study you will learn how face life's six most common phobias. The kick-off will take place Sunday, Jan. 14th at 5pm in the fellowship hall. The cost of the books is $5.00 per person and the deadline to sign up is Sunday, Jan. 7th. A sign up sheet will be available in the vestibule.

The evening worship hour will focus on the following topics:

Jan. 14th: "The Ultimate Choice"

Jan. 21st: "The Future Fear"

Jan. 28th: "The Fear of Commitment"

Feb. 4th: "The Failure Factor"

Feb. 11th: "A Cure for Loneliness"

Feb. 18th: "The Fear of Death"

Feb. 25th: "Fear God?"

As you can see, this will be an exciting study and worship time. Satan will do all he can to play on these fears and break us down with the hope of having us follow him. He will stop at no cost to anyone. It is up to us as Christians to be equipped with the right tools to ward off Satan and his army. When we are able to properly use those tools, Satan's power will be minimized. As our pastor states in January's newsletter, Jesus has given us the command. This command is found in the Great Commission. As followers of Christ, it is our duty to go and teach. When we are properly equipped, the fear that we dealt with before no longer has the hold on us it once did. Are we willing to make that step?

Other exciting news is there will be a contemporary Christian music ministry team appearing Sunday, Jan. 7th. The name of the group is Commandment 11. The group is based in Simpsonville, SC. Mark the date on your calendar and invite someone to join you!

There will be a quarterly business meeting Sunday, Jan. 14th. Everyone is encouraged to attend. It is important that we attend these meetings so that everyone knows what is taking place in our church!

Baptist Men's Day will be Sunday, Jan. 21st. Men's breakfast will be that morning as well as 8am. All men are invited to attend. There will also be an all male choir during the morning service. A former member of our church will be the guest speaker. Baptist Men's Day is always an exciting time for our church. We have such talented men in our church and it's wonderful to have them participate. If you know of anyone that should participate in these activities that day, please invite them to attend.

I hope the remainder of your week goes well. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Presents Have Been Opened....

Well, it's the day after Christmas and all the presents have been opened. Children are playing with their new treasures. Even the grown-up children are in awe over the new "toys" they have received. One thing is certain, after all the wrapping and un-wrapping is done, the garland is removed and the tree put away for another year....the promise of our Savior abounds all year long. We can now focus on a new year and the things we wish to work on during that new year. Now begins the task of making that "New Year's Resolution" list. Hopefully we will accomplish more than just the mere task of writing those things down we wish to improve on. And I am sure we all have things we need to work on.

My hope and prayer is that we allow Christ to work in and through us to become the people He would have us to be. That should be a top priority on our list. In light of the upcoming new year, our church will have a New Year's Eve service. During that time, communion will be observed. Are we really where we need to be in our walk with Christ? Are we at peace with those around us and with our Lord? These are some things we need to think about before partaking of the Lord's Supper. Making right those wrongs that may have occurred (even ones we don't think are wrong). If it is wrong in God's sight, then it is wrong.

Also during the New Year's Eve service, there will be candle-lighting. This to me symbolizes the birth of a new year. A chance for new beginnings. Invite a friend, neighbor or family member to join you for this special service. The worship hour Sunday, Dec. 31st will be at 6pm.

If you are a member of the choir, practice will be held this Sunday, Dec. 31st at 5pm. If you need to be in Discipleship Training, then you will be excused from practice.

Immediately following the evening service, there will be a time of fellowship for all. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served. Come and join in this special time with fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

I truly hope everyone had a blessed Christmas. May God's love and grace continue to shine down upon you and yours!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

For your viewing enjoyment...........

Here are a couple of pictures from the Children's Christmas Program and the hot chocolate/smores fellowship following the program (on Dec. 10th). Many thanks to the parents of the children in the pictures for allowing me to post these to share with everyone. And many, many thanks to the photographer! Keep up the good work! I will hopefully have the picture of the Adult Choir Cantata posted soon (pending permission from everyone).

May you have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

North First Baptist Church at Christmas

Here are just a few pictures of our sanctuary decorated for Christmas. I am working on getting permission to post a couple of pictures from some of the programs we have had recently. If I am able to gain the permission I need, I will post them here to share with everyone. In the meantime, please enjoy the ones we have available now.

Spreading Christmas Cheer

I don't know how many of you subscribe to the North Trade Journal, but there was a story on the front page that touched my heart and I wanted to share it with you. If you do subscribe, then I encourage you to take the time to read the article. It always warms my heart and brings a smile to my face when I see people helping others. This particular article was in regards to the Angel Tree that was placed in the Piggly Wiggly here in North. Upon this tree, there were 24 angels placed on the tree. Each angel had the individual's size and need on them. From the Angel Tree, folks who wished to participate in this ministry, could select an angel, purchase the gift and wrap it and bring it back to Piggly Wiggly to await pick-up for delivery.

I am in agreement with the words the Store Operator had to say in the article. Some people have indeed taken the "Christ" out of Christmas..........for this, I feel for them. There is no greater gift than the love Christ has for us and please pardon me for saying this, but I don't see any of these people dying on a cross to save us from our sins. Maybe when they do that, they will be a little more entitled to their self-righteous opinions.

Anyway, back to the story at hand. The story mentioned that all 24 names had been selected and gifts were there for everyone whose name was on the tree. That absolutely makes me shout with glee! The giving spirit seems to come alive more this time of year. We need/should strive to make it this way all year long! Many thanks to those who participated in this ministry. You certainly are angels......angels of a compassionate and loving God and may you continue to receive His bountiful blessings!

In other news, there is an article on the first page of the Trade Journal in regards to the upcoming development of a new Community Center here in North. Plans are to have it facing the ball fields. This should be an exciting project for our town and hopefully one that everyone can participate in and enjoy! For more information on this project, there will be a meeting on Jan. 29th at 7pm at the North Town Hall. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Rumor has it that there will be a special guest in the Town Square this Sunday, Dec. 24th. I understand this guest will be arriving at 3pm. Everyone is invited. There will be FREE candy for the children and prizes for the adults. Adults must be 18 to register for the drawings. This event is being sponsored by North Furniture.

We will have our regular morning activities tomorrow, Dec. 24th. If you have a poinsettia in the church, you will be able to pick it/them up after the morning worship hour. There will be no evening services. Activities for Wed. night will remain the same and next Sunday, Dec. 31st during the evening worship hour, we will be observing Communion and will also have candle-lighting (a special way to celebrate the ending of a year and bringing in the new). Evening services for Dec. 31st will remain at normal times (Discipleship Training at 5pm and evening worship hour at 6pm). Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring a friend, family member or neighbor!

I truly hope that everyone who reads this website has a blessed Christmas. Encourage friends and family members to come and check out this site as well. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Promise Delivered

Good Monday evening to each of you! If you missed the cantata last night, you surely missed a blessing. It's hard for me to remain impartial, especially when I am a choir member. I have always enjoyed hearing our choir sing whether I am a member or not. Our church has been blessed with such talented people. Praise God for His blessings upon us! If you weren't able to attend, always keep in mind you can a request a copy of the tape. Copies are available of all the Sunday services (both morning and evening).

The youth will have gym time this Friday, Dec. 22nd. The date has been changed from Sat., Dec.23rd to Fri., Dec. 22nd. During this time, the parents and children (grades 1-4) are invited to attend from 6-7pm. There will be a pizza party during that hour. You will also have the opportunity to meet a prospective youth minister. So don't forget to make plans to be there if you are part of the youth group or the parent and child (grades 1-4). Gym time will be held from 6-9pm.

Children's grades 1-6 will be heading out this Thursday, Dec. 21st. They will be going to Riverbanks Zoo to see the "Lights Before Christmas". The group will be leaving the church at 6pm and will be arriving back at the church around 9:30pm. You will need money for food and $5.00 for zoo admission.

Also, don't forget about Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Our church goal is $5,600.00. The national goal is $150 million. Lottie Moon is one of the largest missions we participate in every year. So many people are reached through organizations like this. An interesting tid bit we recently learned during the morning worship hour is that it takes $40,000.00 per year to support a missionary. Allow God to lead you in how He wants you to give to this wonderful ministry.

As I have stated before, let's not forget to pray for our service men and women, our missionaries, and all of the other folks who "work behind the scenes" to do all the jobs that need to be done. Let's also remember to pray for those that are sick, bereaved or in need in whatever way they need assistance. Some won't be able to be at home this Christmas, and we must remember to be thankful for all that they do for us and our country. Pray that God will keep them safe and have them return home soon.

The poinsettias have been placed in the church (this job was done on Sat.). Everything looks so beautiful. Many thanks again to the decorating committee...and many thanks to those ladies who worked so diligently to make sure every thing was taken care of with the poinsettias.

The adult choir will not have practice next Sunday (Christmas eve). We will be practicing Sun., Dec. 31st at 5pm. If this conflicts with your Discipleship Training hour, you will be excused from practice (although I think our DT leaders will understand). :-)

I pray that everyone will have a blessed Christmas. It will be here next Monday. We will not have evening services Sun., Dec. 24th. There will be a special service Sun. night, Dec. 31st. Invite someone to join you during this special time. We will observe the Lord's supper and will have candle lighting also. The candles represent hope for the New Year. Christ has come to bring us hope and ever lasting life. Remember to share the Christmas story with someone this Christmas season. No other gift can compare to that of our Lord and Savior!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Hello! I meant to mention this in the last post I made, and I forgot to do so. The mind isn't working all too well some days. Don't forget about the Christmas card delivery. The last day is tomorrow (Sunday, Dec. 17th). The cost per card is $0.25. If you haven't done so, now is the time to get those cards ready!!

Also, don't forget about the cantata tomorrow night. It is being held at 6pm. Make plans to be there and bring a friend or two. Hope to see you there!

Take care and have a blessed night.

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Promise of a King

Promises. They can hold such power. They have the power to uplift and they have the power to dash dreams. To be uplifting, it is necessary for the person making the promise to keep that promise. To be the dasher of dreams, all one has to do is NOT do what he or she promised. A broken promise can do more than dash dreams away. It can damage a friendship, a relationship with a co-worker, family members......and the list can go on endlessly.

We, as Christians, have a promise that exceeds all others. We have the promise of our Savior that He will indeed come again. And if we only believe in Him, we will have everlasting life. What a promise! We must try and be like Christ when we make promises to other people. Jesus wouldn't forsake us by breaking His promise and we need to strive to be promise keepers.

Speaking of promises, the Chancel Choir (adult choir) will be performing "The Promise of a King" Sunday night, Dec. 17th. The service will begin at 6pm. Remember to bring someone with you and share the joy of Jesus' birth. The music will certainly stir your soul and put the feeling of Christmas in your heart.

I also wanted to remind the men of Men's breakfast this Sunday morning at 8am. If you know of a gentleman that you would like to share the love of Christ with, encourage him to join you on Sunday morning.

The children will be heading to Riverbanks Zoo next Thursday (Dec. 21st). This outing is for children grades 1-6. The group will leave the church at 6pm and will arrive back at the church around 9:30pm. You will need money for food and $5.00 for zoo admission. Invite a friend to join you in seeing the "Lights before Christmas".

I hope to see you on Sunday morning and evening. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Outstanding Performance

I hope everyone took advantage of the opportunity to come and watch the performance the children did tonight. The musical was entitled "Baby Jesus, We Love You". There were angels, shepherds, animals (in costume, of course!), Mary and Jesus and we must not forget the singers. The performance was outstanding! Much applause to all of the children and all of the hard work they put into the many practices to be ready for tonight!

We must not forget those behind the scenes either! Many thanks to the leader of both choirs (God's Kids and Preschool Praiser's). It takes a lot of patience to handle a group of 24 children and keep everything moving along as it should. Many thanks also goes to those who assisted with the program and to those who developed the scenery. It takes a lot of hard work to make things work and we appreciate everyone and the job he or she had in tonight's performance! Hats off to you and to a job well done!

With that being said, the Chancel Choir (adult choir) will have a hard act to follow. We have been rehearsing for our upcoming cantata. It is next Sunday at 6pm. The cantata is entitled "The Promise of a King". We are looking forward to the performance and would love to see all of you there. Come on out and join us and invite someone to come along!

**Note: if you are in the choir and missed tonight's practice.....we will be practicing next Sat., Dec. 9th at 4pm. We will practice for 2 hours, then we will stop for a catered meal, then we will practice again from 7-8pm. If choir members haven't signed up already for the meal, please get in touch with choir director and do so. An accurate head count is important. We don't want anyone to be left out. Remember to include those that might be joining you!**

The toddlers are headed out for a night of fun this Tuesday evening. They will meet at the church at 5:30pm Tuesday evening and will be heading to Riverbanks Zoo to view the "Lights Before Christmas". The van will be leaving at 6pm. If you wish to join them at the zoo, the van should be arriving there about 6:40pm. This outing is for toddlers up to 5 years old.

The children will also be heading to Riverbanks Zoo to view the "Lights Before Christmas". Their outing will be on Thursday, Dec. 21st. They will be leaving the church at 6pm and will be returning to the church around 9:30pm. This outing is for children in grades 1-6. You will need to bring money for food and $5.00 for zoo admission.

Don't forget: we will begin a study in January entitled "Know Fear". It is designed as a 40 day experience and will last 6 weeks. It will enable you to face life's six (6) most common phobias. The kick-off will take place on Sunday, January 14th at 5pm. We will meet in the fellowship hall. The 40 day experience will include a DVD-driven Bible study that will meet seven (7) times in the fellowship hall. There will be a student book that includes daily reading and the Bible Study guide. In order to supplement the 40 day experience, the evening worship service will focus on the theme of the Bible study. If you aren't already involved in a Discipleship Training class, be sure to join us for this study. I know I am looking forward to it and I hope to see you there!

This is certainly a busy time of year. But even in all the "busyness", we should try very hard not to lose the true meaning of the season. Remember to take the time to do something special for someone this time of year. Donate to a charity or volunteer to take someone to the doctor who isn't able to drive. These are just some of the ways we can spread God's love to everyone. He has so richly blessed us all in more ways than we count on our fingers......let us do the Christian thing and give some of that love and richness to others!

I hope your week goes along smoothly. Don't forget to put on your "armor" when you get up in the morning. There will be many fiery darts being thrown and if we wear the armor God has given us, we will be able to stand against those darts in His love and grace! Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Cold Weather has Arrived!

Ah, winter.......isn't it wonderful? We had quite a frigid night last night. The temperature was in the teens (17, I believe was the last temp. I heard). Quite chilly to say the least! But during this Christmas season, let's replace the frigidity outside with warmth and love in our hearts for Christ and His blessings. Let's also replace the cold with that same warmth and love for our fellow man. That means showing kindness both to those that travel in the same "circle" as we do and to those that are not as fortunate as we are. I don't think any of us can say that God has not been good to us during the course of this year or any year. Things may not go as we want them to all the time, but all things work for good in them that love the Lord!

I encourage everyone to take the time to drop a few dollars into the red bucket of the Salvation Army. Give to the local shelters, etc. to help those in need. Give back a little of what we have been so graciously blessed with. I received an email this morning that spoke of remembering our troops during this holiday season. We should send up prayers for them not only during this Christmas season, but every day.

This post today is to also say "Thank you" to our men and women who serve in our Armed Forces. It is to thank those who deliver our mail, newspapers, packages and such. It is to thank those who collect the trash on a weekly basis. For those brave men and women who make sure our electricity works properly, the water is safe for us to drink, bathe and cook with. For those that serve and protect on the police forces, fire departments, paramedics, and first responders. Teachers who strive to make sure our children are equipped with the knowledge necessary to grow into thriving and prosperous adults. The doctors and nurses who work long hours with little sleep. The list could go on and on as we all know. I just want to say how much each of you are appreciated and how thankful we are for you!

Remember to keep them all in your prayers during this Christmas season as well as the rest of the year. We never know what someone else may be going through and it's important to treat others as you would want to be treated. So, before you say or do something you may regret later, pray about it and allow God to guide you in the best way to handle something. This is how we can carry the warmth, love and hope of Christmas with us each and every day! By allowing His light to shine through each of us!

I hope and pray that this Christmas season will be a blessed one for you and your families. Take time to say "I love you" and do something nice for someone. Do it and don't expect anything in return. Much love to each of you!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

P.S. Don't forget about the Children's Christmas program tomorrow evening at 6pm. Refreshments in the fellowship hall after the program! Hope to see you there!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Joy to the World....

the Lord is come! Let earth receive her king! Praise the Lord that He has come and will come again. Christmas has to be my favorite time of year. It was as a child and even more so as an adult. The Christmas season reminds me of the hope and love that Jesus Christ brings to the world. We should praise and honor Him not only during the Christmas season, but all year long. He blesses us each and every day and we owe it to Him to honor and praise Him each and every day as well. So, in keeping with the Christmas spirit, I encourage everyone to allow Christ's love to shine in and through us not only during the Christmas season, but all year long.

I also want to say how beautiful the sanctuary is with the decorations. We have such a beautiful church and it becomes even more beautiful this time of year. Many thanks to those on the decorating committee for doing such a fine job (as always). The poinsettias will soon be on display and will add to the beauty of it all. Come and share in the beauty, not only the beauty of the decorations, but the beauty of all the Lord has done for us!

XYZ: don't forget about your upcoming outing this Friday evening. You will be leaving the church at 6pm, Dec. 8th and will be going to the Chestnut Grill in Orangeburg. Following the meal, you will then go to New Hope Baptist Church to view the "Life of Christ" performance. Please make sure your name is on the sign up sheet in the vestibule in order to confirm supper reservations. You are sure to receive a blessing!

The gym will be open this Sat., Dec. 9th from 7-10pm for children grades 5 and up. Come and bring a friend.

The children will be taking a trip to Riverbanks Zoo to see the "Lights Before Christmas", Thursday, Dec. 21st. Children grades 1-6 are invited to attend. The group will be leaving the church at 6pm and should arrrive back around 9:30pm. Money for food and $5.00 for zoo admission is needed.

On Tuesday, Dec. 12th there will be an outing just for toddlers. Please meet at church at 5:30pm so you will be able to leave with the rest of the group at 6pm. If anyone would like to meet the group there, they will be arriving at Riverbanks Zoo at 6:40pm. You sure to be in for a treat! You will be going to see the "Lights Before Christmas".

We have begun our study of the celebration of Advent "Sharing the Christmas Story". We will continue this study through Sunday, Dec. 24th. Advent means waiting and we are indeed waiting............waiting on the return of our Lord and Savior. Come and hear what the Lord has placed on our pastor's heart to share with us during this Advent season.

The children have been working very hard on their upcoming Christmas program. It will be held this Sunday, Dec. 10th at 6pm. There will be refreshments in the fellowship hall following the performance. The title for this year's Christmas musical is "Baby Jesus, We Love You". It will be performed by the Preschool Praiser's and God's Kids. It will portray the events that led up to the birth of Christ through the eyes of children. The children kicked it off with a special announcement of their own Sunday morning. Just a little glimpse of what is in store for us next Sunday evening. Everyone is invited. Come and bring a friend!
**Note: there will be a dress rehearsal this Sat, Dec. 9th at 1pm in the sanctuary.**

The adult choir (now known as the Chancel Choir) has also been preparing for our Christmas cantata. It is entitled "The Promise of a King", A Christmas Proclamation of Hope". It will be held Sunday, Dec. 17th at 6pm. Now I am sure some are wondering "What is a chancel choir?". The chancel choir is a SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir that provides the music during most Sunday services. Everyone is also invited to this performance as well. Hope to see you there!
**Note: the adult choir will practice next Sat., Dec. 16th. Practice will begin at 4pm, we will stop for a break at 6pm and then practice again until 8pm.**

Don't forget...there will be no evening services Sunday, Dec. 24th (Christmas eve). There will be a New Year's Eve service Sunday, Dec. 31st at 6pm with communion and candlelighting.

The young people have started delivering Christmas cards. Many thanks to the young people participating in this and to those who are over-seeing it. There is a great deal of work that goes on behind the scenes in a church and the Lord told His people to work til Jesus comes. Let's be busy about the work of Lord and our church. Doing those things that Christ would have us do is a good way to allow Christ's love to shine in and through us.

Let's also remember those who are sick, bereaved, recovering from surgery, etc. in our prayers. Even though their names are not mentioned here, God knows who they are, and every need will be met according to His will and in His time. We may not understand the reason why, but God does and that's what counts! May His blessings continue to fall on you and yours during this Christmas season!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Highlights for December.............

Hello and good Friday evening. Hope everyone had a good week. We are gearing up for a busy holiday season. Lots of good things to help us remember the meaning of Christmas. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar so you don't miss anything.

First of all, our pastor has some wonderful topics planned for us for the morning worship hour. We are studying the Advent. The theme is "Sharing the Christmas Story". The morning messages will be as follows:

Dec. 3rd: "Lessons from the Prophets"
Dec. 10th: "Lessons from the Life of Mary"
Dec. 17th: "Lessons from the Shepherds"
Dec. 24th: "Lessons from the Magi"

These should be very interesting and insightful. Hope to see you during the morning worship hour.

The children have been working hard on their annual Christmas program. It will be performed by the "Preschool Praiser's" and "God's Kids". It will be held on Sunday, December 10th at 6pm. The title of this year's program is "Baby Jesus, We Love You". It will depict the events that led up to the birth of Christ through the eyes of children. Reception and refreshments will be provided in the Fellowship Hall following the performance. Everyone is invited to attend!

The adult choir is also working on their annual cantata. It is entitled "The Promise of a King" A Christmas Proclamation of Hope. It will be held on Sunday, Dec. 17th at 6pm. Everyone is invited to this event as well.

There will be no evening services on Sunday, Dec. 24th (Christmas Eve). Remember to take time with those who are near and dear to you.

There will be a special New Year's Eve service Sunday, Dec. 31st at 6pm. During this time we will have communion and candlelighting. This will be a special event to be a part of. Come out and bring a friend!

Beginning Sunday, January 14th at 5pm, we will kick-off a 6 week discipleship series that will enable to face life's six most common phobias. It is a 40 day experiences entitled "Know Fear". The 40 day experience will include a DVD-driven Bible stude that will meet 7 times in the fellowship hall. There will be a student book that includes daily reading and the Bible study guide. The evening worship service will focus on the theme of the Bible study to help enforce the 40 day study experience. I am looking forward to this and I hope you are too!

A contemporary Christiam music ministry team base in Simpsonville, SC will be appearing at North FBC on Sunday, Jan. 7th at 6pm. Their group is called "Commandment 11". Mark the date on your calendar and invite someone to join you.

As you can see, we have a lot coming up in the next few weeks and to start off the new year. What better way to end this year and start the new than by worshiping our Lord and Savior!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)