Good Monday evening to each of you! If you missed the cantata last night, you surely missed a blessing. It's hard for me to remain impartial, especially when I am a choir member. I have always enjoyed hearing our choir sing whether I am a member or not. Our church has been blessed with such talented people. Praise God for His blessings upon us! If you weren't able to attend, always keep in mind you can a request a copy of the tape. Copies are available of all the Sunday services (both morning and evening).
The youth will have gym time this Friday, Dec. 22nd. The date has been changed from Sat., Dec.23rd to Fri., Dec. 22nd. During this time, the parents and children (grades 1-4) are invited to attend from 6-7pm. There will be a pizza party during that hour. You will also have the opportunity to meet a prospective youth minister. So don't forget to make plans to be there if you are part of the youth group or the parent and child (grades 1-4). Gym time will be held from 6-9pm.
Children's grades 1-6 will be heading out this Thursday, Dec. 21st. They will be going to Riverbanks Zoo to see the "Lights Before Christmas". The group will be leaving the church at 6pm and will be arriving back at the church around 9:30pm. You will need money for food and $5.00 for zoo admission.
Also, don't forget about Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Our church goal is $5,600.00. The national goal is $150 million. Lottie Moon is one of the largest missions we participate in every year. So many people are reached through organizations like this. An interesting tid bit we recently learned during the morning worship hour is that it takes $40,000.00 per year to support a missionary. Allow God to lead you in how He wants you to give to this wonderful ministry.
As I have stated before, let's not forget to pray for our service men and women, our missionaries, and all of the other folks who "work behind the scenes" to do all the jobs that need to be done. Let's also remember to pray for those that are sick, bereaved or in need in whatever way they need assistance. Some won't be able to be at home this Christmas, and we must remember to be thankful for all that they do for us and our country. Pray that God will keep them safe and have them return home soon.
The poinsettias have been placed in the church (this job was done on Sat.). Everything looks so beautiful. Many thanks again to the decorating committee...and many thanks to those ladies who worked so diligently to make sure every thing was taken care of with the poinsettias.
The adult choir will not have practice next Sunday (Christmas eve). We will be practicing Sun., Dec. 31st at 5pm. If this conflicts with your Discipleship Training hour, you will be excused from practice (although I think our DT leaders will understand). :-)
I pray that everyone will have a blessed Christmas. It will be here next Monday. We will not have evening services Sun., Dec. 24th. There will be a special service Sun. night, Dec. 31st. Invite someone to join you during this special time. We will observe the Lord's supper and will have candle lighting also. The candles represent hope for the New Year. Christ has come to bring us hope and ever lasting life. Remember to share the Christmas story with someone this Christmas season. No other gift can compare to that of our Lord and Savior!
Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Monday, December 18, 2006