I don't know how many of you subscribe to the North Trade Journal, but there was a story on the front page that touched my heart and I wanted to share it with you. If you do subscribe, then I encourage you to take the time to read the article. It always warms my heart and brings a smile to my face when I see people helping others. This particular article was in regards to the Angel Tree that was placed in the Piggly Wiggly here in North. Upon this tree, there were 24 angels placed on the tree. Each angel had the individual's size and need on them. From the Angel Tree, folks who wished to participate in this ministry, could select an angel, purchase the gift and wrap it and bring it back to Piggly Wiggly to await pick-up for delivery.
I am in agreement with the words the Store Operator had to say in the article. Some people have indeed taken the "Christ" out of Christmas..........for this, I feel for them. There is no greater gift than the love Christ has for us and please pardon me for saying this, but I don't see any of these people dying on a cross to save us from our sins. Maybe when they do that, they will be a little more entitled to their self-righteous opinions.
Anyway, back to the story at hand. The story mentioned that all 24 names had been selected and gifts were there for everyone whose name was on the tree. That absolutely makes me shout with glee! The giving spirit seems to come alive more this time of year. We need/should strive to make it this way all year long! Many thanks to those who participated in this ministry. You certainly are angels......angels of a compassionate and loving God and may you continue to receive His bountiful blessings!
In other news, there is an article on the first page of the Trade Journal in regards to the upcoming development of a new Community Center here in North. Plans are to have it facing the ball fields. This should be an exciting project for our town and hopefully one that everyone can participate in and enjoy! For more information on this project, there will be a meeting on Jan. 29th at 7pm at the North Town Hall. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Rumor has it that there will be a special guest in the Town Square this Sunday, Dec. 24th. I understand this guest will be arriving at 3pm. Everyone is invited. There will be FREE candy for the children and prizes for the adults. Adults must be 18 to register for the drawings. This event is being sponsored by North Furniture.
We will have our regular morning activities tomorrow, Dec. 24th. If you have a poinsettia in the church, you will be able to pick it/them up after the morning worship hour. There will be no evening services. Activities for Wed. night will remain the same and next Sunday, Dec. 31st during the evening worship hour, we will be observing Communion and will also have candle-lighting (a special way to celebrate the ending of a year and bringing in the new). Evening services for Dec. 31st will remain at normal times (Discipleship Training at 5pm and evening worship hour at 6pm). Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring a friend, family member or neighbor!
I truly hope that everyone who reads this website has a blessed Christmas. Encourage friends and family members to come and check out this site as well. Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Saturday, December 23, 2006