Thursday, January 18, 2007

Chilly Weather

Fortunately for our part of the world we have avoided some of the bad weather. It has been a very cold, dreary day outside indeed. But the cold, dreary day doesn't have to have a bearing on the warmth and kindness we can display as Christians. I hope that each of you were able to reap at least one good thing from this day. I am thankful that the weather was not any worse than it was. I pray that those without power will soon have it restored. We have been so blessed. There are those in this country who are feeling the cold today. They don't have homes to shelter them from the cold and rain. They don't have loved ones to comfort them when comfort is needed. I hope and pray that when people come in contact with each of us, we give off the warmth and love of Christ Jesus. The words "Let others see Jesus in you" need to be more than just a song. They need to come to life and be displayed for all to see. It is something that I know I need to work on and become better about doing.

It is very easy to get wrapped up in the things of the world. We have to learn not to allow the every day things get us off track of the job God has for us to do. Satan becomes very pleased when he sees one of God's children wandering aimlessly. We have to keep God where He belongs. That is in first place. If we allow God to be in control of our lives, we are better equipped to fight off Satan and his army. Satan is only as powerful as we allow him to be. Satan loves it when we allow the cold, dreariness of life to set in and keep us down-hearted. When we step into the light of Jesus, Satan's power becomes weak. Pray to always be in the light of our Lord and Savior. Keep Satan in the dark, forever at bay.

I hope that you are making plans to be a part of Baptist Men's Day this Sunday, Jan. 21st. The day will begin with Men's Breakfast at 8am. Men of all ages are invited to attend. There will be an all male choir that morning as well (practice will be immediately following men's breakfast). One of our former church members will be the guest speaker of the day. I am looking forward to hearing him speak. Invite someone to join you for this special day!

The ladies of the church will have "Craft Night" on Tues., Jan. 23rd from 6-9pm. They will meet in the fellowship hall. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. Invite another lady to join you for this time of fun and fellowship.

Don't forget about the 2nd meeting of "Know Fear". Last week's session went very well. I am looking forward to the next. We are doing some reading everyday in our books and it is quite thought-provoking and uplifting. These sessions are being held at 5pm in the fellowship hall during the regular discipleship training hour.

I hope that the remainder of your week goes well. Until next time, keep warm and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)