Good Sunday evening to each of you! I hope you had a blessed Sunday. We began the adult Bible study tonight entitled "Know Fear: Facing Life's Six Most Common Phobias". We all have things in our lives that make us afraid. The purpose of this study is to focus on 6 different areas that are common in everyone's personal lives. The goal is to equip us as Christians with the proper tools to help us overcome these fears.
God is aware that we have these fears. Whether it be a fear of flying or of God Himself. For me, I would have to say that God doesn't necessarily mean for us to be "afraid" of Him as we would be afraid of heights, snakes, spiders, etc. I feel the context in which the word "afraid" is used to describe God means we should respect and honor Him.
Each session is taking place over the next 6 weeks during the Discipleship Training hour at 5pm. There was a very good number attending tonight. For those that were teaching another class, there will be a 30 minute session tomorrow night in the fellowship hall beginning at 7pm.
During our quarterly church conference this morning it was announced that we have a new Youth & Children's minister coming to us in Feb. His first day will be Sunday, Feb. 11th. There will be "pounding" for him Wed., Feb. 14th. What "pounding" means is bringing canned or boxed goods to help stock his pantry, etc. It doesn't mean beating him over the head with a baseball bat. (not that anyone would............but you never know!) Just kidding. I know none of our church family would do such a thing! :-)
So bring your canned or boxed goods that Wed. evening when you come for supper and prayer meeting. As always supper begins at 6pm with prayer meeting immediately following.
As I have mentioned several times, Baptist Men's Day is next Sunday, Jan. 21st. All men are invited and encouraged to attend Men's breakfast at 8am that day. The all male choir will practice after breakfast at 9am in the choir room. There will be guest speaker during the morning worship hour. Mark the date on your calendar and invite someone to join you in this wonderful time of worship and fellowship!
Attention Ladies: Women on Mission will be meeting this Wed. night at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the choir room in the fellowship hall. All ladies are invited to attend.
Another event for ladies is "Craft Night". This will be held in the fellowship hall on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd from 6-9pm. This should be a fun time for all who attend. Why should the men always have all the fun??!! :-)
As always, remember to pray for those serving in the Armed Forces. We have several church members who are having health problems right now. As well as several folks in the community. While they may not be listed here, the Lord knows their needs. Please pray for them.
I hope your will be one of blessing and one that will allow you the opportunity to be a vessel for God's work to be done. Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Sunday, January 14, 2007