Hello and good Sunday afternoon to each of you! I hope you have had a wonderful day so far. Here are some activities that will be taking place around our church over the coming week.
Don't forget about the "Know Fear" session this afternoon at 5pm in the fellowship hall. Tonight's session is on "Fear of Loneliness". Being lonely does not necessarily mean being all by yourself. You can be lonely even in a group of people. Something just isn't right and you can't put your finger on it. You just don't feel whole/complete. Some folks are quite happy being alone, but that doesn't make them lonely. I was in a relationship several years ago and things just didn't work out the way I had hoped they would. The relationship came to an end and I haven't found that "right" person again. I have placed this in the Lord's hands and trust that He will supply the right individual for me. Does this mean I am lonely? No!!! I have family and friends who love me and best of all I have a Lord and Savior who loves me beyond all measure! I am quite happy in my singleness. His will is to be done in this area of my life (along with all the others).
Then the topic of tonight's sermon is "A Cure for Loneliness". If you are feeling alone, then this might be the message you need to hear. Sure, there times when we all feel a little isolated, but that doesn't mean that we feel that way all the time. God wants to cure our loneliness and give us the peace and comfort that only He can provide.
This morning was our Minister of Students first day with us. Many of you had the chance to speak to him at that time. If you haven't had the chance to meet him, please take the time to give a warm North FBC welcome. There will be a "pounding" for him this Wednesday night at supper at 6pm. Let's extend a friendly, loving hand and help him stock his pantry. We all know how difficult it is setting up housekeeping for the first time (or even in a new place)..let's make his transition a little easier by extending a Christian hand of love and fellowship!
The preschoolers will have their own Valentine's banquet tomorrow night from 6-7:30 in the fellowship hall.
The make up session of "Know Fear" will be held at 7pm in the gym Monday evening.
Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, Feb. 18th at 8am in the fellowship hall. All men are encouraged to attend.
The youth will be heading to the Colonial Center in Columbia on Friday, Feb. 23rd. They will be joining other young people from surrounding areas at the Youth Winter Jam Tour hosted by New Song, Steven Curtis Chapman, Jeremy Camp, Hawk Nelson and Sanctus Real. Tickets are $10.00 at the door and money is needed for food. They will leave from the church at 5pm. Concert begins at 7pm.
I believe this covers all I have for now. Take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Sunday, February 11, 2007