to our new youth and children's leader. He will be joining us for his first day tomorrow (Feb. 11th). He comes to us from Union Point, Georgia. Remember to take a moment to introduce yourself to him. Let's do all we can to make him feel welcome. I wish him all the success that God has in store for him.
In light of our new youth and children's leader....there will be a "pounding" for him this Wed., Feb. 14th. This will be a good way to help him stock his pantry. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend Wed. evening. Remember, supper starts at 6pm followed by prayer meeting.
Speaking of Valentine's Day..........don't forget to take the time to let those closest to you know how much they mean to you. Tokens of love and appreciation shouldn't be saved for only Valentine's Day though.........we should remember to tell them each and every day how much treasure them. Valentine's Day would also be a great day to tell someone else of the love that Jesus Christ has for him or her. What better way to share the joy of love than passing along an eternal gift of life in Christ?!
The preschoolers will be having their own Valentine's Day party. It will be held on Monday, Feb. 12th from 6-7:30 in the fellowship hall.
Also, if you have any jeans you would like to donate to a good cause........they are needed to help fill the clothes closet in West Virginia. All sizes are needed. Please bring them to the church as soon as possible so they can be delivered to the folks that need them.
Let's also remember the many renovations that are taking place around our church. Folks are busy trying to get our pastor and ministry assistant settled into their new offices. As we are all aware, when making renovations you are bound to run into a few snags here and there. So let's remember in prayer those who are involved with this project in the hopes that things will go as smoothly as possible and according to God's perfect will.
Ladies (and men): Don't forget about the special craft night being held once a month. Crafts are being made to sell at our Christmas bazaar this year to help purchase a new church bus. If you are unable to get out and come and join in the fun and fellowship, please contact the church office and let them know. They will get the proper folks in touch with you so that you can work on things at home to help with this project. Even if you think you aren't able to make anything, everyone is encouraged to participate and folks are available to help you through any difficulties you may have with the craft you are working on.
The adult choir has started working on the Easter cantata. It is entitled "The Seven Last Words of Christ". If you have been contemplating whether to join the choir or not, this is a good time to make the step to join. You are more than welcome to come and be a part of the fun!
I think that covers what I have for now. If I have left anything out, etc. please let me know. You can always email me at Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Saturday, February 10, 2007