Sunday, June 10, 2007

Keeping Busy

Good Sunday afternoon to each of you. I trust you are enjoying your summer thus far. Temperatures have been heating up and I am so thankful for the rain we received last week. It was greatly needed! I hope those that were able to participate in VBS last week had a terrific time. Unfortunately, I didn't get home until after 6:30 or so most nights. I know.......poor excuse.

Much activity abounds this week as well. Never a dull moment.

Preschool/children's choir practice for ages 3 and up is being held on Sunday evenings immediately following Discipleship Training (which is held at 6pm) in the educational building. There is also a practice for the youth choir on Monday evenings at 6pm in the sanctuary. All are welcome!

Donuts for Dad will be held next Sunday, June 17th in the fellowship hall from 9-9:30am. All dads are invited to join in the fun and fellowship. Remember to let your dad know how much you appreciate him and love him!

There will be a covered dish luncheon for our Minister of Music and his wife. Sadly, they are leaving us to move on to other things. We will be sad to see them go. My prayer is that they are both happy in their new journey! I know they will forever be in our hearts and prayers. The good thing is they won't be too far away to come and visit now and then!! So, put on your best dish and come and join in the fellowship Sunday, June 24th. Lunch will be served immediately following the morning worship service.

There is a Youth Committee meeting today at 4pm in the conference room.

Attention Parents: there will be a meeting Wed., June 13th at 8:15pm in the conference room regarding youth camp.

There will be a Music Committee meeting Wed, June 13th after prayer meeting (this is also scheduled to meet in the conference room according to your bulletin for this week).

Staff meetings are being held on Wednesdays from 9-10:30am. This allow the church staff to discuss matters that need attention and to plan upcoming events, etc. in order to help make life better for you and your family at North FBC.

"TAN" (Tuesdays at North) begins Tuesday, June 12th. This activity is for 1st through 5th graders. It will be held from 10am to 1pm. Anyone needing a ride to attend, please let the Minister of Students know as soon as possible. Donations are being accepted for snacks and arts/crafts.

Speaking of crafts......craft night continues this week (Tues. evening), from 6:30-8:30pm. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. Work continues on crafts being made for the Christmas bazaar.

Those wanting to take part in the "Children's Good News Bible Club" will find applications in the vestibule. Please give completed applications to the Minister of Students or our pastor. The cost of processing the applications is $5.00 per person and should be provided by the applicant.

Please remember our pastor and his family as they travel to and while they are visiting in San Antonio, Texas. They are participating in the Baptist Convention taking place there. Please pray for traveling mercies for them.

I also ask that you remember me in your prayers. I, along with one of my bosses and co-workers, will leave this Wednesday to participate in a convention in Myrtle Beach. Your prayers for traveling mercies are greatly appreciated!

The husband of a friend of mine leaves once again for Afghanistan soon (I believe Monday, June 11th). Please remember our troops and their families in your prayers. It is a great service they do for us and this country. The job is not only done by those serving in the military, but by the spouses and families they leave behind. Let their efforts not be in vain!

I hope everyone will have a blessed and fruitful week. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)