We have a lot going on in the month of June. Get pen and paper ready to mark the activities down. If you don't have a copy of the monthly church newsletter, please contact the church office and request a copy and remember to ask to be added so that you can receive one on a monthly basis.
Our Minister of Students is now Mr. & Mrs. Minister of Students. Congratulations to them both and I wish them a long and happy life together full of blessings from above! Speaking of Mr. & Mrs., our M.O.S. will certainly need all the extra help he can get with all the activities he has planned for the youth and children. Anyone wishing to volunteer their services, please let him know.
Some items on the agenda for the youth and children are as follows:
- Youth Committee meeting Sunday, June 10th
- Children's Committee meeting Sunday, June 24th
- Youth Camp: Monday, June 25th - Friday, June 29th
- Tuesdays at North (TAN): begins Tuesday, June 12th (children, grades 1-5 will be having a day camp each Tuesday of the summer from 10am-1pm. Snacks will be provided. Keep your ears and eyes open for more information coming soon! If anyone is willing to help out during this time, or you would like to donate snacks, drinks (kool-aid, lemon-aid, juice), craft materials and/or ideas, please see our M.O.S. so he can plan accordingly.
- Youth: you will soon be starting SNAC (Sunday Night after Church). During this time, you will be going out to eat or you may just put your feet up and relax while playing some games or watching a movie. Either way, it sounds like a fun time!
Vacation Bible School begins Sunday evening, June 3rd at 6pm. Dinner will be provided each night. Classes are available for all ages (from birth to adult) and will begin at 6pm and end at 8:30pm. Join in at "Game Day Central" beginning Sunday, June 3rd through Thursday, June 7th. You'll be glad you did! (There will be no Wed. evening prayer meeting due to VBS this week). Also, there will be no choir practice Sunday evening due to VBS.
Let's remember our pastor and his wife as they travel to San Antonio, Texas Sat., June 9th through Tuesday, June 12th for the Southern Baptist Convention. Pray for traveling mercies and that God will keep them safe during their time in Texas as well as on their journey back home.
A special time for dad has been planned Sunday, June 17th. "Donuts for Dads" will be held in the fellowship hall on Father's Day from 9-9:30am. All the dads are invited to attend.
Women on Mission will meet Wed., June 20th at 7pm in the choir room in the fellowship hall. All ladies are invited to attend.
The youth will be traveling to White Oak during the week of June 25th. Remember to keep our young people in your prayers during this time.
I believe that covers all I have for now. We sure are going to be busy, busy, busy. I hope I didn't leave anything out. If you are aware of other activities that I may have missed, please let me know. Take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)