It's hard to believe that school will begin soon. It seems as though the summers get shorter and shorter. Time to buy school supplies, school clothes, etc. I have noticed that Wal-Mart has some good prices on school supplies. Our town pharmacy also has some good sales on school supplies they carry. Check out the little R & J coupon book you may have received in the mail today. It has all sorts of school items in there. The nice thing about buying from a business in town is that the money stays here and helps to improve the businesses we have here. And when you think about it..............after you drive to Orangeburg or Columbia looking for the item you could have saved on gas by simply purchasing the necessary item at a local business. When you add up the cost of the item, you may find that it is more economical to buy locally.
On to other items on the agenda:
The youth went to Whirlin' Waters Adventure Waterpark today. Am sure they had a terrific time. I remember going to a water park when I staying with my cousin one summer. We hung out there for the better part of the day. I had always heard that baby oil will help you tan better.......well silly me kept applying more each time I got out of the water. By the end of the day I was burnt in places I didn't even know I had! Very painful!! I never did that again!!!
Attention grades 1st-5th........TAN continues this Tuesday, July 31st. It is being held in the youth gym from 10am-1pm. Lots of fun things are in store for those who attend!!
Craft night continues for those participating in making items for the Christmas bazaar in December. Monies earned from this event will go toward the purchase of a new church bus. It is being held from 6:30-8:30pm every Tuesday evening. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.
The messages for Sunday are as follows: morning service: "The Man & His Miracles: Who's Going to Feed Them?". Scripture: John 6:1-14. Evening service: "Signs of the Times: The Empire Will Rise Again.". Scripture: Daniel 2 & 7.
The past few weeks have certainly taken a toll on me. I am thankful God gave me the ability to do the work I do. Now I need to learn some patience every now and then. Our server crashed at work 2 weeks ago (made for LOTS of fun--not true!!). We got it back last week and are still trying to work the kinks out. Hopefully it will get there soon.
Being the office manager (I was promoted a while back) can certainly leave a person wondering. Don't get me wrong.......I enjoy what I do. It's called having too many irons in the fire!!! I was talking with our receptionist the other day and told her I really needed to get back to church. It does help alleviate some of the tension. Even though I haven't been to church in a while (and I am by no means bragging about this)..............I still do my daily devotion and Bible reading. It helps. In the past I learned if I went a day or so without reading it, things would begin to test me. That's when Satan steps in and tries to gain full control.
With all the chaos, it leaves me feeling wiped out. Hopefully I will be out of this mood soon.
I think that's it for now. Take care and God bless!!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.