The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity. My head is still spinning from all the obstacles I have had to overcome and the mountain of paperwork on my desk at work that is calling my name even as I write this entry. From computer problems (server crashing) to filling in in whatever area needs attention, many hats have I worn. Not to mention those that are working with me. It has certainly been a test of patience.
There is also a flurry of activity about our church. If you are looking for something to do, look no further. North FBC has something for everyone! Grab your calendar and mark the dates!
First of all, there was an article in the "Bulletin" that comes in the monthly newsletter this month. The author is speaking of "making memories". Each person we come in contact with, word we speak, time we spend with those we a memory that can't be replaced. We should take the time (myself included) to let those we care about know how much they mean to us. I am the world's worst person with the telephone. I spend many hours a day on one (as most of America does) and can't seem to call those that deserve those minutes of my time. Making memories is what is important. When you choose to do something trivial instead of letting someone know that they are important, that is a moment that can't be given back. One day we will all look back and (it may even be today) wonder where the time went. Letting those we love know we love them and are important to us is important today. If we wait until tomorrow, the chance may never come. Then we will be saying "I should have" instead of "I remember when we did so and so together. Oh the fun we had!". Singer Bon Jovi has a song entitled "Make a Memory". If you listen to this particular type of music and have seen the video......he is talking to the love of his life. He is no longer here and she is moving on with her life. Too late for shoulda, woulda, coulda. I encourage everyone to make a memory today. Don't wait for tomorrow. It may never come.
Now, if you are looking for something to occupy your time, as I said earlier, there is something for everyone. What better way to make a memory than by being in church with fellow believers. Your friends can even join you there!
The "Big Youth Thing" is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 9th. If you have not received information regarding this activity, please see our Minister of Students and he will be glad to assist you.
SNAC: Sunday Night After Church: This activity will be taking place Sunday, Aug. 12th. This will be held each month unless otherwise noted.
TAN will continue each Tuesday from 10am to 1pm in August until school begins. It's hard to believe it's right around the corner. Folks were taking advantage of the no tax weekend to buy school supplies, clothes, etc. today.
There will be a trip to the zoo Saturday, Aug. 11th for the children. Please see our Minister of Students for more information.
There will be a Youth Committee Meeting Sunday, Aug. 5th at 4pm. The Children's Committee will meet Sunday, Aug. 12th at 4pm. Both meetings will take place in the gym.
If you are able to make a joyful noise, your presence is needed in the choir. Choir practice has been moved to Wednesday evenings following prayer meeting. Practice begins at 7:45pm. Praise teams are also being formed. If you are interesting in serving in this capacity, please contact our choir leader.
There will be a Music Committee Meeting Sunday, Aug. 5th at 7pm in the conference room.
The Sunday morning sermon for Aug. 5th is entitled "The Man and His Miracles: He Walked on What?" (scripture: John 6:16-21). The evening sermon is entitled "Signs of the Times: When Peace Comes". (scripture 1 Thess. 5:3).
We will have a guest speaker Sunday, Aug. 19th. A Gideons speaker will be speaking at Men's Breakfast that morning in the fellowship hall at 8am. All men are invited and encouraged to attend. Plus he will have a brief presentation during the Sunday morning worship service that day.
Wednesday night food preparation groups are listed in the newsletter this month. If you are unable to assist with setting/cleaning up, please have someone substitute for you. If you are interested in serving on a food prep. group, please let the church office know.
Women on Mission will meet on Wed., Aug. 15th following Wed. night supper. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. The WOM are asking for donations from the church. Donations will go toward providing matching dishes for the Associational Office in Orangeburg. The goal is $250.00. They are also providing the church with an opportunity to give to the CASA/Family Systems Shelter in Orangeburg. This is a shelter for abused women and children of the area. (due to the nature of the shelter, the location is changed routinely)
Supplies that are needed for the shelter are: cleaning supplies, first-aid supplies, paper products, towels, wash cloths, immediate need items or money to purchase the necessary items listed above. If you choose to donate to this cause, please mark your offering envelope accordingly.
There will be a deacon's meeting Sunday, Aug. 5th at 8am.
The Nominating Committee will meet Sunday, Aug. 12th at 4pm. Please be in prayer as our committee goes forth to seek those willing to serve in our church.
I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Saturday, August 04, 2007