Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas Rush

I tell you, things certainly get crazy this time of year. People are very crazy when it comes to driving and shopping. You rush around for weeks on end, searching for the "perfect" gift. There is no greater or perfect gift than the gift of love that flows freely from our Heavenly Father. We all need to slow a bit and remember what this time of year represents. The blessings that God has richly bestowed to each of us far outweighs the negative. I encourage everyone to take a breather and reflect on those things that we should be thankful for.

Tonight my workplace had its annual Christmas party. We were going to see the lights at the zoo. Unfortunately, there was lots of traffic on both ends of the zoo exit (stretching out onto the interstate). Absolutely no telling how long it would have taken each of us to actually be able to make it to the zoo parking lot. I know the youth were heading up there tonight. I hope they made it into the zoo with little to no problems. They will need to share their experience with the rest of us so we can have a small glimpse of it. I am sure their shopping experience was quite busy as well.

This time of year brings about many things that are happening in and around our church. Remember to mark you calendars. Or post the newsletter calendar on your refrigerator.

The youth will have their Christmas party on Wed., Dec. 12th. Invite a friend or two to join you in the fun and fellowship!

The children will have their Christmas party on Sat., Dec. 15th. I am sure they will have a lot of fun as well!

The XYZ club will have a Christmas activity on Fri., Dec. 14th.

The children, preschool and youth choirs have been working on their annual Christmas program. This year's program is entitled "Bows & Holly". I know they have put lots of work into this program and those who will be in attendance are sure to receive a blessing. If you don't make it, you have no idea what you are missing! It's a true wonder to see things through the eyes of child. This year's program will be on Sunday, Dec. 16th at 6pm. The children will also be sponsoring a food and toy drive by bringing a toy or non-perishable item to be collected at the end of the performance. Please remember to give to this worthy cause so that those less fortunate than ourselves can have a better Christmas than they would have had originally.

The adult choir has also been working on their own Christmas cantata. Lots of hard work goes into preparing for such occasions. This year's cantata is entitled "Worship the King". The cantata will be held on Sunday, Dec. 23 at 6pm. Come on out and bring a friend!

The Flower Committee is taking orders for poinsettias to be placed in honor or in memory of a loved one. The flowers will be placed in the church sanctuary on Sunday, Dec. 16th. The cost is $14.00 per flower. If you wish to order a poinsettia, please speak with one of our folks serving on the flower committee or simply contact the church office in order to receive an order form. Make checks or money orders out to FBC.

Remember to continue giving to the church bus fund. Allow God to guide you in giving to this goal of $60,000.00.

There will be a New Year's celebration on Sunday, Dec. 30th at 6pm. A music service will be followed by a covered dish supper and family game night.

The church office will be closed in observance of the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Those dates are:
Monday, Dec. 24th (Christmas Eve) & Tuesday, Dec. 25th (Christmas Day);
Monday, Dec. 31st (New Year's Eve) & Tuesday, Jan. 1st (New Year's Day).

Remember to submit any information you like to have added to the newsletter for January. The deadline is Friday, Dec. 14th at 9am.

Don't forget to always check the webpage for the youth and children's activities. That link is:

And as always, if I have overlooked something, please email me and let me know. My email address is :

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)