My how time flies! Christmas will soon be here. I haven't done any Christmas shopping (well, I have bought 2 items). Things have just been crazy at work and I haven't had a chance to shop like I did last year. Not to mention that I have been a bit grumpy lately. Am not in the same place I was this time last year. And I don't like it. I love Christmas and what it represents; it's the hustle and bustle and such that drive me batty.
I went to the Children's Program last Sunday. If you weren't able to attend, you missed a treat! They did a wonderful job. And the theme of the program was fitting. "Bows of Holly" was designed to remind each of us how important it is to help others less fortunate than ourselves. One thing is certain, none of us are above being in the same position as those who are struggling to make ends meet, etc. this time of year. At any point in time, we can find ourselves on the receiving end of the "criticism" surrounding those who seem "beneath" us. We are NEVER better than anyone else. We all have short-comings. For anyone who thinks they are above the majority, you are in for a wake up call. I hope this Christmas finds everyone counting their many blessings and taking an extra minute to do something nice for someone else. Regardless of who he or she might be.
I wanted to update you on some activities taking place in the coming week. Remember to amrk your calendars!
The adult choir will perform their Christmas cantata Sunday, Dec. 23rd at 6pm. The program is entitle "Worship the King". The service will include Christmas hymns and a devotion. Everyone is invited and encourage to attend. Invite someone to come and here the story of our Lord and King.
There will be a talent showcase on Sunday, Dec. 30th at 6pm. If you have a talent you wish to share or if you know of someone who would be interested in participating, please let him or her know so they can be a part of the festivities. Please see our Interim Music Director if you wish to sign up for this fun time of fellowship. The last day to sign up is Sunday, Dec. 23rd.
Don't forget to make your donation to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Our church goal is $5,700.00. As of Sunday, Dec. 16th the total given so far is $1,8331.00. Please allow God to speak to you and guide you in giving to this worthy mission. These monies are needed to help missionaries out in the field spread the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
I believe that's all I have for now. I am wishing each of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
P.S. If you wish to donate items to the Cooperative Ministry for food baskets, the following items are needed for this week:
dish towels and detergent. I know there are those who would greatly appreciate receiving those items as well as other items such as canned meat, tomatoes, dried peas/beans, peanut butter/jelly, flour, sugar, meal, cookies/candy, grits, rice. Tis another way help those who need it, not just during the Christmas season, but all year long.
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Thursday, December 20, 2007