Good Friday evening to each of you. I hope had a good and blessed week. We have several items on the agenda for this weekend.
Tonight the XYZ Committee had their monthly meeting in the fellowship hall. The guest speaker was Deloris Zeigler. Her focus this evening was in regards to her experiences on her mission trip to Kenya. There are so many people who need to hear the word of God. The people He chooses to spread His word to those in need of hearing it are a blessing to those they meet. Praise God for them and the work they do!
There will be an Easter egg hunt tomorrow afternoon (March 15th) from 4pm-7pm for children of all ages. Everyone in the community is invited to share in the fun, food and fellowship. There will be games and activities for the whole family to enjoy as well. The afternoon will end with a cook-out of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings. If there is a family you know that would enjoy the festivities, they are invited to attend as well! May God be glorified!
Tomorrow morning FBC Swansea will host a community wide yard sale. This function is intended to raise money for Clay Dixon's medical expenses. This young man has touched the hearts and lives of many people. Some who know him and others who have only read, seen, or heard about him. Rest assured that God's plan holds something special for the Dixon family and all who know them. The yard sale will begin at 8am and will end at 12 noon. All items that aren't sold will be donated to charity.
Sunday evening March 16th will find the adult choir presenting their Easter cantata. The service will begin at 6pm. The cantata is named "In Christ Alone". If it weren't for God's love, we would truly be alone. A lot of work and time is devoted to these presentations. And you won't be sorry that you attended!
Attention Youth: The Awesome Race will be held Sat., March 22nd. Please see our MOS for more information.
There will be a Youth Committee meeting Sunday, March 16th beginning at 3:30pm.
The annual sunrise service is being held at FBC North this year. Sunrise service will begin at 7pm. The folks in and around our community are invited and encouraged to attend. Our regular Sunday morning activities will take place as normal (Sunday School at 9:45am & morning worship at 11am). There will be no evening service Easter Sunday. Come and share in celebrating Christ's resurrection with fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ.
March 16th will also bring Men's breakfast. All the men of our church are welcome to attend. Breakfast will be served at 8am in the fellowship hall.
Women on Mission will meet Wed., March 19th following the 6:00 supper. All the ladies of our church are invited.
The first day of spring is Thurs., March 20th. The pollen has already started to settle on cards, porches, etc. Allergies will soon be effected and lots of sneezing will occur. Be sure to stock up on allergy medication. Make sure you aren't taking an over the counter product that can interfere with any medication prescribed by your physician. Doing so can result in some not-so-good results.
I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Friday, March 14, 2008