Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I hope everyone is doing well. March is shaping up to be a busy month. Lots of good things in store.
The deacons will start off with their monthly meeting tomorrow morning (3/2/08) at 8am in the conference room.
The following Sunday will kickoff Daylight Savings time. Don't forget to set your clocks up one hour before going to bed Saturday night. Noone wants to be too late or too early to any upcoming engagements.
The March birthday celebration will be held on Wed., March 12th. Anyone having a birthday this month is welcome to join in the fun and fellowship.
Men's breakfast will be held Sunday, March 16th. Breakfast will be served at 8am in the fellowship hall. If you know of a gentleman who might be interested in attending, please invite him. These gatherings develop bonds with fellow church members that will last a lifetime.
Women on Mission will meet Wed., March 19th. If you know of someone who would benefit from taking part in this wonderful group, do invite them. The meeting is held right after Wed. night supper.
Sunday, March 16th is also Palm Sunday. Each year our church observes the events that led up to Jesus' crucifixion. When we think of how our Lord and Savior sent His Son to die on a tree in order for us to be free, there is no greater love than that. Each day we should strive to become more and more like Christ. Take the time to ask God to place His will and desires on you so that they may bring glory to Him.
Easter Sunday is March 23rd. The Easter Sunrise Service will be held at North FBC this year. There will be a time of fellowship, food and celebration. Everyone in the community is invited and encourage to attend. Sunrise service begins at 7am. There will not be a change in the regular morning services March 23rd; however, there will be no evening service that day.
The XYZ meeting will be held Friday, March 14th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. Deloris Zeigler will be sharing her experiences from the mission trip to Kenya. A meal will be provided.
FBC Swansea will have a community-wide yard sale Sat., March 15th from 8am to 12 noon to help raise funds for Clay Dixon's medical expenses. This young man has been such an inspiration. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him personally, but I know he is special and means a great deal to a lot of folks. The amount of money that has already been raised is remarkable. If you would like to donate items to be sold, please drop them off at the church in Swansea, March 8th from 3-6pm. Any items not sold will be donated to charity. Please refer to your monthly newsletter for contact information.
There will be a community-wide Easter egg hunt Sat., March 15th from 4-7pm for children of all ages. Games and activities will also be part of the festivities. The afternoon will end with a cook-out of hamburgers, hot dogs and all the trimmings. Come and bring a friend or two!
The adult choir has been working on the annual Easter Cantata. This musical/drama is scheduled for Sunday, March 16th during the evening worship hour. The title of the cantata is "In Christ Alone". Those in attendance are sure to receive a blessing.
Activities for the youth and children:
The children's ministry consists of the following: Kid's Open Gym Sat., March 8th from 10am-12pm. And don't forget the egg hunt on Sat., March 15th from 4-7pm.
The youth ministry consists of: Open gym Fri., March 7th from 6-9pm.
SNAC (Sunday nights after church) will be held on Sunday, March 9th after the evening service.
"The Awesome Race" will be held on Sat., March 22nd. Please see our Minister of Students for more information.
Student Ministry Committees: Meetings for the children's and youth committees are as follows:
Children's Committee Meeting: Sunday, March 9th at 3:30pm.
Youth Committee Meeting: Sunday, March 16th at 3:30pm.
Attention all Youth Parents: a newsletter is being compiled especially for parents who have children involved in our youth program. This newsletter is being designed by Youth Specialties. The goal for this newsletter is to help keep parents better informed about today's youth. Our MOS is hoping to have a link on the student ministry site soon.
Don't forget to check out the student ministry site from time to time. The link for it is: www.fbcnsm.blogspot.com. Parents will be able to download and print permission slips, etc. if necessary. A lot of hard work goes into these sites and everyone is encouraged to browse them both when time allows.
I believe that's all I have for now. If I missed anything, please email me and let me know. I can be reached at nricha4903@hotmail.com.
Until next time, take care and God bless!
In Christian Love,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: fbcnorth@tds.net CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Saturday, March 01, 2008