Friday, September 15, 2006

Can you feel it?

Can you feel how the weather is beginning to change? It's hard to believe that fall will be here next Saturday (Sept. 23rd). As I have gotten older, spring and fall have become my favorite seasons. Summer is ok, and winter is just too cold. It is something that must occur though. The seasons of the weather change, much like the seasons of our lives. Changes must take place in order for us grow into the people God would have us to be. And thankfully God created us all differently, otherwise, things would get quite boring!

I wanted to remind the men of Men's breakfast this Sunday, Sept. 17th. All men of the church are invited to attend. Breakfast is served at 8am. Come and join in this wonderful time of fellowship with other brothers-in-Christ. Bring a friend!

Women on Mission will be meeting this Wed., Sept. 20th right after supper. All ladies of the church are invited to attend. As stated in my previous update, WOM are working on project to "Welcome" new folks to our area. If anyone knows of anyone who is new to North, please let the church office know and the folks in charge of this will be notified. Please help make this outreach a success!

Don't forget............there will be a question and answer period following prayer meeting this Wed., Sept. 20th as well. Everyone is encouraged to attend and have any and all questions answered regarding the changes to the Constitution and By-laws.

The children will be having an outing this Thursday, Sept. 21st. Don't forget to mark your calendars!

I hope everyone's week went well. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)