Good Sunday evening to each of you. Just got in from choir practice and boy what a work out! We are preparing some wonderful songs and are excited about performing them! All for the glory of God and His kingdom.
We have some exciting things happening around our church in the upcoming weeks. I hope you will make note of them on your calendar(s) if you haven't already. First, there is the "Season of Prayer" for State Missions: The Janie Chapman offering. This particular offering will run from Sept. 1-30. It is for state missions, missions education and empowering kingdom growth. Our personal church goal is $2,500.00 and the state goal is $1,790,700.00. Declare with boldness. We all know how important missions work is and it's important that we help support our missionaries here and abroad so that they might be able to do the work God has called them to do. Allow God to lead you and give from the heart!
The Women on Mission are working on a project to "Welcome" new members to our community. This is an exciting endeavor! Anyone who happens to know of a new family, etc. that has moved into our community, please notify the church office and the appropriate individuals will be notified. Let's help reach those who might be looking for a church home!
There will be a question and answer period regarding the Constitution and By-laws, Wednesday, Sept. 20th in the fellowship hall immediately following prayer meeting. Make plans to be in attendance so that any questions you may have can be addressed.
We are drawing to close on our Sunday evening study of the "End Times". This has been an exciting and enlightening time of study and worship. The pastor will be ending the discussion next week. There will be a time of question and answer. He has asked that any questions you may have be submitted to him by next Sunday. This way he will have ample time to study the questions and supply the answers that are needed. If you haven't been able to attend, I encourage to come and hear the messages he has been bringing. We are certainly drawing closer to the time when Jesus will come again and I praise God for that glorious day!
I hope and pray that God will continue to heal those who are bereaved, sick, homebound, etc. It is His touch and His touch only that can bring the healing that is needed.
We missed those that weren't in attendance today. We hope to see you back next week. Every child of God is vital to the work of the church and you are greatly missed when you aren't there. Come and join us next week and bring a friend (or two).
I pray that each of you will have a blessed week. Before I forget, you don't want to miss the debut performance of the instrumental group on Sunday morning, Oct. 1st. They have been hard at work and I encourage you to come out and support them. I know we will receive a blessing! Take care and God bless!
Love in Christ,
Tina :-)
Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Sunday, September 10, 2006