Sunday, September 03, 2006

Fruits of our Labor

Hello and good Sunday evening. I hope everyone had an enjoyable Sunday. Tomorrow is Labor Day. For many of us, we know the meaning behind Labor Day and what it represents. For those that are just joining the workforce, this is a holiday that simply means a time to recognize those that contribute to the economic strength, well-being and prosperity of our country. The first Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5th, 1882, in New York City in accordance to plans of the Central Labor Union. Simply stated, it is a time to recognize and show appreciation for those that have contributed to the workforce whether past, present or future. It typically falls on the first Monday of the month of September.

We have been told in the Bible to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Now, this doesn't mean that God intends for us to be careless in what we are so fortunate enough to have. We have worked and toiled for what we have and through our hardwork, we can rest easy knowing that we have earned the privilege to celebrate the fruits of our labor. We should always keep in mind that if it weren't for God's grace and blessing, we would not have the nice homes, cars, etc. that we have. It is by His will that we have been blessed in such a way. Taking the time to remember to thank Him for His part in our fruitfulness. For without Him, none of it would be possible.

I hope that each of you will have a blessed and safe Labor Day tomorrow.

News of the church:

Tonight the youth went on a fun adventure. They went bowling in Columbia. Other activities planned for the evening were eating out and stopping by Krispy Kreme for a doughnut. I LOVE Krispy Kreme doughnuts and I hope they enjoyed every minute of it! I am sure they had a fun time not only while bowling, but also while enjoying the fellowship of other Christian young people!

The XYZ will meet on Friday, September 8th at 7pm. Come out and join in the food, fellowship and special music in store for you that evening. I know you will be blessed!

The Season of Prayer for State Missions is September 1-30. It is the Janie Chapman offering for state missions, missions education and empowering Kingdom growth. The theme for this year's offering is "Declare with Boldness". The state goal is $1,790,700.00. Our church goal is $2,500.00. Allow the Lord to guide you in this time of furthering our missions.

There will be a special meeting Wednesday, September 13th immediately following the supper and prayer meeting. During this meeting, changes that have been made to the Church Constitution adn By-Laws will be discussed. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

The instrumental group has been hard at work preparing for their performance Sunday, September 24th during the evening service. I urge everyone to be in attendance that night. You are in for a treat!

Well, I hope your week will be wonderful! Until next time, take care and God bless.

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)