Cyber-communicating with members and friends of the church. E-Mail to: CHURCH STAFF: Rev. Sam Fordham, Pastor; Criss Harris, Worship Leader; Mrs. Joan Buckheister,Ministry Assistant.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
2005 Is Almost Here!
Our hearts are heavy these days, especially in view of the disaster in Asia, with the tsunami waves and the death toll of more that 70,000 people. Thank the Lord that we, the USA, can and will help in this terrible time. These are nations of Islam, and it could be that there will be an opportunity to witness for Jesus.
We cannot forget that we are still at war in Irag, and need to remember our troops over there each time we pray. The future looks mighty bleak in Iraq, but we all know that God is still in control.
Our church was iced in for a bit last Sunday, and we had to cancel all Sunday morning activities, with a special worship service held at 5 PM Sunday afternoon, and no night services. The ice storm was beautiful, and transformed the landscape in North into a beautiful Christmas card scene. We were all very thankful that very few lost electrical power, so we were not cold or hungry. Most just stayed home and enjoyed the family fellowship, along with the leftover Christmas cookies and treats.
Things are going well at North FBC, and we encourage you to pray for this church and the ministry that God has called it to do. Attend if you can, and pray always for God's will to be done.
Please don't hesitate to call or email me here at if I can help you in any way, the pastor and staff are here to serve the members of this church.
Best wishes for 2005 for you...
Bro. Don
Monday, December 20, 2004
We had a great choral presentation last evening, as our choir presented the musical program called "Color It Christmas." A large turnout was on hand, even though it was a very cold negative.
Our appreciation to all our choir and the children and youth who made this program a success.
Speaking of Sunday events, our men and boys met at 8 am for our monthly breakfast. The guest speaker was Rev. Benjamin Smoak, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. A large word of praise for our men who turn out so early on a cold Sunday morning, and especially thse me who did the cooking for us. It was a great breakfast meal, and a great program.
And while we are talking about eating, don't miss the Church Wide Covered Dish Fellowship Meal on Wednesday night, Dec 22nd, at 7 PM. Please come, and invite a friend to come along.
Friday, December 17, 2004
The following article taken from the latest issue of the Baptist Courier is reprinted here for our reading. Bro. Tony Beam is thinking along the same lines as are many of us as we see the secular world seeking very diligently to render Christmas null and void.
Christmas from a Christian worldview
By Tony Beam
Merry Christmas … and I mean Merry Christmas. Not "Seasons Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" or "Happy Hanukkah" or "Merry Kwanzaa." This is the Christmas season. It is the time of year when we celebrate the fact that God was born a man in a manger. We rejoice because, in the words of the heavenly host, "today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11, NASV).
I mean no disrespect, and I have no wish to conjure up images of the Grinch, but if you see me on the street and you greet me with anything less than "Merry Christmas" you will get an earful of what I think about the all-out assault that is being leveled against the real meaning of Christmas. It has been building for several years, but this year, in particular, it seems that many people are becoming equal-opportunity offenders of the rights of Christians to celebrate the birth of our Savior.According to a recent Newsweek poll, 67 percent of Americans believe in the virgin birth. But from New York to California and everywhere in between, Christmas is being systematically removed from the public square. If you think I am exaggerating, consider the following examples:
In South Orange, N.J., even musical scores that have anything to do with religion will not be allowed. That means not only are the lyrics of songs offensive to the politically-correct crowd, but also any music which might cause someone to think about the lyrics. (Can anybody say "thought police"?)
In Colorado, the Elbert County Charter School is being sued by the ACLU because the principal refuses to censor Christmas. The ACLU alleges, presumably with a straight face, that any reference to Christmas during the Christmas season amounts to anti-Semitism.
Kindergartners at a public school in Oregon were invited to bring cards to a Christmas party, but a teacher barred one student from distributing his holiday greeting because it mentioned the reason for the season — Jesus Christ.
And finally, in Sacramento, Calif., teachers are being told that they are not allowed to say the word Christmas or to mention anything in relation to the Christmas season. One of the teachers said, "I don’t know if I want to go on teaching. People need to stand up to all these wackos." I couldn’t have said it any better. A lot of "somebodies" who understand that Christmas does not exist apart from Christ need to raise their voices against this anti-Christian madness. A distinctly Christian worldview demands that we refuse to join the innkeeper in Bethlehem who relegated the King of kings to a cave. We must keep Christ in Christmas so the world will know what Christmas is really all about.
Beam is director of the Christian Worldview Center at North Greenville College.
To read other interesting articles and Christian news, click on the Baptist Courier link in the right hand column.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
We are still in the process of seeking a minister of music and youth, and have several good resumes which our personnel committee is evaluating. Of course, we are dealing with them one at a time, and will have as a guest in January a young man from Kentucky who will come and share with the committee and the church family. He will arrive on January 7 and spend the weekend with us. His name is Stephen W. Sims, and he is coming from Bardstown, KY. So please pray for our church as we seek God's man for our church. Stephen is single, and a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is experienced in music and youth/children ministries.
Our schedule for this week includes the monthly men and boys breakfast on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 8:00 AM. Rev. Benjamin Smoak, the co-pastor of Calvary Baptist Church will be the guest speaker. All our men and boys are urged to attend.
On Sunday night, our Adult Choir will present the Christmas Music Program to the church family and friends. Program will start at 7:00 PM.
And, next Wednesday night, Dec. 22, at 7:00 PM, we will have our Christmas Covered Dish Supper for the church family and friends. Church families are urged to bring well filled covered dishes which we might share around the tables. Christmas is a time of good eats, and diets go by the board. We can always start back on our diet after the first of January, 2005, can't we? That's about it for this time, don't forget to do at least two things:
1. Say Merry Christmas as often as you can.
2. Always pray in the name of Jesus.
Love you all, IN Christ.... drr
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Christmas Season of Joy and Blessing!
We are planning a special Christmas Covered Dishes Supper at the church on Wednesday night, December 22nd at 7 PM. This will be a great time of fellowship and fun and food, of course. We Baptists know that we cannot have a church fellowship meeting without plenty of food!
We are still in the process of searching for a full-time minister of music and youth. Several promising resumes have been received, and the Personnel committee is busy evaluating and praying for the right person.
You are asked to pray for us in this matter, that our Lord is even now preparing the right person for this important staff position.
I am sorry to have to announce that brother Ray Gunter, faithful member of our church and a friend to all, has died and gone home to the Lord. Ray was a terrific man, a dear friend to me, and will be sorely missed. He was 78 years old. We have lost several dear friends in the past few months, and mourn their loss, even knowing that as born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, they are now with the Lord. But we do miss them very much. Please pray for their family in these difficult days of bereavement.
Some one has reported on TV that there is a movement to get people to stop saying Merry Christmas and say something like Happy Holidays or such. Don't do it. Do not ever feel embarrassed to say Merry Christmas to all! Just who do they think they are, those who would set themselves up to tell us not to mention the name of Christ at Christmas. And I trust that when you pray, you always pray in the name of Jesus, after all, it is not a prayer unless it is in His Name. One person can get offended by the name of Jesus, and our government then tells us that we must stop using His name. Can you imagine? Are we not truly in the last days just prior to the Rapture of the body of Christ? I believe we are. So let us keep on looking for that blessed hope, the return of our Lord.
God Bless One and All, Remember who loves you.....
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I pray that you all will have a great holiday season this year. We in the church office wish you the best as you prepare to enjoy a day of thanksgiving tomorrow, and then to be caught up in the Christmas rush. It is still exciting to me to feel the spirit of Christmas. It reminds me when I was a little boy back in the late 30's and was enthralled by all the Christmas decorations, the fancy toys, the good eats, and the little bag of fruit and candy that my church would give out at the annual church Christmas party. We have so much more these days, but I was very proud to get the little bag of fruit, such as an apple, a banana, some nuts, and a candy cane. And often, there would be a little toy of some sort. Exciting days. I wish that we could all recapture those feelings now, here nearly 70 years later. Something has happend over the years, we have been accustomed to too much of a material nature, and our children will never have that feeling which we had. Today it is too much, too often, and very seldom truly appreciated. But, I do appreciate knowing you, and hope that these ramblings will show you that we are seeking to have an 'exciting church, where people really do love one another.'
Come regularly to our services if you are nearby, and if you are some distance away, when you go to your church to enjoy the Lord's Day, remember to say a little prayer for us at FBC North.
God loves you, and so do WE..
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Thanksgiving Week is Here!
Even with the situation in the Middle East, we can still trust in God to do what is right. Life goes on, and we are still challenged with the commission to tell others about Jesus.
Our church is an exciting place these days. Everyone seems to be fairly well satisfied, and only a few complaints from time to time about mostly insignificant happenings. We have rejoiced in the going home of our good friend and church member, Brother Windred Bolin. Words cannot express how much we admired him, and how much we shall miss him. We ask your prayers for his precious wife, Violet, and for the family members who are bereaved.
We are now in the process of searching for a Minister of Music and Youth for our church. This will be a full-time staff position, and we are going through a number of resumes that have been sent in response to our putting out the word. Will you join us in prayer that the right man will soon become available?
So, I pray that you will have a happy Thanksgiving Day celebration around your home and don't eat too much of that bird. As for me, I am looking forward to the ham!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Last post I talked about the Homecoming, and now I can report that we had a great time of fellowship, preaching, food, and had a beautiful day for it all. A very large crowd attended, and the food line was out the door into the yard! Rev. David Laird did an outstanding sermon, and we enjoyed having him back. Just think, this church has been busy for one hundred and eleven years of service to the community and for the Lord
Since our Youth Minister resigned, I have been busy calling and writing to Baptist schools to see if we can get a new staff position of Minister of Music and Youth filled. So far we have received more than a dozen resumes from all over, and all seem to be well qualified for the job that have here. Now the personnel committee will have to sort them out, have them come for interviews, etc., and see which one the Lord has for us. We decided to combine the position of minister of music with the minister of youth into one full-time position, and will offer a fairly reasonable salary, along with a nice home, just behind the church. Please join us in prayer that this position will be filled very quickly. And pray for the Personnel Committee in their deliberations over the resumes.
A dear church member and friend has gone to be with the Lord. Brother Windred Bolin died Sunday, and will be buried on Thursday, Nov. 18th. Windred was a precious soul, a great man, and a good friend. He and his wife, Vi, were a blessing to our church. Now we need to remember Vi and the children in our prayers in the days to come.
Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving Day celebration around your home next week. We have so many things to be thankful for, especially for our Lord and Saviour. Would you believe that my sweet wife already has our Christmas tree up and decorated! There is something special about this season of the year.
Until next time, may God be with you in every way,
Sincerely Bro. Don
Friday, November 05, 2004
We are in a state of surprised shock what with the recent resignation of our Minister to the Children and Students. Yes, John and Karla Mew have decided to leave us and we are all so sad, because John has done an outstanding job with our youth and children since his coming on staff. They are a sweet couple, and our love and prayers will surely go with them into their new ventures. That is the problem oftentimes, just when you are getting to know someone, they move away. We really do hate to see them go, but are trusting in our Lord to care for them in the days to come.
Activities picking up now that we are in the fall season, not only Homecoming, but we have had a great Fall Festival for all [planned and led by John Mew] and we will soon be getting ready for Thanksgiving, and then, of course, Christmas time!
Please continue to pray for us as we now are seeking a Minister of Music and Youth, a combined position that we would like to have filled soon. Pray that our Lord has a music and youth staff member picked out for us, and we will have him or her on staff very soon. All the winter programs that have been planned are still on schedule, and the Youth are going snow skiing in early 2005. I believe that Brad and Lori Creech are going to lead that group trip.
Well, guess that is about all for now, just wanted to keep in touch and let you know that the FBC of North is praying for each person that reads these words, especially and I praying for you. Please pray for us, and send us an email from time to time telling us what God is doing in your life, we would be glad to share it with you.
Just click on that and write us a note.
Till later, May God bless you and yours, and may we serve Him as never before.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Several things on my mind today, especially the Sunday activities here at our church. First of all, we are having the monthly Men and Boys Breakfast at 8:00 AM, with Rev. Dr. Kimmett Lott, pastor of nearby Providence Baptist Church as our guest speaker. We try to encourage our men and boys to attend regularly, and have different speakers and programs. It is always good to enjoy the fellowship around the breakfast table.
Sunday afternoon, we are hosting the annual Blood Drive for the American Red Cross. Sign-ups have been very slow this year, but we are praying for a good turnout to provide the needed blood for the Red Cross. I would that folks would turn out to give their blood as well as they did Thursday at the Health Center to get the influenza shot. What a crowd, old and young, lined up to receive the injection. I was one of the several hundred that were lined up at 9 AM. And, was very grateful to be able to get it. The wife and I are both in the elderly category, somewhat past 65 years, so we qualifed, but I am afraid that many will not be able to get the protection they need for this flu season. Please pray for those who may wind up with the flu.
OCTOBER FESTIVAL TIME: We are busy getting ready for the Fall Festival this year, which will be held on Sunday night, October 31st, in the Youth Building. John Mew, our Minister of Students and Children has proposed a great program, with lots of food, fun and games. I trust that all our church family, as well as friends in the community, will come and share with us. More details later.
I wanted to thank all those who worked out the moving and setting up of my new office in the church. For sometime I was in with Joan, our ministry assistant, and it was a bit crowded. I know Joan was glad to see me move down the hallway and around the corner to office space of my own. I share this room with the Sunday School and Discipleship Training general officers on Sunday, but during the week, it is all mine alone! So once I get it arranged as I would like it, I will be very happy. Doesn't take much to make an old preacher happy!!
So long for now, I pray for the readers of these ramblings, and trust that you will feel that someone is praying for you..
Monday, October 11, 2004
I spoke to a group of children in church yesterday, and told them that in a few short years from now, they would be saying that the early days of the 21st Century would be the best days of their lives! Especially if they give these days to the Lord and begin now to live for Him.
Back to the present, we had a great day for the Lord on Sunday. We had 99 in Sunday School, and a larger number for the morning worship hour. We celebrated the Lord's Supper, and remembered Jesus as we confessed our sins and failures, and asked Him to use us in a special way in the days to come. Our pastor closed out the day with an in-depth look in Revelation. In the afternoon, Mz. Carolyn and I traveled to nearby Fellowship Baptist Church, where our son, Donnie is pastor, as that church celebrated Homecoming with Dinner on the Grounds. It was good to see all our friends there, and to see our children, granddaughters, and our great grands. There is nothing finer than to fellowship with a group of Christian brothers and sisters.
Lots of things going on at FBC, we are hosting a Red Cross blood drive next Sunday. We also have our monthly Men and Boys breakfast, wtih Rev. Kimmett Lott, pastor of Providence Baptist Church as our guest speaker. More later, God Loves YOU...
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Our pastor, Bro. Larry Shull, added the topping in his evening sermon from Revelation. Do you believe that we are in the last days of God's earthly plan. Signs are on every hand. How exciting it is to see prophecies fulfilled right before our eyes. Come Quickly, Lord Jesus!
Sent most of you a special note today about the Red Cross Blood Drive, which we are hosting on Sunday, October 17 from 1-6 PM. Sign up sheets in the vestibule, or you may call us in the church office, 247-2711 and we will schedule you. We can take two donors per hour. If you drop in, I am sure that you can be worked in. Please pray about this, even if you cannot give, pray that others will be led to give. In my confinement in the hospital with five operations on my knee, I received 5 units of blood, and I appreciate those who gave for me. I needed it..
As I write these notes from time to time, most of the time with my laptop on my lap, I try to picture the faces of those who are on my email list. I want to personally direct these thoughts to you, because are always in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my heart. I pray that our Father will continue to bless you in countless ways.
Time to stop for now, but remember your church and Christian brethren in your prayers.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
The Sound of Music
What is your idea of a theme for our church family? For the first thirty years of my ministry, I used the theme, "Preaching the Old Fashioned Gospel to a New Fashioned World." It worked for me. As I was thinking of the old days, I thought, why not a theme for us? Can you think of something we might use? Email me at if you have an idea.Think about it.
Our monthly newsletter, The Messenger, is in the mail for our church members. If you would like to keep up with our church, and not currently on the mailing list, drop us a line, email or snail, and we will add you to the list.
First Baptist Church
PO Box 189
North, SC 29112
So long for now...God loves you, and so do I.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2004
God Loves YOU and so do I......
We have recently elected seven new deacons for the next two years, and have been blessed by having experienced deacons available to serve. So, these are a few of the things I have missed sharing with you, but promise that I will add more to this in the next few days. Support your church, pray for one another, sing praises to the Lord, minister to the lost and disciple the saved, and see what our God has in store for us. For all who read these words, 'remember who loves you, God plus me...
Bye for the moment....
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Sad Day at Church last Sunday [tongue in cheek]
We did have a great time of worship last Sunday, with Sunday School attendance of 103, lots of enthusiam in our singing and preaching time, and just plain good fellowship around the church. Our services were full, and we even had a church conference and passed on the Budget for next year, elected seven new deacons, and approved the Nominating Commitee report on new officers for the new church year.
Thanks to all of our church family who make our church an exciting place. We do love and appreciate you and all that you do...
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Another Exciting Lord's Day!
During the morning service, Rev. Charles Hoblitz spoke to the church family and continued to share many experiences and needs for his field of service. Our church was pleased to share with them, and to share also financially with them in their work. We are surely aware that we should be very grateful to Almighty God that we live as free men and women in this wonderful country of the United States of America. Brother Hoblitz extended an invitation to all of us to come to Russia and visit with them, and spend a week with them in their ministry and in their Bible School. Sounds like an interesting trip, and one that I would like to make. According to reports, the cost round trip to St. Petersburg is about $750. Charles said that if we could pay our airfare, that they would take care of housing and feeding us while we are there. Anyone interested in going? Let me know.
Lots of activities going on this week. We have a special program for the senior adults as we have a lady who has been here before who impersonates "Minnie Pearl." I understand that she is very good. The senior group, called the XYZ Club, will meet on Friday night at 7:00 PM for a covered dish meal, and then entertainment to follow.
John has the youth and children doing many things, and we are proud of our youngsters.
Still searching for a minister of music for our church, and have started advertising in the local area and also in the state Baptist Courier newspaper. Please join us in prayer that the Lord will send the right person for our church.
God bless each reader of these words, and know that you are in our prayers. If our church can be of any help to you, please let us know. Our email address is
and we will be very happy to share with you in prayer.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
All Tied Up....
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
We copy and send out audio cassettes of the Sunday sermons, and the Sunday school lesson. In this way, we can minister to several groups of our homebound friends. But, sometimes the recorder fails and the process misses a great sermon.
Ice Cream supper on Sunday, August 29th, immediately following the evening worship service. This service will be led by the Truth, our church Youth group, with contemporary music, and a message by John Mew, or Minister to Students and Children. We appreciate the great job that John is doing with our youth.
On Sunday, September 5th, it will be my privilege to preach in both services . Please remember me in prayer as I prepare to preach to the church family. It is always a joy to preach to the fine folk of North FBC, and see your happy faces and hear the good singing.
Also, on that same Sunday, remember that we will pass out a list of our men for you to examine and pray over, then to come on the following Sunday, Sept 12th, to select 7 men of good report to be deacons for the next two years.
We are still praying for a music minister/worship leader to serve our church in a part-time capacity. If you know of anyone in the immediate area who might be interested and available, please have them contact me by phone or email or regular mail.
Today is Wednesday, and we look forward anxiously to another great time of prayer and Bible study in the church sanctuary. We pray for many people, and you are included in our prayers, as we designate a portion of our prayer list to what we call unspoken requests, meaning that we don't name anyone, but we pray for the needs of those who are asking and receiving of God.
See you later here on these pages, and at church, I hope.....God Bless...
Meaning: Very hot days.
Origin:The ancient Romans noticed that the hottest days of the year, i.e. in late July and early August, co-incided with the Dog Star (aka Sirius, aka The Great Dog) being in the same part of the sky as the Sun. They thought the star contributed to the heat of the day.
I found this in a web site at:
This site is good for finding explanations for all sorts of phrases we use in every day speech. Check it out.
Friday, August 20, 2004
Ready for Sunday
The Messenger, or monthly newsletter, is ready to be mailed and will go out next week. Please notice all the announcements about the many activities of our church. And don't forget to attend as many as you are able.
Have received several new email addresses in response to my requests in the weekly
bulletin and the newsletter. Also am sending out an email Messenger once in a while, and we call it the E-Messenger. As I have said before, I am still learning how to get all this together and out to you. Please share this page address to your friends and ask them to view our writings and pray for our church family.
Happenings next month include:
- First meeting of the new church year for the Senior Group, the XYZ [Extra Years of Zest] on Friday night, September 10 at 7:00 PM. Our special guest will be "Minnie Pearl," whom you will remember from some time ago. All seniors are urged to attend and bring well filled covered dishes for the fellowship meal.
- Deacon election: a list of eligible men will be provided to the church in business conference the first Sunday in September, and election will be the following Sunday. Seven deacons will be replaced.
- Homebound Members Sunday School lesson will be recorded and delivered to each shut-in by the Sunday School each week. The ladies Sunday School class will tape and deliver these lessons on cassette tape.
- We also have a preaching tape of both services each Sunday that is delivered to our folks who are sick at home, or shut-in.
- A great number of Children and Youth activities going on in our church. John Mew, our Youth Director is doing a great job.
- We will start a pre-school children's church the first Sunday in September, also a new Sunday School class for Grades 6-8 for boys and girls will start.
So, thank you for reading these ramblings, and please pray for us. Remember, God loves you, and so do we!
Sunday, August 15, 2004
SUNDAY REPORT August 15 2004
Sunday school numbered 97 today, with some of our regulars away for the final trip of the summer. We have a good time in these classes, and urge those who are not in our S.School to come and get involved. There is a class for all ages. We have started two new classes this year, and plan on a new class of 6th-8th graders in the coming year which will begin in October. Also, in the planning, is a pre-school worship service for all the little ones starting soon. If you are interested in helping with these classes, please talk to John Mew. We really do need helpers from the church family.Pastor Larry Shull brought an exciting and thought provoking message from 1 John about seeking to live a perfect life for the Lord. If you are not attending the preaching services, then you are missing a blessing. Pastor Shull is an outstanding preacher who clearly exposes the Word of God for all who are willing to hear.
This is being written on Sunday afternoon and my wife Carolyn and I have just returned from the 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration for Sidney and Mildred Livingston. Sidney is our Chairman of Deacons, and Mildred is one of our faithful leaders. Their children gave them the drop-in reception at the Calhoun County Country Club in St. Matthews, SC. We are very proud of Sidney and Mildred, and wish them many additional years of joy together. And we are very appreciative of their children for sharing this moment with the North church family and Carolyn and me.
Now, we are getting ready for our Discipleship Training Class, and in starting a new
subject of study tonight. We are getting into "Godlessness In The Last Days," based on events as outlined in 1 and 2 Timothy, among others. It is my joy to be a part of that class as we share and discuss biblical ideas and doctrines.
Following that, we will go into the evening worship hour and continue our study of the Great Tribulation events in Revelation, led by our pastor. God is so good to us here in North, SC, as I pray that He is wherever you are.
More chatter later, just know that God loves you, and so do we....
Sincerely, In Christ
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
We are always excited here on Wednesdays, as we prepare for the mid-week prayer and Bible study time tonight. Our pastor leads is to consider the prayer needs of our church family and friends, and then shares an insightful time of Bible study. We have a great time, and then the choir remains and practices for the Sunday services.
My hearts desire is to see our church as full on Wednesday night as it is on the Sunday meeting times.
Here is an interesting link for you, if you are concerned about the voting rules and procedures this year. You might have already seen the article in the current Baptist Courier about this. It is an interesting site, just go to and check it out. Many people are confused as to exactly what we can do, legally, in the matter of public elections.
God Bless and Keep You.....
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
GYM OPEN: please remember that the gym will be open each Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM for basketball [ages 14 and up, including adults.]
PRE-SCHOOL WORSHIP SERVICES: We are planning to start a Preschool Worship Service for our little ones soon. John Mew, our Children's Director, is asking that all who are interested in helping with this new project come to a covered dish luncheon immediately following the services Sunday, Aug 22. Please bring covered dishes, share them with others, and discuss the beginning of this class. Let John know, 247-2711, if you can come.
NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS FOR 6th to 8th graders, starting on September 5th. John Mew will be the lead teacher.
We have started several new Sunday School classes during the past church year, and all seem to be doing very well. Our appreciation to Sarah Wannamaker for her leadership in the Sunday School ministry.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Reminder...don't forget the Fifth Sunday Ice Cream Fellowship on the 29th of this month. Home churned cream and good fellowship as we enjoy this special treat on warm [hot] summer evening after church. Come and bring a friend.
Our church office is in the process of searching for a new copy machine. Due to the lightning storm several weeks ago, we lost two circuit boards in the old copier. The problem is that they are so old that replacement is not available. So we are taking bids on a new machine. As you can imagine, this is a difficult decison to make, so we ask you to join us in prayer that we will make the right decision. The copy machine is a valuable tool in the ministry of our church and we are seeking one that we feel is the right one. We never consider anything without bathing it in prayer.
Our Youth Group has a new name, TRUTH. You will be seeing that name more and more in our news items and youwill know that it is the name of a faithful group of dedicated youth, led by John and Karla Mew. Please pray for the TRUTH group in our church.
Enough for this time, remember, God loves you, and so do I. Will see you in Sunday School and church. Call your church staff if we can help you in any way...
Monday, August 02, 2004
Let me know of any email addresses which you would like to be included in the E-Messenger newsletter which we will be sending out from time to time.
To our church family, don't miss the last Sunday of this month as we have An Ice Cream Social following the evening worship hour. Home churned or purchased, there will be ice cream for every taste. Come and invite a friend.
God Bless for now...
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I have been trying to collect email addresses from anyone that is even remotely interested in the ministry of the North First Baptist church, so if you have someone you would like to be on our E-Messenger e-mail mailing list, please send me a note at or
Also interested in having input to this Blog Page, so if there is anything, within reason, that you would like to see published here, send it along, and I will try to use it. Our plan is to make this a two-way communication tool, and as soon as I learn a bit more, I hope to have a comment section here on the page, so you can leave your message and comments. But, I am still learning….
Sermon titles for Sunday, August 1 are:
AM: “Did You Know That You Can Be Forgiven For Anything?” 1 John 1:8-10
PM: “The Day It All Breaks Loose.” Rev. 9:1-12
You are urged to attend and hear Brother Larry Shull, our pastor, as he preaches the Word to us.
Remember: “Jesus Christ is Lord now and forever! Glory to His Precious Name!
Friday, July 23, 2004
Send me your email addresses of those who are interested in the North Baptist Church activities, and I will add them to the mailing list.
Bro. Larry Shull has been the pastor of this church for ten years this month and we have been blessed under his ministry and leadership. What a precious family they are, Larry and Brenda and" little Larry" and how thankful we are to have them. Be sure and greet them and tell them how much you love and appreciate them each Sunday.
John Mew has had our church youth at the beach all this week and we are anxiously awaiting their return. The purpose of the trip was evangelism, and we a praying that they had many professions of faith for their efforts. We should hear all about it on Sunday.
SEE YOU IN CHURCH? I pray that we will. God Bless.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Plans are for our church to have a new Olan Mills directory of all the church family next summer. So in this next year, we would ask that all you camera buffs begin to take pictures of the different activities around the church, and let me have them so that when the time comes we will be able to have a large collection to choose from. I will be around taking pictures also. If you have a digital camera, we can upload the pictures from your camera to the church computer. Let’s try it and see how it works.
Our Nominating Committee is busy, so if you are interested in a place of service for the new church year, let me know and I will get your request to the right place. I would like to see us start a new members class on Sunday morning, so if you are a mature and experienced Christian, you can serve the Lord by helping teach the Survival Kit Program to our new members as they come in this next year. Let me know, please.
Put this on your calendar…August 29, following the evening services, we invite you to join with us by bringing a churn of your favorite ice cream [or some store bought if you cannot churn]. We will have more to say about this as the time approaches. Plan on making this a great summer Sunday treat.
We have an exciting time each Sunday evening in the hour prior to the evening worship service. There is a class for the children and youth, and the adults meet in the TEL classroom just off the sanctuary. I would especially like to invite you to attend the adult class. We have just finished an in-depth study of Spiritual Warfare, and will be starting another interesting subject soon. Please come and join with us, we promise an interesting 45 minutes of discussion, laughter and study.
Monday, July 19, 2004
Our VBS had a high attendance of 105, average attendance of 96, and my Adult Class averaged 14. A number of my adults were involved in other classes. But, sad to say, we had zero professions of faith in Christ. It seems to me that VBS over the past few years had developed into a time of fun and recreation for the children. '
Please pray for our personnel committee as they begin the arduous task of finding our church a Minister of Music. Our current leader, a sweet lady, is having to retire after six years due to health difficulties.
Still looking for email addresses for those who might be interested in receiving
the "E-Messenger" newsletter which I hope to send out frequently. What a great way of keeping some of the church family and friends up to date on happenings around here. Our church is moving and growing and we ask you to keep us in your prayers.
God Loves YOU...and so do I....
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
We are in the midst of Vacation Bible School this week, and have been having a great time with the Rickshaw Rally theme for this year. We have had a good crowd of children, willing workers, and food preparers. Our adult class is down somewhat, with only 11 adults involved each night. But, a number of our regulars are involved in helping in other classes.
Highest attendance so far has been 105, total students including staff members, which is great for our church.
I am still trying to learn how to add pictures and links to this page, so bear with me. I plan to also have an ELetter going out to those for whom I have an emailaddress. WE are still trying to develop a church web page, but that will take a bit longer.Let me know if you are willing to add your expertise to keeping all this going in the days to come.
Please join with us in our worship services this Sunday. We will have the church conference and also the Lord's Supper in the AM services. Come and bring a friend.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
We are sending an email to all on our email list to alert them to this web blog and to help us in adding information which will be beneficial to the church family. This will be sort of a journal of our church activities and ministries.
Please let the church know your email address if you are interested in being a part of the email family. Send to and he will add it to the list.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
In services this morning, we had 109 students in S.School, with a good crowd in the preaching service. We are encouraging all our members to be faithful to all the services, and especially to be much in prayer for the ministries of our church family. So many Christians these days are staying away from churches for what ever reason. Surely this must grieve the heart of our Lord.
We have a number of members and friends of the church who are on our prayer list. We hestitate to publish their names here on the Blog, but when you pray, please remember to pray for them. The are listed on the back of the weekly bulletin. We covet your prayers for the church staff also.
Monday, May 17, 2004
During the morning worship hour, the church was called into special conference to vote on several personnel positions to be filled, one of which was concerning me. The church family voted to call me as Minister of Education and Administration. This is a great blessing for me, as it will allow me to continue a ministry of serving the Lord even though I am nearly 72 years old, and have slowed down quite a bit. I am excited and looking forward to working on the staff with our pastor, Rev. Larry Shull, John Mew, our Minister of Youth and Childen, and Joan Buckheister, the ministry assistant. Plus, a great church family. I covet your prayers for the days to come. I will be reporting on a regular basis for those who read these blogs.
At 4PM, we had a drop-in wedding shower for John Mew and his fiance, Karla York,who will be married in mid June. Two very happy young people. John has really done an outstanding work in his first months of ministry to our youth and children.
Then, to wrap it all up, we enjoyed our Discipleship Training classes. I am privileged to teach the Adults in DT and we are working our way through an in-depth study about Spiritual Warfare. Following DT, our evening worship service closed the day with a presentation from our puppet ministry, and several songs from our small children. Of course we had an outstanding sermon from pastor Larry Shull about the church that makes God sick, the Laodicea church of Rev. 3:14.
God is truly blessing. Please pray for my church family.
God Bless you...
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Plans are complete for the Family Breakfast next Sunday, May 16th. Eating will start at 8:00 AM, followed shortly by the Fralick Sisters singing for us. Following the program,we will meet in Sunday School at 9:45 AM.The Fralick Sisters are members of the Double Branch Baptist Church, whose pastor is my son. How exciting it is to have both my preacher boys so close to us!
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Mom's Day is next Sunday, May 8th. You are encouraged to attend the worship services that morning as we honor our mothers on this special day. Pastor Shull will also be leading in the baby dedication services that morning. We are very proud of our babies.
On Sunday, May 16, the Men of the Church will host a special family breakfast for all the church members. This is to honor the mother's as vital members and leaders of our church. We are expecting a great time, with good breakfast treats, and special music by the Fralick Sisters of the Double Branch Baptist Church. These sisters, well known in our area, sing a variety of Christian songs, mostly without music and with great harmony. They just recently cut a CD and cassette with some of their favorites. You will enjoy them, I am sure.
And don't forget that June is the month to celebrate dear ole dad!!
That is all for the moment. God Bless YOU in a special way.
Monday, May 03, 2004
Also on the same Sunday, there is a special called church conference to vote on calling me, DRR, as Minister of Education and Administration as a paid staff member. Who ever said I could retire...? Retirement sure does get boring, and now I can have another ministry for as long as the Lord allows me to go on. I covet the prayers of all who read these words, and pray that, if I am called, that I can be an effective and faithful minister of our church. I am looking forward to working closely with our pastor and with the minister of children and youth. This is a humbling experience for me, and I can only give God the praise and glory for allowing me to continue serving Him here in my "golden years".
Saturday, May 01, 2004
When I get the blog going good, I plan on entering the schedule of activities, worship services, etc., so that all computer buff members can check out the program schedule. Also, I plan to have an E-Mail Newsletter as often as needed to keep the church infomed.
Sunday. May 16th will be a great time of Breakfast Fellowship as the Men of the church host all the men, wives and children for a special breakfast meal, starting at 8 AM. Our guests will be the Fralick Sisters from nearby Double Branch Baptist Church as they sing for us. All church members are invited to attend, but you must sign up so that the cooks can know how many eggs to cook, bacon strips to fry, and coffee to make. As you enter the vestibule of the church next Sunday, use the sighup sheet that is provided, or just call the church office at 247-2711 and let the secretary know how many of your family are coming.