Monday, January 22, 2007

Feeling Crafty?

I know.........what in the world is Tina thinking? Well ladies, here's our opportunity to get together and have a little time away from the house and we get to spend with our sisters-in-Christ and do something we love at the same time! Tomorrow night (Jan. 23rd) is the first craft night for the ladies of the church. All ladies are invited to attend. It will be held in the fellowship hall from 6-9pm. You will be able to bring whatever crafts you are working on or even those crafts you have been meaning to start working on and could never find the time to do so. Whatever your fancy is.........whether it's scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, etc. you are welcome to attend. Even if you aren't sure what craft you might like to work on, someone there may have some ideas to help get you started.

So tell the husbands, boyfriends, etc. they are own their own from 6-9 Tuesday evening and come and spend some time with the girls!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hello! Hope your Sunday evening is going well. We have been blessed today with a few showers of rain. We were also very blessed with the service this morning. Our guest speaker did a wonderful job. The all male choir did an excellent job! (by the way....where are all you men in the choir normally?). Would love for you to join us! The trio also did an terrific job. We have such talented individuals in our church. It's great to see the talents displayed and put to use in worshiping our Lord and Savior!

The Discipleship Training class "Know Fear" is moving along wonderfully. It really is making you think and focus on things you might have overlooked otherwise. Fear is human, but God wants us to overcome those fears so that He may be able to use us to do His work. May those who are participating in this class walk away with renewed strength! (If you are unable to attend the Sunday night session, there is a make-up class on Monday evenings at 7pm in the fellowship hall.)

The ladies of the church will be having a "Craft Night" Tuesday, Jan. 23rd from 6-9pm. Bring a friend and come join in the fun and fellowship. This activity will be held in the fellowship hall.

A couple of our church members recently took a trip. This Wednesday night during Prayer Meeting at 7pm they will share about their travels. You are in for quite a treat!

I think covers most everything for now. If I left anything out, please let me know. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Chilly Weather

Fortunately for our part of the world we have avoided some of the bad weather. It has been a very cold, dreary day outside indeed. But the cold, dreary day doesn't have to have a bearing on the warmth and kindness we can display as Christians. I hope that each of you were able to reap at least one good thing from this day. I am thankful that the weather was not any worse than it was. I pray that those without power will soon have it restored. We have been so blessed. There are those in this country who are feeling the cold today. They don't have homes to shelter them from the cold and rain. They don't have loved ones to comfort them when comfort is needed. I hope and pray that when people come in contact with each of us, we give off the warmth and love of Christ Jesus. The words "Let others see Jesus in you" need to be more than just a song. They need to come to life and be displayed for all to see. It is something that I know I need to work on and become better about doing.

It is very easy to get wrapped up in the things of the world. We have to learn not to allow the every day things get us off track of the job God has for us to do. Satan becomes very pleased when he sees one of God's children wandering aimlessly. We have to keep God where He belongs. That is in first place. If we allow God to be in control of our lives, we are better equipped to fight off Satan and his army. Satan is only as powerful as we allow him to be. Satan loves it when we allow the cold, dreariness of life to set in and keep us down-hearted. When we step into the light of Jesus, Satan's power becomes weak. Pray to always be in the light of our Lord and Savior. Keep Satan in the dark, forever at bay.

I hope that you are making plans to be a part of Baptist Men's Day this Sunday, Jan. 21st. The day will begin with Men's Breakfast at 8am. Men of all ages are invited to attend. There will be an all male choir that morning as well (practice will be immediately following men's breakfast). One of our former church members will be the guest speaker of the day. I am looking forward to hearing him speak. Invite someone to join you for this special day!

The ladies of the church will have "Craft Night" on Tues., Jan. 23rd from 6-9pm. They will meet in the fellowship hall. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. Invite another lady to join you for this time of fun and fellowship.

Don't forget about the 2nd meeting of "Know Fear". Last week's session went very well. I am looking forward to the next. We are doing some reading everyday in our books and it is quite thought-provoking and uplifting. These sessions are being held at 5pm in the fellowship hall during the regular discipleship training hour.

I hope that the remainder of your week goes well. Until next time, keep warm and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Good Sunday evening to each of you! I hope you had a blessed Sunday. We began the adult Bible study tonight entitled "Know Fear: Facing Life's Six Most Common Phobias". We all have things in our lives that make us afraid. The purpose of this study is to focus on 6 different areas that are common in everyone's personal lives. The goal is to equip us as Christians with the proper tools to help us overcome these fears.

God is aware that we have these fears. Whether it be a fear of flying or of God Himself. For me, I would have to say that God doesn't necessarily mean for us to be "afraid" of Him as we would be afraid of heights, snakes, spiders, etc. I feel the context in which the word "afraid" is used to describe God means we should respect and honor Him.

Each session is taking place over the next 6 weeks during the Discipleship Training hour at 5pm. There was a very good number attending tonight. For those that were teaching another class, there will be a 30 minute session tomorrow night in the fellowship hall beginning at 7pm.

During our quarterly church conference this morning it was announced that we have a new Youth & Children's minister coming to us in Feb. His first day will be Sunday, Feb. 11th. There will be "pounding" for him Wed., Feb. 14th. What "pounding" means is bringing canned or boxed goods to help stock his pantry, etc. It doesn't mean beating him over the head with a baseball bat. (not that anyone would............but you never know!) Just kidding. I know none of our church family would do such a thing! :-)

So bring your canned or boxed goods that Wed. evening when you come for supper and prayer meeting. As always supper begins at 6pm with prayer meeting immediately following.

As I have mentioned several times, Baptist Men's Day is next Sunday, Jan. 21st. All men are invited and encouraged to attend Men's breakfast at 8am that day. The all male choir will practice after breakfast at 9am in the choir room. There will be guest speaker during the morning worship hour. Mark the date on your calendar and invite someone to join you in this wonderful time of worship and fellowship!

Attention Ladies: Women on Mission will be meeting this Wed. night at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the choir room in the fellowship hall. All ladies are invited to attend.

Another event for ladies is "Craft Night". This will be held in the fellowship hall on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd from 6-9pm. This should be a fun time for all who attend. Why should the men always have all the fun??!! :-)

As always, remember to pray for those serving in the Armed Forces. We have several church members who are having health problems right now. As well as several folks in the community. While they may not be listed here, the Lord knows their needs. Please pray for them.

I hope your will be one of blessing and one that will allow you the opportunity to be a vessel for God's work to be done. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Activities for the week.........

Hello and good Saturday afternoon to each of you. I hope had the opportunity to get out and enjoy a little of the sunshine and warmth we have been blessed with today. Cold weather and rain is in the forecast for next week. But all is well.....our Lord is in control of it all!

Tomorrow morning's service is on "Hope: A Theology of the Resurrection". Then tomorrow night we begin the study entitled "Know Fear". It will be held during the discipleship training hour at 5pm. I am looking forward to it and hope to see you there! The evening worship services beginning tomorrow evening and ending on Sunday, Feb. 25th will supplement the DT study. And remember, you don't have to participate in the DT hour to join in the evening worship hour.

There will be a quarterly church business meeting tomorrow morning as well. All church members are encouraged to attend.

Women on Mission will meet this Wednesday evening (Jan. 17th) immediately following Wed. night supper. All ladies are invited to attend!

We are also looking forward to Baptist Men's Day on Sunday, Jan. 21st. Men's breakfast will be at 8am that day. There will be an all male choir during the morning service. A former church member will be the guest speaker that morning. Baptist Men's Day is always a special event in our church and we look forward to having you join us!

Don't forget to let the church office know of any birthdays, anniversaries, etc. you wish to have listed in the monthly newsletter. Keeping current records is very important and your assistance is appreciated. Also, if you are NOT receiving a monthly newsletter and would like to do so, please contact the church office regarding this as well. Your current address will be needed.

If you would like to change your subscription to the Baptist Courier, please make sure you contact the church office as soon as possible!

I hope everyone will have a wonderful Sat. night. Take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Showers of Blessing

Good Sunday afternoon! Hope you are enjoying this rain we have been blessed with. An excellent time to catch up on some overdue reading, making that phone call you have been meaning to make, finally taking that afternoon nap (just to name a few). The weather certainly has been odd for this time of year. I have enjoyed having the warmer days. One thing is for sure, it's one of God's many ways to remind us that He is in control! May His showers of blessing continue to rain down on us!

I wanted to remind everyone of the Christiam music group that will be joining us tonight. The name of the group is "Commandment 11". They are based in Simpsonville, SC. A love offering will be taken up tonight on their behalf. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Invite someone to join you. The service begins at 6pm.

Last chance: if you have been trying to decide on whether to participate in the upcoming Discipleship Training class "Know Fear", the deadline to sign up is here! Make sure you add your name to the list tonight. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity! The cost of the books is $5.00 per person (money can be paid next Sunday, Jan. 14th). Remember that the class begins next Sunday at 5pm in the fellowship hall. The evening worship service will supplement the DT class. You don't have to attend the class to enjoy the worship hour, but do consider joining the class in a time of study and fellowship! Hope to see you there.

Also, if you are on the Youth Committee, don't forget about the meeting this afternoon. It starts a 4pm in the Youth building.

Fish Fry: The XYZ will have a meeting this Friday, Jan. 12th at 6:30pm. Sounds like a fun time of food and fellowship!

Your help is needed in maintaining the monthly calendar of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. If you are aware of any birthdays or anniversaries of our church family that are not currently on the calendar, please let the church office know. Also, if you are not receiving a monthly newsletter and would like to do so, please contact the church office with your current address. Keeping things current helps everyone involved. It makes the process much easier when properly maintained. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

I think that covers all I have for now. Remember to pray for those serving in our military (and their families) as well as those in our community who are sick, bereaved or otherwise in need of God's loving grace. We can never know the needs of everyone, but if we join together as brothers and sisters-in-Christ and pray for those we know need His healing hand, it's a mighty way to show Christ's love through us and in us.

I hope and pray each of you reading this journal will have a safe and blessed week.

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Fish Fry

The XYZ meeting next Friday, Jan. 12th is going to be Fish Fry. It will begin at 6:30pm. Sounds like a lot of fun!

Also, regarding the books for the upcoming Discipleship Training Class.........the cost is $5.00 and the money will be due the first night of class (Sun., Jan. 14th). All adults are encouraged to attend. Hope to see you there!

Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Greetings in 2007

Well, it's finally here. The year 2007. Even though I have not been on this earth but 36 years, things certainly have changed since I was a child. That's how things work though. The world keeps revolving and life must go on. With that being said, that means that as Christians we should be about the work of the Lord. Doing the things He would have us do and living the type of life that is pleasing to Him! After all, it is by His grace and the blood that was shed on Calvary that sets us free.

I have never been one to plan the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing. But I will say that there are definitely areas that need improving. We all have room for growth. And if anyone thinks they don't have room to improve, they are greatly misleading him or herself. Jesus has set a high example for us all to live up to. Even on our best days we still won't be able to reach that level. I encourage everyone (including myself) to work a little harder and try to be the person God would have us be.

We have several things happening in our church this week. First off, there will be a Deacon's Meeting Sunday morning, Jan. 7th at 8am. That afternoon there will be a Youth Committee meeting at 4pm in the youth building.

On Friday, Jan. 12th there will be an XYZ meeting. I will provide more info on this once I have it.

Women on Mission are scheduled to meet Wed., Jan. 17th immediately following the Wed. night supper. All ladies are invited to attend.

Sunday, Jan. 21st is Baptist Men's Day. All the gentlemen of the church are invited to participate. There will be an all-male choir that morning. Men, this is your time to shine! I have always enjoyed the Baptist Men's Day service. I encourage you to attend. You will certainly be blessed. Early that morning the men will meet in the fellowship hall for Men's Breakfast at 8am. Come on out and invite some other men to join you for a special day!

Backing up on the calendar...........don't forget about the special music we will have next Sunday during the evening worship hour at 6pm. Commandment 11 will be performing that evening. The group is based in Simpsonville, SC. Make plans now to be in attendance and bring someone with you!

There will be a quarterly Business meeting Sunday, Jan. 14th during the morning worship hour at 11am. All members are encouraged to attend!

Don't forget about the special series coming up on Sunday, Jan. 14th during the Discipleship Training hour at 5pm. The cost of the books is $5.00 per person and the deadline to sign-up is Sunday, Jan. 7th. The series is entitled "Know Fear". The pastor will be supplementing the class in the evening worship. You do not need to attend the class in order to enjoy the message, but we would love to have you join us!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's and I also hope it has gotten off on a great note! Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)