Saturday, December 26, 2009

Well Christmas has come and gone. Before we know it Valentine's day will be here. I hope everyone had a wonderfully blessed Christmas. We do have so much to be thankful for. Christmas always seems to bring out the best (and worst) in people. As a whole, society seems to be a bit friendlier and more cheerful. While at the same time, lots of grumbling can be heard. We must take time to remember that our Lord & Savior did not grumble about His job here on this earth. Instead He met it with a grace and peace that passes all understanding. Only God's Son could come to earth and die to save us from our sins, and do so with a willing heart.

I know there are those among us who are missing a family member or friend this holiday season. While we miss them greatly, we must believe that they live on through us. They are still with us in thought and in our hearts. Take time to celebrate the life/lives of those we miss so dearly. They would want us to remember them, and still be happy about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. I believe that!!

I have missed out on reminding you of the activities that have already gone by. I did want to take a moment to remind you of the upcoming New Year's festivities. It is my understanding that there will be a New Year's celebration at our church on Wed., Dec. 30th beginning at 6pm in the fellowship hall. I have even heard there will be fireworks at the end of the evening. Come on out and bring a friend or two and celebrate with the North FBC church family.

The church office will be closed on Friday, Dec. 1st in observance of the New Year's holiday.

It is hard to believe that it will be new year next week. Time goes by so fast. We must cherish each and every moment. Folks will be planning their new year's resolutions. Some will follow through and other won't. At the top of our we should find strengthening our walk with Christ. Taking care of and spending the most time we can with the ones we love. As I get older, I reflect back on the days of my child hood. Many happy, happy times. One thinks when they are young their parents will live forever. We don't fully comprehend the loss of a loved one until we reach a certain age.

I am not one to focus on New Year's resolutions. Never have been. But if I were, I believe I would say I want to cherish each moment I can with the ones I love (even when they test my patience). They wouldn't be who they are if they were any other way. Another one of my resolutions might be to continue to grow in my relationship with God. A part of doing that is becoming more involved with my church and my church family. I admit I have strayed away, yet even though I am not in church as much as I should be, I still make the time for daily devotionals and quiet time with God.

I encourage each one of you to set reasonable goals for yourself when making resolutions. Seek God's help in determining which areas might need changing.

I hope and pray that everyone will have a Happy & Blessed New Year's. Take care!

In His Holy Name,

Tina :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Season of Thanks

Here we are in November. The year has certainly gone by fast and soon we will be celebrating Christmas. While there is always plenty to do this time of year, we must remember to make time to give thanks for the many blessings we have. I encourage everyone to take a few moments each day to write down at least 3 things you are most thankful for that day. Then reflect on those things at the end of each week. Soon you will see that there is far more to be thankful for and less to groan about.

I wanted to take a few moments to remind you of some things happening in and around our church and community.

The Associational Revival will take place this week at Cornerstone Community Church tonight (Nov. 15th) through Wed., Nov. 18th. Services will begin at 7pm each night. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.

The annual Community Thanksgiving service will be held at our church this year. The service is scheduled for Wed., Nov. 25th at 7pm. Come out and join your community in giving thanks for our families, neighbors, friends, churches and anything else you are thankful for. Most importantly, let's remember to give thanks for our Lord and Savior who died on the cross to save us from our sins.

The annual Christmas parade will take place on Sunday, Nov. 29th. The parade begins at 4pm and the tree lighting ceremony will take place following the parade. There will be no evening services at North FBC Nov. 29th.

I hope this finds you all doing well. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I also appreciate the many calls, visits and cards during my mother's recent surgery. She is doing fairly well. As always, I am thankful for my church family. May God continue to bless each of you today and always!!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

September Happenings......

Good Saturday evening to everyone. Hope you had a wonderful day. We received the church newsletter in the mail today and I wanted to take a few minutes before the busy work week begins to update you on the September Happenings.

As previously mentioned in the entry from yesterday, there will be two Bible studies in September. The deadline to sign up is Wed., Sept. 9th. Sign up sheets are located in the church vestibule as well as in the fellowship hall. The cost is $15.00 per person and the money will be collected on the first day of the study. Reminder: the study on Monday nights will be for ladies only. I have browsed both studies online and they look to be very good.

Attention children: there will be a skating trip Sat., Sept. 19th from 12pm-4pm. Please see our Minister of Students for more information. There will also be a Children's Committee meeting Sunday, Sept. 13th at 4pm.

Attention youth: there will be an outing to Frankie's Fun Park on Sat., Sept. 19th from 5pm-10pm. SAAC (Sunday afternoon after church) will be held on Sunday, Sept. 13th. You will be heading to Cici's Pizza for lunch. There will be a Youth Committee meeting Sunday, Sept. 14th at 4pm.

There will be a community-wide women's night out Friday, Sept. 18th from 6:30-8:30pm at St. George Baptist Church in Orangeburg. Tickets are $10.00 and a meal is included. Guest speaker for the evening will be Heather Hoops-Matthews (a former WIS News Anchor). Please see Laray no later than Sept. 13th for tickets. Come on out and bring a friend!

The monthly deacon's meeting will be held on Sunday, Sept. 6th at 8am.

XYZ will meet on Friday, Sept. 11th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, Sept. 20th at 8am in the fellowship hall.

The week of prayer for state missions is Sept. 13-20. This year's theme is "Outside My Space". Theme scripture is Matthew 9:35-38. The great commission offering goal for the year is $15,000.00. There will be envelopes in the church pews labeled "Great Commission Offering". At the end of each quarter, the church will make a donation to mission efforts according to the following percentages: 50% Lottie Moon, 20% Annie Armstrong, 20% Janie Chapman, and 10% to local missions. When the goal of $15,000.00 is met at the end of the year, our missions giving will look like this: Lottie Moon $7,500.00, Annie Armstrong $3,000.00, Janie Chapman $3,000.00, Local Missions $1,500.00. Please be in prayer for this outreach program so that other's may be reached for Christ.

And don't forget about the church-wide cook-out on Sunday, Sept. 6th at 6pm. Burgers, hot dogs and all the fixin's will be served. Everyone is being asked to bring side dishes and desserts. There will be a scavenger hunt for adults and children. Come out for a time of food, fun and fellowship!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hello! Hope everyone had a great week. I want to start off by apologizing for not posting anything before now. Things have been a little chaotic and the blog hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Will strive to do better. :-)

I wanted to take a few minutes to update everyone on some upcoming activities. You will find that there is something for everyone.

Congratulations and best wishes to the newly ordained deacons. Remember them in prayer as they embark on their journey. May God guide them in the way He would have them go and may their actions be pleasing to Him.

Fellowship Baptist Church will be hosting a flu clinic on Wed., Sept. 2nd from 9am-3pm. If you have Medicare or Medicaid, please remember to bring your card with you when go. Cost is $25.00 per person and is open to the public.

There will be a church-wide cook-out on Sunday, Sept. 6th at 6pm in the fellowship hall. It will be held in place of the regular evening service. Hamburgers, hot dogs and condiments will be provided. Anyone planning to attend should bring the side dishes and desserts. Come out and enjoy a scavenger hunt, volleyball and water slide. Don't forget to bring bathing suits and towels for the children. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Bring a friend or two and come and enjoy a time of food, fun and fellowship.

Our pastor and his wife will be leading two Bible studies in the month of September. Pastor Brett will lead the Sunday evening study beginning at 4:45pm Sunday, Sept. 13th. It is entitled "Lord, Change My Attitude". We all need an attitude adjustment now and then. Laray will be leading the Monday evening study beginning at 7pm Monday, Sept. 14th. Both classes will be held in the choir room in the fellowship hall. Sign up now to ensure you have a book and a spot in the class. (P.S. The Sunday evening study will last for 11 weeks; the Monday evening study will last for 10 weeks).

The Good News Club will begin on Tues., Oct. 6th. If you are interested in volunteering, please see our Minister of Students.

I also want to thank those who have called, sent cards or brought food to my mom. She is still awaiting word from the surgeon in regards to the surgery. The technician who assisted with the stress test said that the results looked good. Please continue to remember her in your prayers.

I believe that is all I have for now. Again, I will try to do better in the future in keeping the blog current. I hope you can forgive me for letting slide the past couple of months.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

P.S. I forgot to mention that plans are beginning for our annual fall festival. It is scheduled for Sat., Oct. 31st. Anyone interested in participating on the planning committee needs to fill out the form from last week's bulletin. They are also looking for ideas of things people would like to see at the festival. So, think it over and see what you come up with. We want to make it a memorable, fun experience for all! :-)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hello and happy Tuesday to each of you. I hope this finds you all doing well. It has been a while since I've posted and I sincerely apologize for that. It's always amazing how "life" can get in the way.

I hope all the dads had a terrific Father's Day. Dads really make an impact on their children. It is important for them to set the right example, because little ones are always watching.

We must be in prayer for our pastor this week as he is away at the Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, KY. Let's pray for traveling mercies and that the Holy Spirit fills them and moves them to come back rejuvenated and full of wonderful ideas for their respective churches.

It's hard to believe that we are 6 months into this year. Time has gone by so fast! In just a matter of days we will be celebrating Independence Day. We should look at this holiday from a few view points. One is the freedom we have in living in this great nation. Another aspect is the freedom we have as Christians. Being a Christian doesn't mean we are perfect. Instead it means that we are sinners and we know that we are sinners and that we rely on God to grant us the strength we need to endure life's hardships. Without Him, nothing is possible.

We also need to be in prayer for our town leaders, state leaders, and the leaders of this country. They are faced with some tough decisions on a daily basis and they need our support and prayers. We must remember that freedom is NOT free! It comes with a very high price tag. Remember our military and their families. Their valiant efforts and sacrifices should not go unnoticed.

The children in our church have some exciting things coming up in July. The week of July 14th-18th will be spent in Santee. Then Children's Day Camp will be held the week of July 27th-31st. On Saturday, June 27th they will be heading to the movies to see "Up". I am sure they will have a good time and will learn lots from all of these activities. Should you have any questions about any of the children's activities, please see our Minister of Students. He will be happy to assist you!

I hope the rest of your week goes well. Until next time, take care and God bless!!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Revive Our Hearts & Renew Our Spirits

Sunday will mark the beginning of revival for our church. The Sunday evening service (May 17th) will begin 6pm. Services being held Monday-Wednesday will begin at 7pm immediately following supper at 6pm. Sunday night will be "Youth Night". Mike Terrwilliger will the guest speaker and the Youth Praise Band from St. George Baptist Church will lead the worship. Please be in prayer that God will revive our hearts and renew our spirits! There will a ham luncheon/youth auction Sunday morning, May 17th.

Our church will be hosting a Memorial Day service on Sunday evening beginning at 6pm. This worship service is dedicated to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. No one ever said that freedom was free. It comes at a price! The evening will begin with a program, followed with food, fun and festivities. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Don't forget to bring your favorite cook-out side dish or dessert and invite someone to join you for an evening of Christian fellowship!

We have so much to be thankful for!

I hope everyone's week is going well. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)
Please come and bring your favorite cook-out side item or dessert and don't forget to invite a friend.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Yes, here we are the day before Mother's Day. I want to send a special mother's day wish out to all the mom's who may be reading this blog. Please know you are a treasured friend. One who has stood by and given your unconditional support and love, even when we didn't deserve it. You nursed when we were sick, wounded and when we felt like there wasn't a friend to be found. Although, I must say I have been truly blessed with a family who loves me, friends who have been there for me through thick and thin and a job that helps keep the bills paid. (although, I am still trying to figure out how to get the mail man to bring checks to my mail box instead of bills). :-)

Remember to take the time, not only on mother's day but every day, to let mom know how much she means to you. She is a gift from God! *Reminder: Muffins for Moms will be held in the fellowship hall at 8am Sunday morning.*

We have several things taking place in and around our church this month. They are as follows:

The XYZ will have their monthly meeting on Friday, May 15th beginning at 6:30. They will be going on a bus tour of North, learning of the history of our town. This should be a treat for all who attend. We all might learn a little something. A meal will be provided and our mayor will be directing the tour.

The children will be traveling to Lexington for a picnic from 11am to 3pm. Parents: if you have a child interested in participating, please see our Minister of Students.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 17th in the fellowship hall. Breakfast will be served at 8am. Children's sermon will take place during the morning worship hour.

The youth will be having a ham luncheon on Sunday, May 17th as well as a youth auction. Come out and show your support for our youth!

We will kick off our spring revival on Sunday, May 17th as well. Sunday night's service will be lead by our youth and is scheduled to begin at 7pm. Evening services for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will begin at 7pm in the sanctuary with meals being provided at 6pm in the fellowship hall. Our guest speaker for the week is Rev. Shane Stutzman from Northside Baptist Church in Orangeburg. Please be in prayer for our revival.

The deadline for our church newsletter is Wed., May 20th.

The youth will have a scavenger hunt on Sat., May 23rd from 5-9pm.

Sunday, May 24th will be the final day for balances due (if any) for summer camp. If you have any questions about this event, please see our Minister of Students.

There will be special service on Sunday, May 31st. This year's graduates will be honored for their hard work and accomplishments. I can remember my graduation day like it was yesterday. It marks the closing of one chapter and the opening of another. Congratulations to all the graduates for a job well done!

I believe that covers everything for now. If I have left anything out, please feel free to email me at Take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Spring is Here!

Hello! Hope this finds each and everyone of you doing well. I hope you are enjoying all this beautiful weather we have been blessed with. Spring is always such a busy time of year. We have to remember to take the time to slow down and enjoy the beautiful things God has put on this earth. While I can do without the pollen, I love seeing the grass getting all pretty and green. The flowers blooming, the birds chirping and most importantly, remembering that our Lord and Savior rose from the dead to save us from our sins. We have so much to be thankful for. We are blessed in so many ways. More than we can imagine.

I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things taking place at our church and in the community.

Sunday, April 10th is Good Friday. The church office will be closed. Plants for Bibles will be held at Swansea Baptist Church from 1:00-5:30pm. And there will be a XYZ meeting Friday night at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. A meal will be provided and the group will be viewing a video of "90 Minutes in Heaven" (a book written by Don Piper).

Saturday, April 11th marks the annual Easter festival which is open to the whole community. Activities begin at 4pm and end at 7pm. There will be games, hot dogs and an Easter egg hunt. Come on out and bring a friend (or two)! There will be another Plants for Bibles at Swansea Baptist from 8am to 12pm Saturday morning.

April 12th is Easter Sunday. The day will begin with a community sunrise service at North Pentecostal Holiness Church at 7am. Our pastor will be the guest speaker. Sunday School at FBC North will begin at 9:45am with an Easter Resurrection Celebration service following at 11am. The adult choir will perform their Easter Cantata during this service. ** There will be NO evening services Sunday, April 12th.**

Women on Mission will be meeting on Wed., April 15th immediately following Wed. night supper. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.

Men's breakfast will be held Sunday, April 19th at 8am in the fellowship hall. A special conference will be held during the morning service. There will be a youth led service that evening, followed by Youth SNAC (Sunday nights after church).

If there are any questions about any of the above mentioned items, please contact the church office. If I have overlooked something, please email me and let me know. You can contact me at

I hope everyone will have a safe and blessed week. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

P.S. Don't forget to check out our new website at

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hello! I hope you all had a good Saturday. I will be so glad when the weather warms up.

I just finished watching the movie "Fireproof". It is about a man and his wife who are struggling to stay together. They find themselves on the brink of divorce. And once they realize their love for each other still remains and they allow God to be at the head of their lives, things truly become the way God intended for them to be between man and woman.

Too often people have this notion that woman was put on this earth to serve man. I stand behind my belief in that God created woman to be a helpmate for man. Someone to stand beside him through the good times and bad. God created man to love his wife as Christ loves the church. It is the man's place to be the leader of the household. When man fails to do this, then the woman is to let her husband see Christ in and through her so that he can find his way back to his rightful place.

As I was watching this movie, I felt God speaking to me. He was saying this movie isn't just for married people. This movie can be a guideline for people of all relationships. You don't have to be married to set a Godly example. Often times it is difficult to love people who continue to reject you. And we all reject others in some form. Whether we shun them because of race, creed, color, financial status, education level, what church they go to.....we still push other people away. It's hard to love the person who continually rejects adding you to their webpage. Or the person who snubs you because you aren't in their social realm. No, it isn't set in stone that when you request to be added to someone's page he or she must add you...but if we look at that as how we treat Christ when He wants to be part of our lives and we reject Him, the denial or rejection is the same. And it hurts.

I was reminded today of not saying hurtful things when someone hurts me. It's hard not to want to do just that. The person I was speaking to said to me, "Remember "The Shack"". Loving someone even though they have wronged you in some way. No matter how big or small the wrong might be. We are to love one another as Christ loves us.

In keeping with the theme of love, I encourage each of us to remember that February is the month of love. Valentine's Day. Let's try to make an extra effort this month to love the person who snubs us or who is less than kind to us for whatever reason. We never know what someone else is going through and when we act in an unkind manner in retaliation of their actions toward us...two wrongs don't make a right.

February holds a lot of activities. There will be a youth committee meeting tomorrow afternoon (2/1) at 4pm. There will also be a deacon's meeting tomorrow. Then tomorrow evening there will be a super bowl party at 6pm. Everyone is asked to bring your favorite tailgating (finger) food and join in the fun. In conjunction with the Souper Bowl of Caring, everyone is asked to contribute a canned good or give a monetary donation to the need of our community. All gifts will be forwarded to the Cooperative Ministry of North. The evening will include a football themed message along with music from Crosswalk. May the best team win!

The children's committee will meet next Sunday, Feb. 8th at 4pm. Then our youth will lead the evening service at 6pm.

The toddlers will have a Valentine's Day party on Monday, Feb. 9th. The party is for children birth through K-5 and will begin at 6pm in the fellowship hall. Pizza will be served and each toddler is asked to bring 15 valentines to share with the other children.

The XYZ will gather for their monthly meeting on Friday, Feb. 13th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. The Dixie Dew Drops will be the entertainment for the evening.

There will be a special Valentine's Day banquet/fundraiser on Sat., Feb. 14th in the fellowship hall at 6pm. Tickets are $10.00 per person and includes childcare. The menu consists of grilled steaks, baked potato, roll, salad, dessert and beverage. Tickets are available from our youth and the last day to purchase tickets will be Sunday, Feb. 8th.

Men's breakfast will be on Sunday, Feb. 15th at 8am in the fellowship hall.

Women on Mission will be meeting on Wed., Feb. 18th immediately following supper. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.

Women's retreat is Friday, Feb. 27th and Sat., Feb. 28th. The Friday evening session will begin with registration at 6pm. The Saturday morning session will begin with continental breakfast at 8:30am in the fellowship hall and will end with a luncheon at 12:30pm. Cost for the retreat is $15.00 per person. Invite your female relatives and friends to come and join in this time of worship and fellowship. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, Feb. 15th. Make checks payable to FBC.

I hope you will enjoy the rest of your weekend. Until next time, take care and God bless!


Tina :-)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God Has Called Another Angel Home.....

I received an email earlier today (as did some of you) about a wonderful Christian man being called home to see his Lord. He will be greatly missed by many!

Mr. Lou Gill is resting in peace and is suffering no longer. He always was glad to see you and was a very humble man. I know his family is very sad right now. I pray that God will grant them the peace to endure this time of sorrow.

He is finally able to see his son who was taken from this world so early in his young life. For that I know he will be glad. They can talk and catch each other up on all the things that have happened to them since the last time they saw one other. I can see them running up to each other with outstretched arms to share a long awaited hug.

While death is a part of this life, it is never an easy thing. I send many heartfelt sympathies out to the family and they are in my prayers. I was thinking about Mr. Lou Tuesday evening and I started to call just to let them know I was thinking of them. Now that opportunity has passed me by. I guess it's a good example of making sure you do what needs to be done while they are still on this earth with me. I even thought about him again this morning on my way to work. God was speaking to me and I didn't listen. For that I am truly sorry.

If any of Mr. Lou's family reads this, please know how much he meant to me and how much you all mean to me. You are a wonderful family and your love for God is very evident. I am blessed to be able to know you.

I pray that you will find the strength you need to get through this difficult time. I know you are among friends and people would do all that is in their power for you. Much love today and always!

Tina :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Colder Weather is Coming!

Hello and good Thursday evening to each of you! I trust that you all had a blessed Christmas and your new year has started off on a good note. Things are about to get colder with temperatures dropping well below freezing. Remember to provide warm shelter for your outdoor pets, wrap your outside spigots, make sure your antifreeze is ready in your vehicles (and keep it away from pets!!), and you have some basic necessities such as water, milk, bread, eggs, canned goods and other items that can aid in keeping the house running smoothly through the cold weather. Hopefully there won't be any power outages or sleet, hail or snow. And remember to say a prayer for those who aren't as fortunate as we are to have a warm house to come home to and a cozy bed to sleep in and electricity to keep the heat going.

I also wanted to take a few minutes to remind you of some things taking place in our church this month. Sunday, Jan. 18th is Baptist Men's Day. This is always a blessing for our church. I thoroughly enjoy the service on Baptist Men's Day. The men come together for a good time of sharing their testimony, singing and just being together. Always a good time! Men's breakfast will also be this Sunday in the fellowship hall at 8am.

Women on Mission will be meeting on Wed., Jan. 21st immediately following Wed. night supper. The evening meal this week will consist of spaghetti with garlic bread. Sounds yummy!

UPWARD is a children's sports ministry for ages K-5 through 5th grade. It is for boys and girls and includes a time of hearing the gospel. One of many aspects of this program is prayer. The basketball season beings on March 7th and runs through April 25th. Let's be in prayer for this ministry and for those participating.

The youth will be heading for a winter retreat at Lake Junaluska Friday, Jan. 16th through Sunday, Jan. 18th. Let's be in prayer for them so they will have a safe trip there and back and that God will keep them all nice and warm!

WinterJam at the Colonial Center will be on Friday, Feb. 20th. Tickets are $10.00 at the door. For more information about this upcoming event, please see our Minister of Students.

The children will be having a special even on Sat., Jan. 24th. Be on the lookout for more details!

There will be a Women's Retreat at our church (the first one ever) Friday, Feb. 27th and Sat., Feb. 28th. The Friday evening meeting will begin with registration from 6-6:30pm followed by a praise & worship time from 6:30-7pm followed by bible study with guest speaker Becky Moss. The Sat. meeting will begin with a continental breakfast from 8:30-9am, then a praise & worship time from 9-9:30am followed by bible study from 9:30-10:45. We will then break from 10:45-11am and bible study will resume at 11am. Lunch will be served at 12:30. I have already invited several of my friends to join me in this event. I am excited about it and look forward to it! I attended a Beth Moore seminar last year at Cornerstone in Orangeburg and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Invite some of your friends and relatives to join you as well. Cost is $15.00 per person and the deadline to sign up is Feb. 15th. If you wish to check out more information on Mrs. Moss, go to Contact the church office should you need more information or a registration form.

I am sure many of you heard about the plane crash in New York earlier today. It occurred around 3:30pm. The plane took off from Laguardia airport in New York and was heading to Charlotte, NC. The pilot did an excellent job of manuevering the plane into the Hudson River. All 150 souls on board were rescued from the plane. Fire departments, emergency personnel, police and FBI were on the scene within minutes of the plane going down. The plane suffered two bird hits (messed up the engines). God was with those people in that plane!! Praise Him for He is good! I know they were all very thankful!

I wish more news of a positive nature was reported on our televisions, radios and newspapers. It seems like only the bad is what gets noticed. But it was wonderful to watch everyone pulling together and doing what needed to be done in a time like that. The pilot only had like a 30 second time frame to plot his descent. Excellent job in a short period of time!

I hope your Friday goes well and you stay nice and warm over the next few days. Oh, and don't forget to protect your outdoor plants from the cold as well!

Take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)