Friday, December 30, 2011

A New Year is Upon Us

Greetings everyone! Hope the holidays have been good to you and Santa brought you everything you wanted. It's hard to believe that 2011 will soon draw to a close and a new year will begin. Some believe that the world will end in 2012. We all need to keep in mind that Jesus will return and no one (not even the Mayans) know when His return will take place. It is all merely speculation. Regardless of when anyone thinks His return might be, it is best for us to always be prepared for His return. What a glorious day that will be!

I wanted to take a moment to update you on some things that will be taking place in our church at the start of the new year.

What better way to start off a new year than by celebrating it with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ! The first Sunday of the new year holds observing the Lord's Supper as well as the first Children's Church for 2012 (Explore) for children ages kindergarten to 6th grade. There will be no evening services. The youth will have a New Year's celebration Sunday, Jan. 1st.

Good News Club will restart on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd.

There will be a Deacon's meeting at 7:45am on Sunday, Jan. 8th. There will also be a Youth Committee meeting at 4pm.

Long Range planning committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 10th at 7pm.

XYZ club will have their first meeting of 2012 on Friday, Jan. 13th. at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

The children will be heading out for a skating trip on Saturday, Jan. 14th. Please see our Minister of Students for more information.

There will be a Children's Committee meeting on Sunday, Jan. 15th at 4pm.

Ryan, our Minister of Students, will be attending a conference Thursday, Jan. 26th-Sat., Jan. 28th. Please be in prayer for him and those who will be attending the conference with him that God will speak to them in a mighty and powerful way.

SummerSalt is right around the corner! It will be held the week of June 26th-29th. The cost for this retreat is $220.00. Registration/deposit turn in is Dec. 28th-Feb. 9th. Deposit amount is $50.00. If you need further information, please see our Minister of Students.

I truly hope everyone will have a happy new year! God's peace and blessings to all!

In Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Autumn Blessings......

Hello everyone! Hope this finds everyone doing well. My how time gets away from us. I didn't realize I hadn't posted here since April of this year. Many apologies.

2011 has certainly been an interesting year. Not only that, but it has flown by quite rapidly. It's hard to believe that Monday will be Halloween..and in a few short weeks, it will be Thanksgiving...then Christmas. Every year it seems as though stores are putting out Christmas decorations earlier and earlier. This year they began before Halloween. It's ok though......because to me, it's another reminder of how good He has been to me, my family and my friends!

I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things taking place in our church during the month of November. It looks to be a busy one, that's for sure!

Wednesday, Nov. 2nd: there will be an evening meal in the fellowship hall. Be sure to sign up!

November 4th marks the annual XYZ Thanksgiving meal. Events for the evening begin at 6:30pm with entertainment being provided by Robert Flake.

Don't forget to "fall back" an hour on November 5th before going to bed that night!

All current and past North FBC church members are invited to be in attendance on Sunday, Nov. 6th for Homecoming. Sunday School will begin at 9:45am followed by the morning worship hour at 11am. A covered dish meal will follow the morning services in the fellowship hall. Reverend James Watterson will be the guest speaker. It is always a blessing to see Rev. Watterson and Mrs. Sarah....along with their family. He was our preacher when I was growing up and he and his family have always held a special place in my heart. There will be no evening services.

November 14th & 15th: our pastor will be attending the Southern Baptist State Convention. Please be in prayer for those who will be in attendance!

The annual Community Thanksgiving service will be held at North United Methodist Church at 7pm on Wed., Nov. 23rd. Pastor Robbie Parnell of North Pentecostal Church will be speaking.

Thursday, Nov. 24th the church office will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Christmas card delivery will be begin Sunday, Nov. 27th. The annual town Christmas parade will be held that evening followed by the Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

The Women on Mission will be busy collecting and preparing "Boxes of Hope" for those in need. This year they will be preparing boxes for children and senior adults in West Virginia and they will also be collecting non-perishable food items for Cooperative Ministries here in our little town. Please join with the WOM as they seek to minister to those in need. Items that are needed for each box are listed below:

Children's boxes: small toys, games, school supplies, candy, stocking hat and gloves, clothes, gospel tract, and a letter from you or your class.

Senior Adult boxes: stocking hat, Tang, Tylenol, cough drops, chap stick, chicken noodle soup, gospel tract, and a letter from you or your class.

Food items: sugar, flour, cooking oil, rice, dried beans, soup, peanut butter, jelly, boxes meals (Hamburger Helper), canned fruit, canned vegetables, cookies, crackers, cereal, canned meat, etc.

There will be a Youth Committee meeting on Sunday, Nov. 6th at 4pm.

The youth will be having a "Rock & Worship Road Show" on November 13th.

The children will have campfire night on Saturday, Nov. 12th.

There will be a Children's Committee meeting on Sunday, Nov. 20th at 4pm.

For more information on any activities for the children and youth of our church, please see our Minister of Students.

I hope everyone has a blessed November! Take care and many blessings to you and yours!

In Christ,

Tina :-)

Friday, April 08, 2011

April Happenings

My goodness....I didn't realize it had been so long since I last updated this blog. Many apologies!!!

As we all know, spring is a time of new life. Trees start turning green again and flowers start to sprout up through the ground. We also have new life in our Lord & Savior who died on a cross to save us from our sins. It renders me speechless the unselfish love He showed to us all those years ago as He took our place on that cross. A God who loves us so completely that He would send His Son to die so that we may have life more abundantly. Takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes! We should always remember the price that was paid for us and never take it for granted. He could have easily come down from the cross and changed the course of history forever and ultimately changing our fate. Oh what a friend we have in Jesus!

Here are a few things that will be taking place in and around our church during the month of April.

The XYZ will be meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

Evangelism training will be taking place tomorrow morning at 10am. For more information, please contact the church office or our pastor.

There will be a special church conference Sunday morning after the worship hour. Then in the afternoon, there will be a Children's Committee Meeting at 4:30pm in the conference room.

Saturday, April 23rd will host a Children's Easter Egg Hunt/celebration from 12pm-3pm. For more information regarding this event, please see our Minister of Students.

Community Sunrise Service will take place on Easter Sunday, April 24th at FBC North, beginning at 7am. The guest speaker will be Reverend John Williams from NUMC. Regular worship service will take place at FBC at 11am. There will be no evening service at FBC that night.

I hope everyone has been doing well! Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christ,

Tina :-)