Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Once again Christmas has come and will soon be gone. Where does the time go? It's hard to believe that 2008 will soon be drawing to a close and we will be facing a new year. For some 2008 has been a very hard year. And for the most part, it has been rather trying. One of the biggest lessons we can learn from the hardships of this passing year is that "this too shall pass". We must allow the experiences (whether they are good or bad) to build character and bring us closer to God.

I am thankful for many things this holiday season. A family who loves me no matter what, a job that allows me to pay my bills, a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to wear, a loving church family, and most of all....a Savior who loved me enough to come to us in human form and then die to save us from our sins. He is truly awesome and worthy of praise!

Let's not lose sight of the true reason for this season. Let's not get so caught up in the commercial aspect of it that we lose sight of the marvelous miracle that occurred so many years ago.

I am usually not one to make new year's resolutions, and I don't know that I will do so this year. I have come to learn that some things are better left unplanned. There are days when I have been asked "what are my plans for the day". My response, "To get to the end of it". Too many times we make plans only to have them fall through. If we look at things in the aspect of taking whatever comes our way and putting a positive spin on them, they bring so much more to our lives than getting upset because things don't always go according to plan. It's life, things aren't always going to go the way we want them to. And it's in those topsy-turvy, twisty times that God's amazing grace and love for us can truly be seen.

I am currently reading "The Shack" by William P. Young. It is a story about a man and his family and how they lost their little girl while on a camping trip. She is abducted and assumed dead. The story takes its main character through a journey with the Holy Trinity. I am only halfway through the book and can't wait to continue reading more. It is absolutely worth the read! Money well spent!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a merry and blessed Christmas. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christ,

Tina :-)

P.S. Let's remember to be in prayer for our youth as they prepare for the winter retreat at Lake Junaluska January 16th-18th. May it be a time of wonderful fellowship and growth for them all!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Much to be Thankful For

Hello and good Wednesday morning to each of you. Sorry it has been a while since I've last posted anything here. I wanted to take a minute to remind you of the Community Thanksgiving Service being held at North United Methodist Church tonight at 7pm. This service provides us with an opportunity to come together and worship with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ. A time to give thanks for our health, wealth and prosperity. We have so much to be thankful for. A roof over our heads, food to eat, cars to drive, jobs to help pay the bills, family and friends who love us, a God who was willing to sacrifice His son in order that we may have life and have it more abundantly. I encourage you as we go about our holiday activities to take a moment and lift up thanks for all the things we have been so richly blessed with.

While 2008 has been hard for many, it has also brought about many answered prayers. Just recently the young lady who had been burned out of her house was able to purchase a new home along with getting a new car more to her liking. A family member who had lost something was able to find it again. Those are just a few things that I know we can be thankful for.

Recently I have had some blood work work and other tests done. I still don't know the results of my heart monitor, but the doctor has put me on something to lower my blood pressure and to help me sleep. While starting the new medications, I was lucky enough to get a cold and am finally getting rid of it. I am not happy about being on medication, but sometimes we need an extra hand to help keep the body in good running order. Thankfully it wasn't anything more than that.

On Sunday our community will have another opportunity to come together in worship and fellowship. Sunday afternoon marks the annual North Christmas parade and tree lighting ceremony. I believe the parade starts around 4pm and the lighting ceremony is at 5pm. If I find out anything different than that, I will post the correction here.

I am also very proud of those who took time out of their busy schedules to take part in the recent mission trip in New Orleans the week of Nov. 17-22. I know the lives of those they touched will never be the same. This is how we show God's love for mankind. We extend a little bit of those blessings He has bestowed upon us. Taking time to give back to our communities and others in their times of need. It hasn't been easy for the folks of Louisiana or Texas with the natural disasters that have hit them. They need our prayers and support in so many ways.

I encourage you to take the time this Thanksgiving to be the light that God would have us to be. I am thankful for each of you more than you could ever know. I wish you many blessings this Thanksgiving and always!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Into Fun at North FBC!

Looking for fun and exciting things to do as the leaves change around us? Then look no further. We have something in store for folks of all ages.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, Oct. 19th at 8am in the fellowship hall. Men of all ages are invited and encourage to join in this time of food and fellowship with fellow brothers-in-Christ.

Children's Sermon will take place during the morning worship hour Sunday, Oct. 19th.

Our annual Fall Festival will take place on Friday, Oct. 31st. This fun event will take place in the gym from 6-8:30pm for children in pre-K through 5th grade. There will lots of games (some you have seen before and some new ones). Trunk-or-Treat will also be a part of this year's festival. Be sure to remind your family and friends to come and participate in this time of fun and fellowship!

The youth will be having a lock-in Friday, Oct. 31st following the Fall Festival. I'm sure they will have a spook-tacular time! :-)

Homecoming for our church is right around the corner. Remember to mark the date on your calendar. It always falls on the first Sunday in November and is a wonderful time of food and fellowship. And if you are serving on the Fellowship Committee, your help will be needed in the pre-decorating/table arranging area! Please see fellow committee members for more information on decorating, etc.

I hope you all have been doing well and you are enjoying watching the leaves change. Time will fall back on Saturday/Sunday Nov. 1st/2nd. So remember to set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed Saturday evening so you aren't late for the Homecoming activities!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Fall is Upon us!

Time, where does it go? It seems that the summer just began and here is drawing to a close. School has been back in full swing for everyone for several weeks. I hope the year started off on a good note! Remember to keep God in your relationships at school as well as in your day-to-day studies. Homework is no fun, but it helps build knowledge and character. Make the most of the time you have now. Study hard a make good grades. You won't be sorry that you did!

I wanted to update you on some things taking place around our church over the next few weeks. And they look busy!!

Our Minister of Students is looking for volunteers for this year's Good News Club. If you feel God urging you to take part in this ministry, please follow His call. He will never lead us down a path we will be sorry we took. And children need good role models these days.

The monthly birthday celebration will take place Wed., Sept. 10th following the evening supper. Come and join in a fun time of food, celebration, fellowship and worship. Supper is served at 6pm in the fellowship hall.

The XYZ will meet and play bingo on Friday, Sept. 12th. A meal will be provided. Festivities will begin at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

The children will have a cookout/swim party on Sat., Sept. 13th from 4-8pm.

The Children's Committee will meet on Sunday, Sept. 14th at 3:30pm in the conference room.

Deacon ordination will be held during the evening service on Sunday, Sept. 14th.

The youth will have a ham luncheon/cake auction fund raiser Sunday, Sept. 14th after the morning worship service. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend! They will also have SNAC (Sunday Nights after Church) that evening following the worship hour.

The Women on Mission will meet on Wed., Sept. 17th at 7pm in the choir room. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.

The youth will be heading out for some white water rafting Saturday, Sept. 19th through Sunday, Sept. 21st. See our MOS for more details. (Have your luggage at the church on Thursday, Sept. 18th at 6pm to be loaded).

Attention Ladies: there will be a weekend full of Bible Study, praise, worship and fellowship with Beth Greer at FBC of Elloree from Friday, Sept. 19th through Sunday, Sept. 21st. Please contact Jan Creech if you are interested in attending.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, Sept. 21st in the fellowship hall. Breakfast is served at 8am.

Moments with the Children will take place during the morning service on Sunday, Sept. 21st.

I also wanted to post a few pictures here of the youth spaghetti lunch held on Sunday, Aug. 24th. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good Thursday evening to each of you. I apologize for neglecting to post anything here since the beginning of August. My how time does fly!

August brings about the time that every parent, student and teacher dream of...........the first day of school! I hope this school year has gotten off to a good start for everyone. May it be all you want and more. And remember to take God along with you as you go through your daily routine. Things will move along a lot easier if we allow Him to steer our direction.

I wanted to remind everyone of the upcoming Family Fun Night this Sunday, Aug. 31st. There will be lots of fun, food and games for everyone. Y'all come on out and bring along a friend or two!

Remember to be in prayer for our pastor and his family while they are on vacation. They will be back with us soon. Everyone needs a little time away now and then to recharge the batteries and organize their thoughts. When we don't take those necessary breaks, it can lead to burn out and lots of ill tempers.

Looks like this entry will be short and sweet. I hope everyone will enjoy the upcoming holiday. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, August 02, 2008

God is so Amazing!

Good Saturday evening to each of you. I trust you are having a good weekend. I wanted to take a few minutes and update you on some of the activities taking place this month. But before I do that, I wanted to share an experience I had this weekend.

I attended the Beth Moore simulcast at Cornerstone Community Church Friday night and this morning. Let me tell was an absolute blessing! To give you an idea of the number of people participating in this event.........there were 70,000 women viewing the event in 715 locations. As Beth Moore so eloquently put it "God had to have His in hand in this weekend in order for things to go off so well". If ever you doubt God's goodness and grace, take time to look at nature and the things around you as well as the many ways in which He has so abundantly blessed your life. Your mind will be changed. He is our Rock, our Redeemer, our ever present help in times of need. He will not forsake us or leave us. His word always remains true.

If you have never participated in one of her simulcasts, I strongly encourage it. You will walk away feeling rejuvenated.

On to the activities for the month of August:

There will be a youth led service Sunday evening at 6pm. More than ever our youth need our love and support. So much has changed since I was a teenager and without the guidance of friends and family who love them and want the best for them, they may not find themselves walking to God but away from Him. I encourage everyone to be the light that our young people need to see in order that they may know Christ's love remains true.

The youth will be heading to the Big Youth Thing Aug. 7th. Please let our Minister of Students know if you are planning to participate.

There will be a church conference on Sunday, Aug. 10th. The youth committee will meet that afternoon at 3:30pm. SNAC (Sunday Nights after Church) will follow the evening worship hour.

The monthly birthday party will take place on Wed., Aug. 13th. If you or someone you know if having a birthday this month, invite them to join you in the fun, food and fellowship.

There will be a toddler back to school cookout on Thursday, Aug. 14th. Remember to bring your bathing suits and a towel!

Men's breakfast will take place on Sunday, Aug. 17th in the fellowship hall. Breakfast will be served at 8am. All men are invited.

Women on Mission will meet Wed., Aug. 20th in choir room immediately following supper at 6pm.

There will be an evening of food, fun, games and fellowship on Sunday, Aug. 31st. Come and bring a friend or two!

On Aug. 16th the children will be heading out for a day trip. Parents please let our Minister of Students know if your child will be attending.

The Children's Committee will meet on Sunday, Aug. 17th at 3:30pm.

I believe this covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

What a Great Day!

Good evening! Hope this finds each of you doing well. Today was a busy day, but a great one. Satan almost won the battle this morning with the argument of my not having read this week's lesson. But as I thought about it, the thought occurred to me....God doesn't care if you have read the lesson or not. That's not what this day is about. It's about honoring and worshipping Him for the things He has done for us! So I decided to ignore Satan and come to church unprepared (at least in the lesson part).

I can't tell you how good it has been to be back in church and how much I appreciate all the encouraging words, hugs, "I love you's", etc. It makes a person feel pretty good.

Below are some activities for the upcoming week. Remember to mark the date on your calendar!

Youth: if you are planning to attend the "Big Youth Thing" today is the last day to let our Minister of Students know you wish to attend. If you haven't told him already, stop what you are doing and pick up the phone and let him know. You don't want to miss out on the fun and fellowship! You will be leaving the church at 11am Aug. 7th.

The toddlers (ages birth-kindergarten) will be having a Back to School hot dog cook out on Thursday, August 14th. The cook out will begin at 6:30pm and will end at 8pm. Remember to bring a bathing suit and towel. Please contact the church office for more information.

The youth will be heading to the beach on Sat., Aug. 2nd. The church bus will leave at 8:am and will return at 7pm.

Our pastor preached some pretty thought provoking sermons today. We need to be a church on fire in order to do the work God needs done. I have often said that as long as God's people sit idly by, things in this country will continue as they are. We have to ask ourselves is that want God's wants? I should think not.

We need to be "grabbing the bull by the horns" and strive to be a witness for those we come in contact with on a daily basis. For some that may be the only time they see any display of Christian action. Let's not make a negative impact. Everything he said today is true.

So let's work together and be the Christians God would have us to be!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Well, I couldn't go to bed tonight without saying what an absolutely amazing day today was! I came to church not once but twice in the same day! Will wonders ever cease?! I hope not. It was so good to see all those happy, smiling, loving faces.

In Sunday School this morning we talked about David and Bathsheba and the decisions that David made that caused him to go through some pretty tough things. One thing I can say is God will never bring us to anything that He won't see us through. Everything thing we go through, whether good or bad, is designed to bring us closer to Him. He is not a God who wishes to see His children suffer. But sometimes we must suffer in order to learn a lesson. We go through things so He can see what choices we will make and what our response will be. He is always hoping that we will make the right choice.

In worship this morning, our pastor spoke about "Principles of Trust". Scripture focus was Proverbs 3:1-10. Another good reminder of choices we make. Will we trust God enough to bring us through the hard times? Can He trust us to always be the Christians He expects us to be? As our pastor so eloquently put it "He is a God of now. We can't do anything about yesterday or tomorrow, but we can do something about today. What will our choices be?". We have to realize that God is in control and we have to trust Him to provide for our every need. That can only be done once we've surrendered to Him completely.

This evening we came together in food and fellowship and heard the testimony of the young man conducting the backyard Bible study in Santee this summer. Our own young people will be heading out each day to participate in the day camp at Santee State Park. The van will leave the church at 8am and will arrive back at the church at 2pm. Parents, remember to pack a sack lunch each day for your child to take. There will be a special worship service on Saturday, July 12th (van will leave the church at 8am) along with a cookout at 6pm. The worship service will begin at 7pm and will end at 7:30pm. The van will return to the church at 9:30pm. (There will be no lake activities for the week).

While our outdoor activities were met with much needed rain, folks still visited with one another and the children didn't let the rain dampen their spirits for play. We put together 28 LifeBoxes to send to various folks serving in the military. I know they will appreciate the gifts. It is such a tremendous sacrifice not only from those serving, but for the family members of the service men and women. The unsung heroes so to speak. It is very important to let them all know how much we appreciate them and the sacrifices they make each and every day. And trust me, it is greatly appreciated!

The birthday celebration for those having a birthday this month will be held on Wed., July 9th. Even if you aren't having a birthday this month, you are still invited and encouraged to be in attendance. Supper is served at 6pm and prayer meeting along with other organizational meetings is held from 7-7:45 in the fellowship hall.

It is also my understanding that they are looking for folks who wish to use their musical abilities in the choir. Practice starts at 7:45 each Wednesday evening.

The youth will be heading out for a water park trip and permission slips need to be turned back in by next Sunday, July 13th. Please see our Minister of Students for more information or if you need a permission slip for your youth.

Women on Mission will meet on Wed., July 16th. All ladies are invited to be in attendance.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, July 20th at 8am in the fellowship hall.

Our church will be purchasing new Baptist hymnals. If you would like to purchase one or more in honor or in memory of a loved one, the cost per hymnal is $13.00. If you live out of town and still wish to purchase a hymnal, checks can be mailed to the church office along with the necessary information. Be sure to include your name and phone number. The deadline is Sunday, July 27th.

Children's Day Camp is being held the week of July 21st through July 25th from 10am to 2pm at the church. Children going into grades 1-5 are invited to attend.

Attention youth: there will be a PS event on July 18th and 19th (it involves night time). SNAC (Sunday Nights after Church) will be held on Sunday, July 27th.

And before I is also my understanding that since we didn't get to have our fireworks display tonight, we will have it on Wednesday evening (weather permitting).

I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Monday, June 30, 2008

July Happenings

Hello and good Monday evening to each of you. We have a lot of things taking place in remember to mark the dates on your calendar or put the newsletter in a good location so you don't forget about an event you wish to participate in. And never hesitate to invite a friend or two to join you.

FBC will kick off the month of July with an Independence Day celebration on Sunday, July 6th. During this time we will be putting together life boxes for the troops. Some of the needed items are: chewing gun, socks (tube or crew), small hard or chewy candies (no chocolate, please), stationary supplies, money for postage or book of stamps, wet wipes, any Christian music or books/magazines or DVD, Bibles and a personal note from the person sending the life box. A couple of other items that are needed are money for shipping (cost is $10.95 per box), and/or the names of folks serving overseas. The men and women of our armed forces need our prayers and support. And please remember their families in your prayers as well. They too sacrifice in order for us all to be safe. If you wish to participate in this ministry, simply bring the needed items on Sunday, July 6th and join in the fun of sharing what it means to be a Christian.

The birthday celebration will be held on Wednesday, July 9th. Anyone having a birthday in the month of July is welcome to attend. Happy birthday to each of you and may God bless you in a special way on your special day!

There will be a quarterly church conference on Sunday, July 13th. Please be in prayer that God's will will be done during this church meeting.

Women on Mission will meet on Wed, July 16th. All ladies are invited to attend.

To elaborate more on the upcoming July 4th celebration, hamburgers, hot dogs will be available with all the trimmings. There will be games and children will need to bring swimsuits. There will be a firework display after the celebration meal has been served. Come and join in on the food, fun and fellowship at 6pm on sunday, July 6th beginning at 6pm.

We will be purchasing new hymnals for the church. Anyone interested in having a hymnal dedicated to or in memory of needs to submit a check to the church in the amount of $13.00. Please remember to include the name or names of the person(s) you wish to have listed. Checks can be mailed to the church office along with the necessary information, including your name and phone number. The deadline is Sunday, July 27th.

The children will be heading to Santee state park beginning Monday, July 7th through July 12th. The church bus/van will leave the church at 8:30am and will return each day around 2pm. If you or someone you know wishes to have your child participate, please see our Minister of Students to do so!

The children seem to have a lot of activities planned for them this month. They will also have a Chidren's day camp July 21st through July 25th from 10am to 2pm. May they return home rejuvenated, ready to spread the word of Jesus.

The youth also have a lot going on this month. They will be attending Santee State Park the week of July 7th through 12th. On the 15th, they will have a spontaneity event that involves lots of water! Sounds like a lot of fun!!

On July 18th and 19th the youth will have a PS event (hint: it includes night time).

I believe that just about covers everything I have for now. Take care and until next time, take care and God bless!

Tina :-)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Bucket List

I don't know how many of you (if any) have seen the movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson called "The Bucket List". I just finished watching it and spent the last 13 minutes of the movie in tears. It is a great movie with superb actors and if you haven't seen it, I strongly encourage it. Some of the language is a bit colorful, but the moral of the story is worth the watching.

Please be in prayer for my uncle and my brother this coming week. My uncle is in the hospital in Myrtle Beach awaiting a triple by-pass on Monday (6/23). My brother is having knee surgery on Tuesday (6/24). I pray that God will keep His guiding hand on those performing the surgeries and that His glory is seen through it all.

We also need to be in prayer for our youth as they embark on their summer camp next week. They will be heading to SummerSalt on Monday, June 23rd and will return on Friday, June 27th. There will be a special service next Sunday night in which we will learn of their adventures and accomplishments for the week. There will also be an ice cream social as part of the evening worship hour. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend!

SNAC (Sunday Nights After Church) will take place immediately following the evening worship hour/ice cream social. All youth are welcome to attend.

Our children have some exciting things taking place in July. They will be heading to Santee for Santee Mission Week the week of July 7th through July 12th. Then they will have a day camp the week of July 21st through July 25th. For more information on either of these activities, please see our Minister of Students.

And parents, don't forget to check out the student ministry blog for updates on youth and children's activities. The website address is:

There will be a Women's Conference at Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Ga. on Friday, June 27th. If you or another lady you know wishes to attend, please contact the church office for more information.

It is my understanding that our church is collecting life boxes for the men and women serving in our Armed Forces overseas. Items needed are: lifesavers, money for postage, wipes, CD's (and I will have a more complete list soon). If you or someone you know has a friend or loved one serving overseas, please let us know. We want to make sure we include them in this ministry as well.

I have recently been told there would be a July 4th celebration coming up. At this time it is scheduled for Monday, July 7th. I will post more information as soon as I have it.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I hope you all had a blessed week. It certainly seemed like a very long week to me. I have been having some work done on some of my teeth and have a few more that need some work (to be done later on this week). Please be in prayer that the dentist will get things corrected and that my teeth won't be as sensitive as they have been lately.

Tomorrow is Father's Day. A day to let dad know just how much he means to you. Some of us no longer have their dads with them on this earth; but I know they will think of them and remember all the good times shared with them while they were on this earth. Fathers really do add a lot to a child's life. The impact a father has on a child greatly shapes that individual for life. A strong bond between father and child is essential. For daughters, dad is the man all other men must live up to. For sons, he is the man sons wish to be like. Hopefully all dads provide a positive role model for their children to follow. Some don't and that is a sad thing. If you find yourself at odds with your father this Father's Day, my prayer is that you both will find the strength needed to cross the hurdle and bridge the gap between you. Your lives will be greatly enhanced and blessed.

Speaking of Father's Day...there will be "Donuts for Dads" in the fellowship hall tomorrow morning from 9-9:45am. What better way to share Father's Day than in the house of your Heavenly Father?

Women on Mission will meet t his Wednesday, June 18th. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.

The youth will be traveling to White Oak the week of June 23rd for SummerSalt. Please be in prayer for our young people during this week. They will have a special service Sunday night, June 29th to share their camp experiences with us. An ice cream social will follow in the fellowship hall after the evening service.

There will be a Women's Conference on Friday, June 27th in Atlanta, Ga. If you wish to attend this outing, please contact the church office for more information.

The children will be heading to Santee for Santee Mission Week the week of July 7th through July 12th. Please keep them in your prayers that God will use them in a special way to bring the word of Jesus Christ to those who need to know of His salvation and grace.

The children will also have Day Camp the week of July 21st through July 25th. If your child or children are interested in participating in either of the above mentioned activities, please see our Minister of Students.

I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Heat is On!

Hello! I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend. It sure has been pretty warm this week (to say the least)! Today marks the beginning of VBS in our church. There are classes available for all ages.

The theme for this year is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth" (scripture Psalm 86:11). If you or someone you know would like to come to VBS this year, invite him or her to join you. Light refreshments will be served at 6pm in the fellowship. Classes will begin immediately following the refreshment time. There will even be games and crafts! When I was growing up, I enjoyed VBS. We had lots of fun and learned a lot. I am sure you will too! (VBS will be held Monday-Wednesday from 6-8:30pm).

Sunday, June 15th is Father's Day. We will have Donuts for Dads Sunday morning beginning at 9am in the fellowship hall. Remember to let dad know how much he means to you!

Women on Mission will meet on Wednesday, June 18th. All the ladies of the church are invited and encouraged to attend.

The youth will be heading to camp White Oak. They will be gone the week of June 23rd. Keep them in your prayers and may they come back enriched and rejuvenated to do the Lord's work!

There will be a Women's Conference in Atlanta, Georgia at Phillips Arena on Friday, June 27th. For more details, please contact the church office.

Sunday, June 29th has a couple of special events planned that evening. The youth will share a report of their experience at camp and there will be an ice cream social following the evening service. Come out and join in the fun, food and fellowship!

The children also have several fun events taking place. They will be heading off to Santee for Santee Mission Week (the week of July 7th-12th). If you have a child or children who wishes to participate, please see our Minister of Students for more details.

There will be a day camp for the children July 21st-25th. Please see our MOS for more details on this upcoming event.

I hope everyone will have a blessed week. Try and stay out of the heat (if you can)! And if you have pets, please make sure they have plenty of cool water and shade. Doing so will ward off possible heat strokes (and yes, pets can have heat strokes just like people). They rely on us to properly care for them and God has entrusted them to us. Leaving them in a hot car is not a good idea either. I recommend leaving them at home if you are out running errands and will be away from home for a good while or drop them off for "day care" while you go shopping, etc.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Heating up for Summer!

Looks like things will be very busy around our church in June. Something for everyone. If you know of someone who might be looking for a church home, encourage him or her to join you one Sunday or Wednesday. Everyone needs a church home whether they think so or not!

Now for the activities for the month:

Tomorrow evening (June 1st) will bring the Good News Club Report. This organization was formed in order to hear the Gospel and learn truth from the word of God. I am sure those who participate/participated were blessed!

Birthday celebrations for the month of June will take place this Wednesday, June 4th. Anyone having a birthday this month is invited to attend. Supper is served at 6pm in the fellowship followed by our organizational meetings. Come join in on the fun and fellowship.

The week of June 8th-12th marks Vacation Bible School. This year's theme is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakeable Truth" taken from Psalm 86:11. There are classes available for everyone and helpers are still needed for crafts and recreation! VBS begins at 6pm each night and ends at 8:30pm.

Sunday, June 15th is Father's Day. Take time this special day to let dad know how much he means to you. But remember to thank him even when it isn't Father's Day! "Donuts for Dads" will be held in the fellowship hall at 8am.

Women on Mission will be meeting on Wednesday, June 18th. All the ladies of our church are invited and encourage to attend. Bring a friend!

The youth will be heading to White Oak for SummerSalt the week of June 23rd. Please be in prayer for our young people and make God work in a positive way through them.

A Women's Conference will be held in Atlanta, Ga. at Phillips Arena on Friday. June 27th. Contact the church office for more details.

There will be a youth report on their trip to White Oak and an ice cream social on Sunday, June 29th during the evening service. Come out and let's support our youth!

Not only are our young people busy with the above mentioned activities, our Minister of Students has lots more in store for them this summer. It won't be a boring one by any means!

Youth: there will be an open gym Friday, June 6th from 6pm-9pm.

Children and other church members: there will be a beach party on Saturday, June 7th from 4:30pm-6:30pm. This activity will kick-off for VBS. All church members are invited to attend. There will be games and "island food" for all ages.

Our Minister of Students has also provided us with a website that can aid parents in discussing things that take place in the movie. This website allows you to select a couple of scenes from a movie and then discuss them in relation to what God's word says about certain behaviors. Who knows, maybe we all can take a look at the website and then reflect back on things we saw in a movie as well. The link for the website is:

I believe that's all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Good evening! I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend and day. It is a special day set aside for those who have served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces. Remember to take the time to let those you know who are serving how much you appreciate their hard work and sacrifices.

It's hard to believe that May will be over in just a few days. It seems like 2008 just started yesterday and now we are entering its 6th month! Speaking of time going by at a fast pace...for those who have children graduating this year, the time has gone by fast for parents and students alike. Graduates will be embarking on other avenues in their life; whether graduating from high school and going into college..or graduating college and taking the first step into a field that will reward them for their hard work in preparing for their chosen field. Even if you aren't graduating this year, remember to take the time to think about what you want to do in life. Seek the Lord in the decisions you make and rest assured that as long as you have consulted with the greatest teacher of them all, you can begin your new journey in life in a way you wouldn't have been able to before seeking His guidance and wisdom.

Sunday, June 1st will mark the day of recognizing our graduates. If you or someone you know are graduating this year and would like to participate in the upcoming graduation service, please see our Minister of Students for more details.

Vacation Bible School is right around the corner as well. This year's theme is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth" (scripture passage: Psalm 86:11). There will be classes for all ages. If you or someone you know are interested in teaching or assisting with a class, helping out with crafts or even in the kitchen, please see our Interim Music Director for more details.

And don't forget to check out the Student Ministry website. The web address is: You will find valuable information there pertaining to activities for both youth and children. I am sure our Minister of Students has a lot of fun things in store for our young people this summer. Remember to encourage them to attend church on a regular basis. Having a strong faith and belief will aid them greatly in years to come!

I believe that's all I have for now. If there is anything you would like to have posted here, please email me at I am always glad to hear from fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

It's hard to believe that we are in the middle of May and we are fast approaching the middle of 2008. Time goes by so quickly. We must be ready at all times to go to the Promised Land with our Lord and Savior. Don't put off tomorrow what should be done today. Tomorrow may be too late. God wants all of His children to come home with Him when the time comes!

I wanted to take a few minutes to remind you of some things that will be taking place over the next week and a half. There are activities for folks of all ages.

First off, Women on Mission (WOM) will be meeting tomorrow night at 7pm immediately following Wednesday night supper at 6pm. All ladies are invited and encourage to attend.

Sunday, May 25th will be a special day as we prepare to worship and observe Memorial Day. This day is set aside especially to remember those who have given of their lives so that we might have the freedom we have been so graciously blessed with. A time to remember those men and women who didn't have the comforts of home while out on the battle field. The other folks to remember on this special day are the families of those serving in our Armed Forces. Each spouse and the children make a huge sacrifice being married to someone in the military. They must remain steadfast and strong while their spouse is away. Please remember all of these fine men and women who go to places we wouldn't dream of going to and the work they continue to do to provide us the right to worship, free speech and the list goes on and on.

Graduation Sunday will be held on Sunday, June 1st. If you or someone you know is graduating from high school or college this year, please let our Minister of Students know. Graduation is a special time in a young man or woman's life and should be treasured for years to come. It is a very rewarding accomplishment. Many blessings to those graduating this year and may God keep His guiding hand upon you as you journey out to worlds unknown.

Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar. There will be classes available for folks of all ages. Invite a friend or family member to join you during this week of fun, fellowship and food. The theme for this year is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth". VBS will be held June 8-12th. If you or someone you know is interested in assisting with VBS this year, I am sure the VBS coordinator will be happy to find a spot for you!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Good Monday evening to each of you. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Even though there is a special day set aside to honor all the mothers, it's important to let them know everyday how much she means to you. Don't wait for that special day to let mom know you care. Show her today and always.

I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things taking place over the course of the next few weeks. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar!

The XYZ will meet on Friday, May 16th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 18th in the fellowship hall. Gentlemen of all ages are invited and encouraged to attend. Breakfast will be served at 8am.

The General Officers will be announced during a special church conference on Sunday, May 18th after the morning worship service.

Women on Mission will meet on Wed., May 21st. All the ladies are invited and encouraged to attend!

Our church will be celebrating Memorial Day on Sunday, May 25th. This is a time of remembrance for all those that have served in our Armed Forces and the sacrifices he or she made in order to protect our freedom.

Graduation Sunday is June 1st. If you know of anyone graduation this year, please see our Minister of Students for more details.

Vacation Bible School is right around the corner. It's hard to believe we are in the middle of May in the year 2008. Time flies when you're having fun! The theme for this year is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth", Psalm 86:11. There are classes for all ages. If you or someone you know might be interested in leading or assisting with a class, crafts, helping in the kitchen, etc., please see our Interim Music Director and she will sign you up!

Let's also remember our church secretary as she ventures out for a State Meeting this week. She will be out of the office beginning Thursday, May 15th-May 17th. She will return to work on Tuesday, May 20th. Please pray for traveling mercies for her and all those who will be in attendance. May God touch them all in a unique way and bring them back renewed and refreshed!

Youth & Children:

Attention parents: SNAC (Sunday Nights After Church) will be held on Sunday, May 18th after the evening service.

The youth will be going to see "Prince Caspian" (a sequel to "Chronicles of Narnia") on Saturday, May 17th. I am sure it will be as terrific as the "Chronicles of Narnia.

There will be a special youth led service on Sunday, May 18th. Come and join the fellowship as our young people display their talents for God's glory.

And don't forget to check out the student ministry website. You will find all activities listed for our youth and children as well as permission slips and such. The link is

I believe that's all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Happenings

Hello and good Thursday evening to each of you. I hope your week has been going well. We have lots in store for the month of May. So make sure you mark the dates on your calendar or post your May newsletter in a spot that you go to frequently so you don't miss out on anything!

Today was the National Day of Prayer. It is a day designed for Americans to come together and pray for God's will for our town, state, country, world, our leaders, our military and their families, missionaries and anyone else in between. We live in a country where we have the freedom of speech, freedom to worship openly, the freedom to go to church without worry of being killed for doing so. Some countries aren't as fortunate as those who live in this great nation. With the upcoming Presidential election, we need to be in prayer that God will place the right person in the position. And that His glory will be shown through their words, actions and deeds. Too many people are focusing on trying to take God out of so many things, and it is quite unnerving. We need to be put God back where He belongs in our schools, work places and such. Without Him there, Satan's grip continues to strengthen. And he certainly doesn't need to be any stronger than he already is!

Sunday, May 11th is Mother's Day. We will have "Muffins for Moms" beginning at 9am in the fellowship. Child care will be provided until 9:45am when Sunday School begins and everyone goes to his or her respective class. Our mothers have always been there for us and we should take the time each and every day to let them know how much we love them. And not just on special occasions. Happy Mother's Day to each of the moms and may God continue to bless each of you!

We have a new trustee for the next calendar church year. Please been in prayer for this brother-in-Christ as he begins his new assignment.

We also have a new Nominating Committee. They will be heading your way looking for folks to fill various positions in and throughout our church. Remember, we are doing the Lord's work and it should all be for His glory and His alone. Allow God to guide in accepting or declining an offered position for the various committees we have at North FBC!

The XYZ will meet on Friday, May 16th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 18th. Breakfast will be served at 8am in the fellowship hall. Come and join in the food, fun and fellowship and bring a friend (or two)!

The General Officers will be presented in the special called church conference after the morning worship service Sunday, May 18th.

The Women on Mission will meet on Wednesday, May 21st. All ladies of our church (and those looking for a church home) are invited and encouraged to attend!

Don't forget: we will be celebrating the May birthdays this month on Wednesday, May 14th. If you or someone you know will be celebrating a birthday this month, you are invited to join in the special celebration!

On Sunday, May 25th, we will observe Memorial Day during the morning worship hour. May this be a time of reflection and thanks for those who have served in our military. We can never thank them enough for their sacrifice to protect and serve to keep us safe from harm. May God continue to bless those who continue to serve along with their famillies.

Tis the time of year for high school and college graduations. It is a milestone in each young adult's life. A turning point that shapes the future. I encourage all students take the time to "smell the roses" along the way, but invest a good amount of time in getting an education so you can be better prepared to do the job you wish to make a career. And as always, seek God's wisdom and direction on the path He would have you take! If you or someone you know is graduating this year, please see our Minister of Students in order to participate in our special graduation service on Sunday, June 1st. Congratulations graduates!

Vacation Bible School is almost here! My how times goes by! If you are interested in teaching, assisting with a class, helping out in the kitchen or helping with crafts, please see our Interim Music Director in order to sign up. If you are an adult wondering if there is a class for you, the answer is YES!!! There is a class available for children of all ages (including grown ups!). VBS will take place the week of June 8th-12th. The theme is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth" (verse Psalm 86:11).

Please be in prayer for our Ministry Assistant as she travels to the state meeting May 15th-17th. May God have traveling mercies for her during her travels and may she have a blessed time learning new things to further her work for Christ!

Attention Youth & Children:

get ready for a busy month! You'll need your rest to keep up with all the activities our Minister of Students has in store for you.


Open gym Friday, May 2nd from 6-9pm.
SNAC (Sunday Nights After Church) will take place Sunday, May 18th after the evening service.
Prince Caspian movie trip Saturday, May 17th. This is another book in the "Chronicles of Narnia" series by C. S. Lewis. If you haven't seen the movie "Chronicles of Narnia", I encourage you to do so. You won't be sorry!


Kid's open gym Saturday, May 3rd from 10am-12pm.
Kid's picnic trip Saturday, May 10th.

Youth Committee meeting will be held on Sunday, May 4th at 3:30 in the gym.
Children's Committee meeting will be held on Saturday, May 3rd during open gym.

There will also be a Child Protection Policy Meeting on May 4th at 7pm immediately following the evening worship service. If you are interested in finding out more about this policy that will be taking effect, you are invited and encouraged to be in attendance. A background check will be performed for those working with children.

I believe that covers all I have for now. See what I meant by there's a lot going on this month?! Something for everyone, that's for sure!

Oh, and don't forget about the Rose Festival taking place this weekend in Orangeburg at Edisto Gardens. Lots of exhibits and entertainment for everyone!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Great Debate

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I trust everyone had a good week! We have been hearing a lot of talk in regards to the folks running for President this year. I am not one to get on a soapbox about such things, but I must say I am more than a little tired of listening to Clinton and Obama going back and forth at each other. In my opinion, that is no way for Presidential nominees to conduct him or herself. Each time there is an election, the candidates running seem to spend a great deal of time promising this, that or the other. It's one thing to sit there and make promise after promise, but in my own personal opinion, stop promising things that you can't or won't deliver. Instead demonstrate to the American people the qualities that one claims to hold; give us many good reasons that will persuade us to vote for you. Anyone can talk the talk, it's another thing all entirely to walk the walk.

With all that being said, we must remember to pray for our President, the men and women who serve this country and all of the other elected officials. And even though the candidates sling remarks at each other for whatever reason they have, we can rest assured in one promise that will not be broken. That promise is one that comes from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the ever-constant and always loving God who pours showers of blessing upon us and He always keeps His promises. He is the one we can cling to when times get hard or even if we just need to share something with Him. He will never let us down.

I hope and pray that in the end we will have the person that God wants in office and that He be glorified daily in the work that he or she may be doing. Regardless of who is elected, our President needs our prayers. It is not an easy job and if you have been in management at any point in your life, you know all to well how difficult it is to get all the oars working in the same direction.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

P.S. Don't forget about Vacation Bible School coming up June 8th-12th. Volunteers are needed. If you or someone you know is interested in teaching or helping with crafts, refreshments or assisting in a VBS class, please see our Interim Music Director for more details!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

God Send a Revival!

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you! I hope your week went well. I wanted to take a couple of minutes to update you on some activities taking place this week.

The men of our church will start their Sunday morning off with Men's Breakfast at 8am in the fellowship hall. If you know of a gentleman who would benefit greatly from this time of food and fellowship with fellow believers, invite them to join you! They are sure to receive a blessing!

Tomorrow evening kicks off our spring revival. The pastor from Northside in West Columbia will be the guest speaker this week. Services begin at 6pm Sunday evening and at 7pm Monday-Wednesday. Our youth will host a lasagna fundraiser Monday night. Come and join your church family in a time of food, fun and fellowship as believers join together to revive their walk with Christ!

Vacation Bible School is fast approaching. I can hardly believe that April is almost over. Time goes by so fast. That is why we need to savor each and every moment we have and bask in the blessings our Heavenly Father has so richly bestowed upon us! If you or someone you know might be interested in leading a VBS class or even be an assistant or help with crafts or kitchen detail, please see our Interim Music Director for more details.

Don't forget to check out the youth website to see what our young folks are up to these days. The link is:

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Something for Everyone!

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you! I trust you all had a good day. First off let me say how thankful I am for the rain we received today! God always knows when to provide what we need.

We have lots of things taking place in and around our church over the next few weeks. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar so you don't miss anything!

First item on the agenda is the Quarterly Church Conference tomorrow morning during the worship hour. One of the items of business will be electing our Nominating Committee and our Trustees. The Nominating Committee is responsible for finding folks to fill positions in the church. As the body of Christ, it is our duty to set about doing the work of the Lord. After all, it's all for His glory and not ours! Allow God to guide you as He only He can if you are approached about position(s) needing to be filled.

Women on Mission will be meeting Wed., April 16th. All ladies of the church are invited and encouraged to attend!

The Semi-Annual Orangeburg-Calhoun Baptist Associational meeting will be held Thursday, April 17th at Ebenezer Baptist Church. The meal will be served at 6pm. The meeting will begin at 6:45pm.

The XYZ will meet on Friday, April 18th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. They might be a few years older in numbers than some of us in the church, but these folks are certainly young at heart! I am sure their love of people and their steadfast faith in God aid greatly to their outlook and attitude in life! They will be playing BINGO. It is asked that those planning to attend bring a BINGO prize with them. A meal will be provided.

Next week marks our spring revival. Services are scheduled to begin on Sunday, April 20th through Wed., April 23rd. The guest speaker will be the pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Columbia. Please be in prayer for our revival in the hopes that God's will be done and we will indeed have revival in our church! Look for additional information in your weekly church bulletin.

Vacation Bible School is right around the corner! I can hardly believe we are approaching the 3rd week of April! Time goes by so fast. VBS is slated for June 8th through June 12th. There will be classes for folks of all ages. The topic is learning how to know, speak and live in God's truth. If you are interested in teaching or assisting a class, please see Lori Creech.

The youth will be heading to the bowling alley Friday, April 18th. May this be a night of fun and fellowship for our young people!

The youth will also be hosting a Lasagna meal fundraiser to help raise money for upcoming activities they will be participating in.

The topic of interest this week has been on the troops that have been coming home during the week. I know there are many thankful and relieved folks to have their loved ones back home safely. The husband of a friend of mine came home this week from Afghanistan. She has shared pictures with me of the welcome home party they had in his honor. Lots of smiles and hugs. The opening of Christmas and birthday presents he wasn't able to open with the rest of the family. She even saved a few for the kids so they would have something to open with Daddy! Such a thoughtful and loving gesture! I am very grateful to the men and women who serve and have served in our Armed Forces. They are folks keeping our borders and our country safe while we live, eat, breathe and sleep. Hats off to them for the awesome job they do and may God continue to bless them and their families and keep them all safe from harm. I also pray that God keeps vigil over those still serving overseas. May it all be for His glory!

The other thing I want to touch on briefly is the video buzz of the week pertaining to the cheerleaders who ganged up on a fellow cheer team member. Young people: you can't be told enough how wrong such behavior is! It most definitely does not depict Christian behavior and it isn't for God's glory by any stretch of the imagination. There is nothing funny, popular or right in degrading and belittling another human being in such a manner. For these young people to even take what they have done in a nonchalant, carefree manner is just plain dumb. They need to realize the depth of their actions and know that such actions do have consequences. They don't need to sit in jail asking "Am I going to get out of here in enough time to make it to cheerleader practice tomorrow?". Why didn't you think about that as you were berating and beating the young lady you abused until she was unconscious??!! And if by some strange reason she was a part of this fiasco, she needs to have her head examined.

I know we shouldn't pass judgment on others and that is not what I am trying to do. I believe as parents, teachers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and the list goes on and on, it is our duty to raise these children right. They need parents who are involved in their lives. Parents who know what their children are doing. Reprimanding them when needed. A good ol' fashioned spanking never hurt anyone. The Bible says "Spare the rod, spoil the child". I believe that parents (not all parents, but some) have definitely spared the rod for far too long. It's time to pull that good ol' rod off the shelf and use it as God intended. Tighten up the belt buckle, get these kids in school getting an education so they can make educated decisions. Get them in church where they belong so they know that there is more to life than whether "I'mapopular girl" thinks more of you than you do of yourself. Believe, your attitude and how you feel about yourself is far more important than another's opinion of you. It is ok NOT to follow the crowd. If the crowd has tied themselves together and are about to jump off a cliff, you need to untie yourself and find others to help you pull them back before they make a drastic mistake. And one that can't be undone very easily.

I could go on about this for hours, but I won't. I have some very strong feelings about it and until we as Christians take a stand and protect our young people the way our parents protected us, things will continue as they are. I do believe that God has bigger, bolder plans in store for us than such careless, thoughtless behavior that society today depicts as the only way to go.

Believe me when I say..............the crazy notion that society has today about how things should be does not coincide with God's plan for His people. He only wants what is best for us and us killing, raping, abusing, etc. is NOT the thing He has in mind! That is the work of the devil and we need to send him back where he belongs. To the depths of hell to live in his miserable, black hole away from the Light of the World. When Satan made the decision and had himself cast out of Heaven, he knew what he was doing. We don't need to help him and make him stronger in any area of our lives. He needs to be left alone, all to himself, with no-one to talk to. He tries to make things look all pretty and nice and all the while he is poisoning us with his lies and foolish notions. The only thing I can say is "May God have mercy on his soul".

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I hope your week went well. May your weekend be restful and blessed!

I received our church newsletter in the mail this morning and was pleasantly surprised about the context of it. My point in saying that would be I have been struggling with some things lately and they have been consuming my thoughts. Most people who know me and have known me for quite some time know and understand my little quirks. I have always been pretty straightforward. I am reminded more times than not about watching what I say, how I say and to whom it is said. Doing so has caused me to be a little more agitated than I wish to be. One should never have to completely change or be the sole party in trying to correct a situation.

This thought process leads me to the note our pastor has in the April newsletter. He couldn't have selected a better time for that note. Unity is not only important in church, sports, and things of that nature. Unity also needs to be practiced on the job, in the home, in the day-to-day happenings with people in general. When a united front is not presented, it allows for chaos and confusion that can lead to hurt feelings.

When we act of our own accord, without putting God in control, we are allowing Satan to have a stronger hold on us. He doesn't need any more power than he already has.

Our Minister of Students also had a thought-provoking note in April's newsletter. His topic centered on refueling/recharging the "batteries". We all need to be encouraged and lifted up. No matter where, when or how. A quiet time away from the world spent in communion with our Lord and Savior is a very vital part of our walk with Christ. When we go astray it most always ends in discord and disappointment.

My prayer for each of you is that we all strive harder to work together and present a united front whether it's in the midst of adversity or not.

All of this leads me to our upcoming revival. It will be held the week of April 20-23. Services will begin Sunday night, April 20th at 6pm and the following evenings service will begin at 7pm. The guest speaker will be the pastor of Northside Baptist Church in West Columbia. Please be in prayer for our guest speaker as well lifting up our revival services. May God speak to us and we will be refueled/recharged; eager to do His work!

Tomorrow evening will bring a special evening service. Troy Widener will be performing at 6pm in the sanctuary. I haven't had the opportunity hear this young man, but it is my understanding that those who have have been blessed! God works in so many ways and through so many people. It is encouraging to see them using their talents for God's glory!

We will observe the Lord's Supper on Sunday, April 6th. Everyone is invited and encouraged to be in attendance to observe this special time of worship and reflection.

The April birthday celebration will take place on Wed., April 9th. If you or someone you know is having a birthday in April, invite them to join in the food and fellowship!

Our quarterly church conference will be held on Sunday, April 13th. One of the items of business will be electing our Nominating Committee and our Trustees!

The Women on Mission will meet on Wed., April 16th. All the ladies of our church are invited and encouraged to attend.

The XYZ club will have their monthly meeting on Friday, April 18th in the fellowship hall. The meeting will begin at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. Those in attendance will be playing the fun game of BINGO! It is requested that those who are taking part in the fellowship, food and fun bring along a wrapped BINGO orize.

Vacation Bible School will be held June 8th-12th. If you are interested in or area willing to assist/teach a class, please refer to your newsletter or contact the church office to know who to contact.

The youth and children have a busy month ahead! The Children's Ministry consists of the following:

Kid's open gym on Saturday, April 5th from 10am-12pm. They also have a putt-putt trip scheduled for Sat., April 12th from 11am-3pm.

The youth activities are as follows:

Open gym on Friday, April 4th from 6-9pm.
SNAC will be held on Sunday, April 20th following the evening service.
Youth bowling trip on Friday, April 18th.
Lasagna fundraiser on Monday, April 21st.

Youth and Children's Committee meetings are as follows:

Children's Committee Meeting: Sat., April 5th during open gym.
Youth Committee Meeting: Sunday, April 6th beginning at 3:30pm.

Other items of interest are the Associational Meeting being held at Ebenezer Baptist Church on Thursday, April 17th. The evening meal will be served at 6pm and the meeting begins at 6:45pm.

Men's breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, April 20th. All the men of our church are invited and encouraged to attend.

I believe that covers all I have for now. May you have a restful evening. Take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

He is Risen!

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. Tomorrow we will celebrate our Savior's resurrection. It still amazes me that He would love us so much to die on a cross to save us from our sins. And I am so thankful that He did!

As Christians, Easter means a time of re-birth or renewal. Taking off the old and putting on the new. Very much like accepting Christ and being baptized.

Our services will begin at 7am, Sunrise service. The community is invited to attend the service followed by a time of breakfast, celebration and fellowship. Sunrise service will take place at North FBC this year.

Sunday School and morning worship will stay with their normal times (9:45am for Sunday School & 11am for worship). There will be no evening services.

May each of you be touched this Easter Sunday in a way that only God can do! Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Egg-Hunting Fun!

Good Friday evening to each of you. I hope had a good and blessed week. We have several items on the agenda for this weekend.

Tonight the XYZ Committee had their monthly meeting in the fellowship hall. The guest speaker was Deloris Zeigler. Her focus this evening was in regards to her experiences on her mission trip to Kenya. There are so many people who need to hear the word of God. The people He chooses to spread His word to those in need of hearing it are a blessing to those they meet. Praise God for them and the work they do!

There will be an Easter egg hunt tomorrow afternoon (March 15th) from 4pm-7pm for children of all ages. Everyone in the community is invited to share in the fun, food and fellowship. There will be games and activities for the whole family to enjoy as well. The afternoon will end with a cook-out of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings. If there is a family you know that would enjoy the festivities, they are invited to attend as well! May God be glorified!

Tomorrow morning FBC Swansea will host a community wide yard sale. This function is intended to raise money for Clay Dixon's medical expenses. This young man has touched the hearts and lives of many people. Some who know him and others who have only read, seen, or heard about him. Rest assured that God's plan holds something special for the Dixon family and all who know them. The yard sale will begin at 8am and will end at 12 noon. All items that aren't sold will be donated to charity.

Sunday evening March 16th will find the adult choir presenting their Easter cantata. The service will begin at 6pm. The cantata is named "In Christ Alone". If it weren't for God's love, we would truly be alone. A lot of work and time is devoted to these presentations. And you won't be sorry that you attended!

Attention Youth: The Awesome Race will be held Sat., March 22nd. Please see our MOS for more information.

There will be a Youth Committee meeting Sunday, March 16th beginning at 3:30pm.

The annual sunrise service is being held at FBC North this year. Sunrise service will begin at 7pm. The folks in and around our community are invited and encouraged to attend. Our regular Sunday morning activities will take place as normal (Sunday School at 9:45am & morning worship at 11am). There will be no evening service Easter Sunday. Come and share in celebrating Christ's resurrection with fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

March 16th will also bring Men's breakfast. All the men of our church are welcome to attend. Breakfast will be served at 8am in the fellowship hall.

Women on Mission will meet Wed., March 19th following the 6:00 supper. All the ladies of our church are invited.

The first day of spring is Thurs., March 20th. The pollen has already started to settle on cards, porches, etc. Allergies will soon be effected and lots of sneezing will occur. Be sure to stock up on allergy medication. Make sure you aren't taking an over the counter product that can interfere with any medication prescribed by your physician. Doing so can result in some not-so-good results.

I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Happenings for the week of March 10-16th

Hello! I hope everyone had a terrific Sunday. I accidentally left some things out in the posts I made last night. Please accept my humble apologies.

A reminder about the birthday celebrations for March. The monthly birthday celebration will take place this Wed., March 12th. Anyone having a birthday during the month of March is welcome to attend.

The XYZ meeting will be held this Friday, March 14th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. The guest speaker will be Deloris Zeigler. Ms. Zeigler will be sharing her experiences from the Kenya mission trip. A meal will be provided.

FBC Swansea will have a community-wide yard sale Sat., March 15th from 8am til 12noon to help raise funds for Clay Dixon's medical expenses. The funds already raised are a true blessing for this family, I am sure. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful little boy, and I know that those who have will never be the same! I know there is a story here that God wants us all to learn from, I hope we each take the time to listen and allow God to guide us in ways that only He can. Much luck and love to Clay and his family. God speed!

If you would like to donate items to be sold, please drop them off at the church in Swansea, March 8th from 3-6pm. All items not sold will be donated to charity. Please refer to the insert in our March newsletter for further contact information.

There will be a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt Sat., March 15th from 4-7pm on the FBC North church grounds. An afternoon of fun is in store for the whole family. An Easter egg hunt will take place for children of al ages, games and activities for the family, too! The evening will wind down with a cook-out of hamburgers, hot dogs and all the trimmings. Everyone is invited to participate in the fun, food and fellowship!

The adult choir has been working on their Easter cantata. It is entitled "In Christ Alone". The cantata is scheduled for Sunday evening, March 16th at 6pm. Come join our church family as we celebrate through song and drama, the day God's redemption plan was fulfilled. As this Easter approaches, let us remember that Jesus Lives and that we have life in Christ! Amen!

Remember: there will be NO evening services Easter Sunday, March 23rd.

I hope your week is blessing-filled. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Youth & Children's March Activities

Attention parents:

Our Minister of Students has a few goodies in mind for our youth and children for the month of March. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar!

Children's Ministry:

Easter gathering: Sat., March 15th from 4-7pm.

Youth Ministry:

SNAC (Sunday Nights after Church) will be held Sunday, March 9th after the evening service.

"The Awesome Race" will be held Sat., March 22nd. Please see our MOS for more information.

Student Ministry Committees:

Children's Committee Meeting: Sunday, March 9th at 3:30pm in the gym.

Youth Committee Meeting: Sunday, March 16th at 3:30pm in the gym.

Youth Newsletter:

Youth Specialties, one of the best resources for Youth Ministry, is putting out a newsletter made especially for parents that will help keep you better informed of things going on with today's youth. There will be a link to it on the FBC North Student Ministry site soon. Please let our MOS know if you wish to receive a copy of the newsletter in your email inbox.

Remember, the link to the Student Ministry website is:

A lot of time is put into these sites and I encourage everyone to read them as time allows. If there is anything I have failed to mention here, please email me at I am happy to add it. And I am sure our MOS would be happy to hear from you as well.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

A Very Windy Day!

The wind has blowing non-stop today. The winds outside can be much like the winds in our lives. There will be days when the wind will blow as a gentle breeze, then there will be days that it will blow with such strength you will think you have stepped directly into a wind tunnel. There are times when I hear people say "God is really testing me today." To them my usual response is "God isn't allowing those things into your life to cause hardship and turmoil." He uses those times in hopes that we would draw nearer to Him. Not farther away.

It is during two seasons that most people seem to enjoy the commercial way of celebrating these events. Christmas and Easter. Now, some people say they aren't going to teach their children about Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, or any of the other "commercially acceptable" characters that line the shelves of stores. That's fine. That's your choice. One important piece of advice though, you can't protect them from life. It's bound to happen. Would you rather be the source of the correct information or have them find out in other ways not acceptable to the manner in which you would have them exposed to such things? Santa Claus is a symbol of love and giving. The bunny is a cute and furry animal who hops around and isn't intended to cause harm. It is up to us as parents, teachers, friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc; but most importantly as Christians to teach children the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. As long as a child has a strong foundation in the home and in church, the commercial representatives remain in place, but they take on a different tone when their true meaning/place has been told to a child old enough to understand the difference. When we embark on these notions of not telling them about Santa, the Easter bunny, etc.......they will see it on tv, in stores, advertisments in the newspaper and they will hear it from their friends at school and yes, even at church.

As the Bible puts it, "Teach a child the way they should go and they will not part from it". In other words, if they do stray for a short amount of time or even for a long amount of time, if they have the basic Biblical principles taught to them by God-fearing (which means respecting God, not fearing Him) parents and those same parents live their lives in a way that is pleasing to God, that same child will remember those principles when the time calls for it.

God Himself knew we would stray from time to time. Being the faithful and loving "parent" that He is, He always welcomes us with open arms. Never judging or saying "I told you so" just "I am glad to have you back and I love you. Welcome home, my child."

The month of March has much activity in store. God's hope would be for us to participate in the upcoming events in order to bring honor and glory to Him. If people are attending things just to be seen, you are attending for the wrong reasons. And while I haven't been faithful in my attendance over these past months, rest assured that my faith is still strong and the passion I have for various things still remains.

First off, don't forget to "spring" forward one hour tonight before going to bed. If you don't, you will be late for church in the morning!

Wed., March 12th will be the monthly birthday celebration for March. All those celebrating a birthday this month are invited to be in attendance.

The XYZ will have their monthly gathering Friday, March 14th in the fellowship hall at 6:30pm. The guest speaker will be Delores Zeigler.

Men's breakfast will be Sunday, March 16th (which is also Palm Sunday).

Wed., March 19th will be the monthly meeting of the Women on Mission organization. All ladies are invited and encourage to attend.

Thursday, March 20th will be the first official day of spring!

Friday, March 21st will be Good Friday. And on Sunday, March 23rd, we will celebrate Jesus' resurrection as it will be Easter Sunday! The annual Easter Sunrise Service will be held at North FBC this year at 7am. Family and friends in and around our community are invited to attend! Breakfast will be served in the fellowship hall at 8am. There will NOT be a change in the times of the regular morning services Easter Sunday. There will be NO evening services Easter Sunday though.

I hope none reading this blog entry found this particular entry too harsh, etc. I get very tired of other people who try to force their opinions onto other people. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. You have that right, it doesn't make your opinion the correct one by any means. The only perfect being is Jesus Christ and His word is true!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

March Happenings

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I hope everyone is doing well. March is shaping up to be a busy month. Lots of good things in store.

The deacons will start off with their monthly meeting tomorrow morning (3/2/08) at 8am in the conference room.

The following Sunday will kickoff Daylight Savings time. Don't forget to set your clocks up one hour before going to bed Saturday night. Noone wants to be too late or too early to any upcoming engagements.

The March birthday celebration will be held on Wed., March 12th. Anyone having a birthday this month is welcome to join in the fun and fellowship.

Men's breakfast will be held Sunday, March 16th. Breakfast will be served at 8am in the fellowship hall. If you know of a gentleman who might be interested in attending, please invite him. These gatherings develop bonds with fellow church members that will last a lifetime.

Women on Mission will meet Wed., March 19th. If you know of someone who would benefit from taking part in this wonderful group, do invite them. The meeting is held right after Wed. night supper.

Sunday, March 16th is also Palm Sunday. Each year our church observes the events that led up to Jesus' crucifixion. When we think of how our Lord and Savior sent His Son to die on a tree in order for us to be free, there is no greater love than that. Each day we should strive to become more and more like Christ. Take the time to ask God to place His will and desires on you so that they may bring glory to Him.

Easter Sunday is March 23rd. The Easter Sunrise Service will be held at North FBC this year. There will be a time of fellowship, food and celebration. Everyone in the community is invited and encourage to attend. Sunrise service begins at 7am. There will not be a change in the regular morning services March 23rd; however, there will be no evening service that day.

The XYZ meeting will be held Friday, March 14th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. Deloris Zeigler will be sharing her experiences from the mission trip to Kenya. A meal will be provided.

FBC Swansea will have a community-wide yard sale Sat., March 15th from 8am to 12 noon to help raise funds for Clay Dixon's medical expenses. This young man has been such an inspiration. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him personally, but I know he is special and means a great deal to a lot of folks. The amount of money that has already been raised is remarkable. If you would like to donate items to be sold, please drop them off at the church in Swansea, March 8th from 3-6pm. Any items not sold will be donated to charity. Please refer to your monthly newsletter for contact information.

There will be a community-wide Easter egg hunt Sat., March 15th from 4-7pm for children of all ages. Games and activities will also be part of the festivities. The afternoon will end with a cook-out of hamburgers, hot dogs and all the trimmings. Come and bring a friend or two!

The adult choir has been working on the annual Easter Cantata. This musical/drama is scheduled for Sunday, March 16th during the evening worship hour. The title of the cantata is "In Christ Alone". Those in attendance are sure to receive a blessing.

Activities for the youth and children:

The children's ministry consists of the following: Kid's Open Gym Sat., March 8th from 10am-12pm. And don't forget the egg hunt on Sat., March 15th from 4-7pm.

The youth ministry consists of: Open gym Fri., March 7th from 6-9pm.

SNAC (Sunday nights after church) will be held on Sunday, March 9th after the evening service.

"The Awesome Race" will be held on Sat., March 22nd. Please see our Minister of Students for more information.

Student Ministry Committees: Meetings for the children's and youth committees are as follows:

Children's Committee Meeting: Sunday, March 9th at 3:30pm.

Youth Committee Meeting: Sunday, March 16th at 3:30pm.

Attention all Youth Parents: a newsletter is being compiled especially for parents who have children involved in our youth program. This newsletter is being designed by Youth Specialties. The goal for this newsletter is to help keep parents better informed about today's youth. Our MOS is hoping to have a link on the student ministry site soon.

Don't forget to check out the student ministry site from time to time. The link for it is: Parents will be able to download and print permission slips, etc. if necessary. A lot of hard work goes into these sites and everyone is encouraged to browse them both when time allows.

I believe that's all I have for now. If I missed anything, please email me and let me know. I can be reached at

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Change and Reflection

Hello and good Thursday evening to each of you. I hope your week has been going well and full of blessings from God. He is so good and we are very unworthy of His love. Alas, He knew we would make mistakes. With that thought in mind, He sent His Son to die upon a cross so many years ago. As February comes to a close, March brings in a new month of promise and hope. During the month of March we will celebrate Easter. A time of renewal and reflection. A time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

Speaking of reflection, I have been looking back on the moments from my past. With those reflections I am reminded of how truly blessed I am. As I visit the "days of old", I reflect on being a part of the North FBC youth group and all the fun we had. I recall those people we grew up with and developed lasting friendships that have stood the test of time. Not all people are that fortunate.

God brings people into our lives to help open our eyes to things we may not see otherwise. Whether it's for a season or a lifetime. We need to savor every moment we have on this earth. Savor them and make them count. It's very difficult to go back into the past and make changes. Change begins right now, in this very second/minute. All to often people find themselves saying "We'll have a baby when we have more money". Or "There's plenty of time to find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with". When we pass up gifts that God has sent to us in whatever form they might be in at the time, we may be passing up our only chance to right a past wrong or share God's love with another.

We should always be on our toes; because others are watching, waiting for us to stumble and fall. We need to rely on God to supply us with the strength we need to weather the storms of life. He knows what's best for today and always. We need to be trusting in His perfect will for our lives.

As I said before, I recall the times of fun and fellowship shared while part of the youth group. I remember growing up in this little town of North and making friendships that have lasted a very long while. I have made a lot of friends along the way and am thankful for each and every one of them.

I remember times of hanging out "under the trees" and just talking and laughing with those who were there. Some very good frienships began there as well as at church. We had a grand ol' time! There are days that I really miss those times; but pages must be turned so the story can be continued. I look back on my life and the things I have done along the way. As I take that look back, I am very happy to say that I have no regrets about anything that happened. Each thing contributed it's own unique mark and enriched my life so much more.

I could go on forever about all the blessings God has put in my life. From the family whom I dearly love and I know they feel the same about me, to the friendships formed over the years whether at church or otherwise.

Granted, I am not always the type of friend I should be. I have developed some bad habits in that department. Behaviors that only I can change. Including being away from church for so long.

A co-worker/friend and I were talking the other day about the power of prayer, how a collective group decides on the destination for their mission trip each year, and how others seem to be more content in the life they are leading. We both know that happiness can't come from others. It is something that must come from within and from God. We also realize that we sometimes choose to disobey the direction God would have us go. When we do that, it can come across as we are rebelling against God and His master design for our lives. That is a statement I think may be an accurate one. We need to stop looking for that thing we think will make us happy and focus on God and His perfect will for our lives. He won't steer us in the wrong direction.

I would sit here and type a list of all the people who made a positive impact on my life, but the list would be rather long and I wouldn't want to leave anyone out.

When we get testy with other people for whatever reason, we may be missing out on a chance to tell someone about God's love. As Christians, we don't want to give others the wrong idea and we definitely don't want to display unChristian-like behavior. I am forever being reminded of how sharp my tongue can be. I don't really think I need to have that explained to me over and over again. When people criticize another in that fashion, they should remember to take a long, hard look at themselves before they "judge" someone else.

Anyway, I guess I will close for now. I apologize for not writing more often than I do. I will try and do better.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Events for the Week

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some things that will be taking place this week. Remember to mark your calendar so you won't forget!

Tomorrow (2/10/08) will be a busy day for our Minister of Students. The youth committee will meet tomorrow afternoon from 12:15pm-2pm. Then the children's committee will meet from 3:30pm-4:45pm.

The youth will be gearing up to head to SummerSalt at White Oak Conference Center the week of June 23rd-27th. If you would like more information, please see our Minister of Students. He will be happy to assist you.

The newsletter deadline is Friday, Feb. 15th. Please have the items you would like mentioned in the March newsletter turned in by 9am.

The children will be heading to the bowling alley Sat., Feb. 17th. I am sure they will have a memorable time. It has been ages since I've bowled. Was never very good at it. In some instances I would prefer to walk to the end of the alley and knock all the pins over with my hands. It would certainly give me a better score if that was possible. :-) On the other hand, it isn't the winning that matters. It's about having a good time and enjoying the time spent with those in attendance.

Men's breakfast will be held next Sunday, Feb. 16th at 8am in the fellowship hall. All the men of our church are invited to attend. Feel free to invite a male friend who might enjoy a time of food and fellowship with a group of gentleman who love the Lord and their church.

February 22nd marks the WinterJam Concert for our youth. Remember to mark the date on your calendar. For more information, please see our Minister of Students.

The youth will also have SNAC (Sunday Nights after Church) on Sunday, Feb. 24th. Just a reminder.....they do still have the whopper. :-)

Before I forget....choir practice for the youth is held on Monday nights. Practice begins at 6pm. If you know of a young person who would like to join the youth choir, now's a good time to invite them to join you.

It is my understanding that the adult choir has started practicing for the upcoming Easter cantata. As always, I am sure everyone in attendance will receive a blessing. If you would like to be a part of this worship experience with music, choir practice is held each Wednesday night immediately following prayer meeting.

With that thought in mind......Wed. night supper begins at 6pm. Followed by prayer meeting and the other organizational meetings (GA's, Acteens, RA's). This Wed., Feb. 13th will be the churchwide birthday celebration for those having a birthday this month. Everyone is invited to join in the time of food, fun and fellowship.

Don't forget to tell your loved ones (family, friends, etc) how much they mean to you this Thursday. Yes, Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Very hard to believe. It wasn't so long ago we were celebrating Christmas. While Valentine's day is a good time to let those nearest and dearest to you know how much they mean to you........we shouldn't wait for a special occasion to tell others that we love them. Make a point to do so everyday! Your life as well as the lives of those you are a part of will be richly blessed in a whole new way. God doesn't withhold His love for us until a special day and neither should we!

I believe that covers all I have for now. Take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Language of Love

Hello and good Sunday evening to each of you. I hope things have been going well for you all. February is shaping up to be a busy month. Remember to post your newsletter calendar in a good place so you don't miss out on any of the activities.

The youth are busy watching the Super Bowl in the gym tonight. May the best team win!

Our youth and children have many things in store for them this month. There will be plenty to keep them busy.

The Youth Ministry activities are as follows:

Friday, Feb. 8th the youth will host the XYZ dinner at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. The gym will be afterwards until 10pm.

The Youth Committee will meet on Sunday, Feb. 10th from 12:15-2pm.

Winter Jam is coming up on Feb. 22nd. Please be sure to see our Minister of Students for more information pertaining to this activity.

SNAC (Sunday Nights After Church) will be heading to Burger King. And yes, they do still serve the Whopper! :-)

The week of June 23rd-27th will find the youth traveling to SummerSalt 2008. Summer camps are always lots of fun and all the youth are encouraged and invited to attend. Those in attendance are sure to receive a blessing.

The Children's Ministry will be equally busy. Their activities are as follows:

Saturday, Feb. 9th: Open Gym from 10am-12pm for children in grades 1st-5th grade.

The Children's Committee will have a meeting on Sunday, Feb. 10th from 3:30-4:45pm.

Saturday, Feb. 16th will find the children on their way to the bowling alley. This should be a lot of fun!

Don't forget to check the Student Ministry website for current happenings, etc. pertaining to our youth and children. The link to the website is:

The 2nd monthly birthday celebration will take place this Wed., Feb. 6th. Anyone having a birthday this month are invited to be in attendance. Happy birthday to each of you!

The deadline for the newsletter is Friday, Feb. 15th. Please see the church office should you have anything you would like to contribute to the newsletter.

Sunday, Feb. 17th will be Men's breakfast at 8am. The men always enjoy this time of food and fellowship. If you know of a gentleman who would like to participate, please invite them. The door is always open to those seeking a church home.

Valentine's Day is Thursday, Feb. 14th. Don't forget to say "I love you" to those nearest and dearest to you. Every day should be Valentine's Day...not just Feb. 14th. It is never too late or too early to tell someone how much they mean to you!

I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)