Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Sound of Music

As you know, we have been searching for a music man [person] for our church, to lead our music program and choir ministry, plus working with the youth and children. So far we have had two applicants, interviewed one, but now we are overjoyed to learn that our former music director is going to continue her ministry with us. Due to her work in our church, as far back as I can remember, the music program has been outstanding. We thought that her health would cause her to retire, but the doctor has given her a clean bill of health, so with some assistance from the choir members,she is back with us again. The Lord sent us the right person for the position, one we had all along, and we rejoice in what has happened. The North church family is an exciting church, and we just praise the Lord for all that He is doing with us.
What is your idea of a theme for our church family? For the first thirty years of my ministry, I used the theme, "Preaching the Old Fashioned Gospel to a New Fashioned World." It worked for me. As I was thinking of the old days, I thought, why not a theme for us? Can you think of something we might use? Email me at if you have an idea.Think about it.
Our monthly newsletter, The Messenger, is in the mail for our church members. If you would like to keep up with our church, and not currently on the mailing list, drop us a line, email or snail, and we will add you to the list.

First Baptist Church
PO Box 189
North, SC 29112

So long for now...God loves you, and so do I.

Monday, September 27, 2004


Do you know anyone who might be interested in being a bi-vocational music minister, about 20 hours each week, to work in an exciting church with great music potential. We have recently lost our music director due to health problems and really do need someone to take her place. North FBC is a small town First Baptist church, with about 375 members and budget of about $230,000 and room for growth. We are looking for someone who lives close enough to commute back and forth on Wed. and Sundays for the worship services, working about twenty hours or less each week. With adults and youth and choir practice, etc. Someone in the midlands area of SC would be ideal. We have advertized in the Courier and on-line and with the local state colleges and universities, but so far only have had two replies. Perhaps you know of someone you think would be a suitable candidate. Please join with us in prayer that the Lord will send the right person to meet our music needs.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

God Loves YOU and so do I......

Sorry, but I am getting behind in my posting to this blog. Lots of things happening around our church and community, but I just haven't taken time to jot anything down for you. We are in the process of seeking a minister of music, and have been busy interviewing and checking references, etc. Please pray with us that the Lord will send us his music director who will be a rich blessing to our church family. There is a spirit of excitement among our membership, and we are excited about how the Lord is blessing us with these activities and ministries. Our pastor has been feeding us in depth in his preaching these days, and Sunday School and Discipleship training seems to be growing. And of course, John Mew, our minister of youth and children is doing an outstanding job in leading our kids in these different areas. The new Jr. Church Kids children's Church for preschoolers is going extremely well, and we are seeking to encourage young parents to bring their preschoolers on Sunday for this time of worship for the kids, while the parents enjoy the moments of worship and praise.
We have recently elected seven new deacons for the next two years, and have been blessed by having experienced deacons available to serve. So, these are a few of the things I have missed sharing with you, but promise that I will add more to this in the next few days. Support your church, pray for one another, sing praises to the Lord, minister to the lost and disciple the saved, and see what our God has in store for us. For all who read these words, 'remember who loves you, God plus me...
Bye for the moment....

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Sad Day at Church last Sunday [tongue in cheek]

Yes, it was a very sad day, as we mourned the loss of our two state football teams, USC and Clemson, and our local team at SC State. For football fans in our community, and all over the state, it was a sad and difficult weekend as they watched these teams fall on the gridiron. So sad, we can only say, wait until the next game....and the next... and so forth. Wonder why we get so wrapped up in sports, especially football, that the losing of a game seems so serious? And wonder how many of those more than 85,000 at each school, Clemson and USC, made it to their local church the following day? And if they did, was there as much enthusiasm in going to God's House to be with God's People, doing God's Things, as there was going to Williams Brice Stadium or Clemson's Death Valley? And considering the cost of tickets to the game, the transportation, the price of food and refreshments, and the general out of pocket expenses, wonder if they gave their tithes and offerings generously [hilariously]to the offering plate as it was passed by the ushers?
We did have a great time of worship last Sunday, with Sunday School attendance of 103, lots of enthusiam in our singing and preaching time, and just plain good fellowship around the church. Our services were full, and we even had a church conference and passed on the Budget for next year, elected seven new deacons, and approved the Nominating Commitee report on new officers for the new church year.
Thanks to all of our church family who make our church an exciting place. We do love and appreciate you and all that you do...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Another Exciting Lord's Day!

Hurricane Frances was heading our way, it was Labor Day weekend, many of our members were away on vacation trips, and yet for those who were here, we had an exciting time in North FBC. We had 82 in Sunday school, which was expected because of the weekend holiday. But the weather was beautiful, Frances was still a ways off, the sun was shining, and everyone seemed to feel an excitement in the air. After all, both Univ. of SC and Clemson won their respective football games, so there was no conflicts between Gamecocks and Tigers. Rev. and Mrs. Charles (Nina) Hoblitz, Baptist missionaries to St. Petersburg, Russia were with us, and led in the Sunday Morning Seminary class by sharing many of their experiences as they minister to Russia.
During the morning service, Rev. Charles Hoblitz spoke to the church family and continued to share many experiences and needs for his field of service. Our church was pleased to share with them, and to share also financially with them in their work. We are surely aware that we should be very grateful to Almighty God that we live as free men and women in this wonderful country of the United States of America. Brother Hoblitz extended an invitation to all of us to come to Russia and visit with them, and spend a week with them in their ministry and in their Bible School. Sounds like an interesting trip, and one that I would like to make. According to reports, the cost round trip to St. Petersburg is about $750. Charles said that if we could pay our airfare, that they would take care of housing and feeding us while we are there. Anyone interested in going? Let me know.
Lots of activities going on this week. We have a special program for the senior adults as we have a lady who has been here before who impersonates "Minnie Pearl." I understand that she is very good. The senior group, called the XYZ Club, will meet on Friday night at 7:00 PM for a covered dish meal, and then entertainment to follow.
John has the youth and children doing many things, and we are proud of our youngsters.
Still searching for a minister of music for our church, and have started advertising in the local area and also in the state Baptist Courier newspaper. Please join us in prayer that the Lord will send the right person for our church.
God bless each reader of these words, and know that you are in our prayers. If our church can be of any help to you, please let us know. Our email address is
and we will be very happy to share with you in prayer.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

All Tied Up....

I am falling behind in my posts these days. I seem to be all tied up with things to do around the church and the home. So please bear with me, and I will fill in the void when I get back to the office and have a few minutes to spare. We are still having exciting times around the church and there is lots I want to tell you about. Please keep checking this blog, and if you have anything that you think I could use in these pages, send it along. Will b e glad to consider it. In the meantime, remember that God loves you, and so do I.