Friday, July 27, 2007

It's hard to believe that school will begin soon. It seems as though the summers get shorter and shorter. Time to buy school supplies, school clothes, etc. I have noticed that Wal-Mart has some good prices on school supplies. Our town pharmacy also has some good sales on school supplies they carry. Check out the little R & J coupon book you may have received in the mail today. It has all sorts of school items in there. The nice thing about buying from a business in town is that the money stays here and helps to improve the businesses we have here. And when you think about it..............after you drive to Orangeburg or Columbia looking for the item you could have saved on gas by simply purchasing the necessary item at a local business. When you add up the cost of the item, you may find that it is more economical to buy locally.

On to other items on the agenda:

The youth went to Whirlin' Waters Adventure Waterpark today. Am sure they had a terrific time. I remember going to a water park when I staying with my cousin one summer. We hung out there for the better part of the day. I had always heard that baby oil will help you tan better.......well silly me kept applying more each time I got out of the water. By the end of the day I was burnt in places I didn't even know I had! Very painful!! I never did that again!!!

Attention grades 1st-5th........TAN continues this Tuesday, July 31st. It is being held in the youth gym from 10am-1pm. Lots of fun things are in store for those who attend!!

Craft night continues for those participating in making items for the Christmas bazaar in December. Monies earned from this event will go toward the purchase of a new church bus. It is being held from 6:30-8:30pm every Tuesday evening. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.

The messages for Sunday are as follows: morning service: "The Man & His Miracles: Who's Going to Feed Them?". Scripture: John 6:1-14. Evening service: "Signs of the Times: The Empire Will Rise Again.". Scripture: Daniel 2 & 7.

The past few weeks have certainly taken a toll on me. I am thankful God gave me the ability to do the work I do. Now I need to learn some patience every now and then. Our server crashed at work 2 weeks ago (made for LOTS of fun--not true!!). We got it back last week and are still trying to work the kinks out. Hopefully it will get there soon.

Being the office manager (I was promoted a while back) can certainly leave a person wondering. Don't get me wrong.......I enjoy what I do. It's called having too many irons in the fire!!! I was talking with our receptionist the other day and told her I really needed to get back to church. It does help alleviate some of the tension. Even though I haven't been to church in a while (and I am by no means bragging about this)..............I still do my daily devotion and Bible reading. It helps. In the past I learned if I went a day or so without reading it, things would begin to test me. That's when Satan steps in and tries to gain full control.

With all the chaos, it leaves me feeling wiped out. Hopefully I will be out of this mood soon.

I think that's it for now. Take care and God bless!!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hello! I hope everyone had a good week. I also hope you are having a relaxing weekend. I wanted to remind you of some things taking place this week. Remember to mark the dates on your calendar so you don't miss anything!

There will be a Children's Committee meeting tomorrow, July 22nd in the gym at 4pm.

The youth are heading to Whirlin' Waters Adventure Waterpark Friday, July 27th. This sounds like it will be lots of fun! Come and bring a friend or two!

Don't forget about TAN (Tuesdays at North) from 10am-1pm. This activity is for children grades 1st-5th.

Ladies: don't forget about craft night each Tuesday from 6:30-9:30pm. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. Work continues on the crafts being made for the bazaar we are having in December. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of a new church bus.

The message for Sunday morning July 22nd is entitled "The Man and His Miracles: Have You Been Waiting Long?". Scripture is John 5:1-15. The message for the evening service is entitled "Signs of the Times: The Center of the Universe". Scripture is Zech. 12:2-3.

If you haven't seen the Trade Journal from this past missed seeing our youth and MOS and his wife in the paper. They wrote on article about the trip to SummerSalt. It certainly is wonderful to see our youth on fire for God!

We had another young lady in our congregation who was mentioned in the Trade Journal this past week. She was granted a scholarship. She plans to attend USC to major in nursing. Way to go! Keep up the good work!

There was an article in the Trade Journal 2 weeks ago regarding another one of our young adults. She was speaking of how different people influenced her over the years and what being a teacher means to her. It certainly takes a special person to be a teacher. My mom taught for 30+ years. I am sure it is a very rewarding career, especially when the students you teach go on to become successful adults. We need good teachers in our schools and parents need to be supportive of the teacher. It is not an easy job they have. My hat goes off to anyone in the profession. Teachers also have a unique responsibility of touching the life of student in a way no other person can. You never really realize this until you get older. Then you find yourself looking back and the character traits you possess due to a former teacher. I was blessed to have such wonderful teachers in school and in church!

I believe that covers all I have for now. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

This Week's Activities

Hello and good Saturday evening to each of you. I trust you had a good week. The weather has certainly been nice today. Temperatures a little cooler than they have been. Makes for a nice day outside. We have several things taking place this week that I want to remind you of. Without further hesitation here they are:

Men's Breakfast tomorrow morning at 8am in the fellowship hall. All men are invited and encourage to attend. Come and join your brothers-in-Christ for this time of food and fellowship.

Attention grades 1st-5th: don't forget about TAN (Tuesdays at North) this Tuesday, July 17th from 10am to 1pm. Please see our Minister of Students if your child needs a ride to the church.

Women on Mission will meet this Wednesday, July 18th at 7pm. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend. Don't forget about supper (it's served at 6pm in the fellowship hall). WOM meet in the choir room in the fellowship hall.

The youth will travel to Whirlin' Waters Adventure Park next Friday, July 27th (this event has been rescheduled from Friday, July 20th--remember to make the change on your calendar!). Please see our Minister of Students for more information regarding this outing.

There will be a Children's Committee meeting next Sunday, July 22nd at 4pm in the gym.

Ladies: don't forget about craft night each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30pm. Work continues on those items being made for the Christmas bazaar in December.

The message tomorrow morning is entitled "The Man and His Miracles: Your Son is Sick?". The scripture is John 4:46-54. The evening worship message is entitled "Signs of the Times: A Great Reunion". The scripture for that message is Ezekiel 22:17-22. Sunday School begins at 9:45am and there are classes for everyone. Worship begins at 11am.

I hope you have a pleasant Saturday evening. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hello and good Saturday evening! Hope you have been enjoying your weekend. I am very thankful for the rain we were blessed with this afternoon. I wanted to take a few minutes to update you on some activities taking place this week.

Our pastor is beginning a sermon series on recognizing "signs" of the second coming of Christ. The message Sunday morning will be "The Man and His Miracles: The Party is Over?" John 2:1-11. The evening sermon is entitled "Stories of the Vineyard: The Importance of Abiding" John 15:4-7. He previously preached on "Understanding the End Times", but has been led to speak to us on recognizing signs of the end times. Events are taking place each and every day that may be leading us closer to the time of Christ's return to earth. Are we ready? If you or someone you know is searching for everlasting life.......the answer is in Jesus Christ. He is the Way to the Father. The only way to heaven.

I have been reading for quite some time now, (I am ashamed to admit it has taken me so long to complete the book) "When Godly People do UnGodly Things" by Beth Moore. I have found the book to be very thought-provoking. In one of the chapters she writes about putting ourselves at the foot of the cross and feeling the drops of blood falling from the head of Jesus. His blood was spilled so that we may be saved. What a precious gift our Father in heaven bestowed upon us in sending His only son to die for us. We are sinners. We have no right to expect anything from God and have the obligation to give Him our all. When I think of how enormous God is and His unfailing love, it takes my breath away. To be loved to earnestly and whole-heartedly. If only we could love one another in such a way! I pray that we will all do our best to be the people God would have us to be.

There will be a quarterly church conference Sunday, July 8th following the morning worship service.

Attention Youth Committee members: there will be a committee meeting Sunday, July 8th in the gym. Please check Sunday's bulletin for the time.

SNAC (Sunday nights after church) begin tomorrow evening (Sunday, July 8th).

Parents of children grades 1st-5th, don't forget about TAN (Tuesdays at North). This activity is held at the church between 10am-1pm. Please see our Minister of Students if your child needs a ride to the church!

The Nominating Committee will meet in the church conference room Sunday, July 8th at 4pm. Please be in prayer for our committee as they search for folks to serve on various committees in our church.

The youth will have an outing on Friday, July 20th. They will be traveling to Whirlin' Waters adventure park. Details to be sent out.

Children's Committee: there will be a meeting on Sunday, July 22nd. Please check your bulletin for the time.

I understand that the 4th of July picnic/celebration was a huge success. I heard the fireworks going off at my house. I hate I wasn't there to see it all. As I sit here typing this blog, I can hear fireworks going off now. They are certainly a sight to behold!

I hope you enjoy your Saturday evening. Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Fourth of July!

Hello and hope you are enjoying your 4th so far. I just wanted to remind you about the picnic tonight. The community is invited to join in the food, fun and fellowship. There will be hot dogs with all the trimmings, games for all ages and maybe even some fireworks! Come and bring your lawn chair or blanket and celebrate this Independence Day the old fashioned way. The festivities begin at 6pm on the grounds of North FBC.

The youth are back from camp and will be sharing some of their stories with us Sunday evening, July 8th at 6pm. I remember when our youth group went to camps and such.....we had so much fun. Those were the good ol' days! Brings back lots of good memories. Come and show your support of our young people this Sunday night!

There will be a Youth Committee Meeting Sunday, July 8th in the gym (time to be announced).

SNAC (Sunday Nights After Church) will begin Sunday, July 8th. There will also be a youth outing to "Whirlin Waters Adventure Waterpark" on July 20th. Details are to be sent out soon.

There will be a Children's Committee Meeting Sunday, July 22nd in the gym (time to be announced).

TAN (Tuesdays at North) are being held every Tuesday in July from 10am to 1pm. Come out and join in the fun! This is a day camp designed for children grades 1st through 5th. They will be doing all sort of fun things like games, fun lessons, songs, crafts, and are even having snacks! If anyone would like to help out with this activity or wishes to donate items to the cause, please see our Minister of Students.

There is also a Child Protection Policy in the works. I think this is a good idea. This will allow us to better serve our children and protect them in this day and time. Things have certainly changed from when I was growing up and we all need to be cautious. Change is never easy, but with the cooperation and understanding of everyone involved, it is sure to be an easier transition. There will be a meeting that will cover these changes and implementation. Please be in prayer about this as the goal to aiding in the protection of our children is met.

Please take a few minutes during your 4th of July celebration today to remember those serving in our Armed Forces, both here and abroad. Many of them are separated from their families today and are making the best of the situation. I pray that God will keep them all safe and bring them home safe and sound. I also pray that the needs and prayers of their family members will be met as God sees fit. We don't always have to understand and know the reasons behind the things God does, we just have to know that they are always in our best interest. He loves us and wants the best for us. I hope you have a safe and blessed holiday! Much love to you and yours this Independence Day!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)

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