Tuesday, May 31, 2005


A special notice to all our church members who might check this site from time to time. Next Sunday, June 5, following the morning worship service, we will have a covered dish luncheon in the fellowship hall to celebrate the addition to our church staff of Rev. and Mrs. Donny Royster, our new Minister of Youth. All members are urged to bring covered dishes and we will share in this great time of meeting, greeting and eating! You are urged to attend this important event in the ministry of our church.

Work is coming along very nicely on the new roof building on the fellowship hall. This will be a nice addition to the appearance of the building, plus it will stop the frequent rain leaks we have been having in the building.

As for the covered walkways, the new cement walkway between the church building and the educational building is in, and now we are waiting for the installation of the covered walkway. Soon you will be able to go from building to building and stay out of the rain. There will be a drive-in arrangement also so that a car can drive under the covered walkway and discharge passengers out of the rain.

We do praise the Lord for all that He is doing for the First Baptist Church and the church family.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Just a brief note to share with all that the Drawing People to Jesus revival was a great four days of renewal for many of us. Rev. Dan Gardner, and his wife Judy, brought a powerful word picture and also an artistic picture to our meetings and it was outstanding. We had a number of our church family and friends who responded to the public invitation, and I believe that many hearts and lives were touched. I do heartily recommend Bro. Gardner to any church group that is seeking something different.Check out his web page at www.drawingpeopletojesus.com for his schedule and look at some of the pictures he has drawn.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


It is our joy and privilege to announce that the Reverend Donald P. “Donny” Royster will be added to our church staff beginning on June 1. Donny will be the new Minister of Children and Youth, and will be working in this area full-time.

He has stated that his desire is “to develop and lead a well-organized, high energy, exciting, growing educational program for children and youth at a large church. He offers maturity to lead, yet young enough to get on the floor with the kids, enthusiasm, and modern training to bring about a relevant and cutting edge program.”

Donny has been the bi-vocational pastor of nearby Fellowship Baptist Church for the past eight years, and served the First Baptist Church of Cope for four years prior to that. He is a graduate of the University of South Carolina, and Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions and has a Master’s degree in Christian Education. His most recent position was on the teaching/administrative staff at the Seminary.

Donny is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Donald R. Royster, and is retired from the US Navy as a Master Chief Petty Officer after 21 years of active service. For most of his early years, he was active in his dad’s churches, working in a number of positions, and while in the Navy was active in the chaplain program.

He and his wife Sondra, live in the Pine Hill community.
Sondra is a teacher in the Edisto Primary School, and has a Master’s Degree in early childhood education. They have two children, Michelle and Rebecca, both of whom live in Cope, and have three grandchildren.

Please add them to your personal prayer list that the Lord may bless our church with Donny’s faithful leadership in the years to come.

A PERSONAL NOTE: As a proud parent, I am thankful and excited about the opportunity to work with my eldest son on the staff here at FBC. What a rich blessing that promises to be.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Spring means REVIVAL....and it is here, along with Mother's Day! Sunday morning, May 8, we will recognize our mothers in the morning worship service,we will dedicate three babies, and then start our revival in the evening service. The revival will extend each evening from Sunday through Wednesday, with Rev. Dan Gardner, chalk artist and evangelist as our speaker. We are looking forward to having a great time, and urge you to attend if you can, and bring some friends. Casual dress, informal services, and good fellowship.

We are getting ready to begin our Old Testament listening to the Word. The plan is to get all our tapes or CDs ready, and start listening to the entire Old Testament on Father's Day, going through Christmas Day. Six months of listening, at 20 minutes each day will do it. Sounds like a lot, but ask those who did the New Testament for 28 minutes a day how easy it is, and what a blessing it is. If you are not a part of our church family, but would like to participate with us, let me know. Reember, Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing the Word of God. More on this later.

I have been asked to return to a former church on Sunday morning, May 15, for their annual Senior Adult Sunday. What a blessing it is to go back to my former churches and meet with old friends once again. I served as pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church for nearly nine years, and it does seem as if we are going home again. The only thing is that for those years I had the duty of asking old ministers to come and speak, and now I am one of the old ministers!! Time has a way of marching on, doesn't it? I used to be one of the youngest men in the church, and now I am one of the oldest. What happened? All my friends sure do look old now these days. Oh well, God is so good to allow us to live these many years we have.

I notice that a few folks check into this blog each day, according to the counter, and I do appreciate them coming by and checking out these ramblings. We are just trying to make our presence known by this blog, and hopefully to keep our church family computer users informed about church activities.

Pray for us....