Monday, December 20, 2004


Excuse this old great-grandpop while I share with you that Carolyn and I now have another great-granddaughter, born early this morning at 4 AM to Charles and Michelle Edgemon, and who is named Charley Paris Edgemon , after her father and my father. We are excited, and will tell you that she is a beautiful child!! Aren't they all! This gives us three children, three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
We had a great choral presentation last evening, as our choir presented the musical program called "Color It Christmas." A large turnout was on hand, even though it was a very cold negative.
Our appreciation to all our choir and the children and youth who made this program a success.
Speaking of Sunday events, our men and boys met at 8 am for our monthly breakfast. The guest speaker was Rev. Benjamin Smoak, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. A large word of praise for our men who turn out so early on a cold Sunday morning, and especially thse me who did the cooking for us. It was a great breakfast meal, and a great program.
And while we are talking about eating, don't miss the Church Wide Covered Dish Fellowship Meal on Wednesday night, Dec 22nd, at 7 PM. Please come, and invite a friend to come along.

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