Friday, January 14, 2005


Some of our activities are included here for your consideration. These items are from the weekly bulletin which will be presented on Sunday, Jan 16th.

WELCOME TO OUR GUEST SPEAKER: It is our pleasure to have Mr. Justin Mcguire as our guest speaker today. Justin is from Irmo, SC, was an all star high school football player, and played for the USC Gamecocks from 1999 to 2003. We welcome this young man to our services today.

We are busy these days with lots of activities, and trust that you will participate in those that will bless you. Here is a listing of some of the events which are before us:

TIME CHANGE FOR EVENING SERVICES: We voted last Sunday in church conference to change the time for Discipleship Training and Evening Worship. So, starting tonight, the schedule will be: 5:00 PM Discipleship Training
6:00 PM Evening Worship
This will be our schedule during the winter months, until the time changes back to Daylight Savings time on April 3rd.

SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY: Looking ahead to Sunday, February 6th which is the day of the football Super Bowl, we will be asking you to contribute one dollar as you leave the church that morning to the Soup bowl which will be at the door. This is a great way to show our support for local missions, as all the monies received will go to our local Cooperative Ministries here in North.

The committee recently purchased a new Kirby vacuum cleaner for the church and reports that a great price was given to the church by Mr. Steve Schmidt, of the Kirby Co., 1712 Neeses Highway, Orangeburg. We do certainly thank Mr. Schmidt for his generosity, and pray that our Lord will bless him in many ways as he seeks to help people in their housework. If you are interested, Mr. Schmidt will come and demonstrate the Kirby in your home and will vacuum one room for you as a demonstration of the capabilities of this machine. If you are thinking about the purchase of a new machine, please contact him at 803-535-4335. He may be working the North area in the near future.

REPORT ON CHURCH DIRECTORY: We got off to a good start by totally filling up the Sunday reservations page, and then we began to work on Monday. Due to a misunderstanding, we started scheduling on Monday too early and must rearrange the list. Instead of starting at 9 AM, the photographers will start at 2:00 PM. Our registration will continue this morning and we ask you to stop by and help straighten out the list. If you haven’t registered, please do so. We want all our church family, friends, neighbors, just anyone who would like to be in the directory to participate. There will be no charge for your directory picture. If you decide to order a packages of pictures, there are various packages and prices, which you will be given when you view the pictures.
Also, as a matter of information, the pictures will be taken and you will be able to view them immediately afterwards, so there will not be any need to return to view the pictures.
We pray that this will be a rich blessing to our church, and to the history of our church in the days to come.
Thank you for participating in this worthy effort.

Let us use your pictures for the color pages.
Also, the shut-ins who cannot come to church need to have their picture taken by someone and we can include them in the black and white page of the directory.

MAMMOGRAM VAN HERE AT OUR CHURCH: Attention ladies, the Palmetto Baptist Hospital Mammogram unit will be at our church on February 7, 2005 starting at 8:00 AM to offer this important medical examination. If you or anyone you know is interested please pick up a registration form and choose an appointment time as soon as possible. The forms are at the front of the church. For details, please see Brenda Shull.

MINISTRY LEADERS NEEDED: If you are looking for a ministry that is exciting and filled with lots of youthful exuberance, please consider helping in being a leader of the Jr. Kid’s Church from time to time. These are the preschoolers who leave the church and go to their own church each Sunday morning.
See Michael Ann Bolin to signup for this important job. The possibilities are endless.

We do appreciate all the prayer support which we receive through the news distribution in this blog. Always say a prayer for the entire church family each time you think of the church or see the blogs on your computer screen.

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